
Alcohol Awareness Month is a Time to Discuss Drinking Habits

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Apr, 07, 2022

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, an ideal time to bring awareness to drinking habits.

By bringing awareness to the issue, employees can reflect on how their alcohol consumption impacts their health — both in the short-term and long-term.

It’s worth talking about in the workplace as 232 million workdays a year are lost due to alcohol use disorder — and the rise in alcohol consumption during the pandemic suggests the number is going in the wrong direction.

Take the time this month to discuss with employees the topic of alcohol addiction and its associated health risks.

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Social Determinants of Health: Why They Matter in the Workplace

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Apr, 04, 2022

Healthy workers don’t just appear.

It takes a combination of resources, knowledge, and investment to support employee well-being. However, for some employees, maintaining good health may feel like an uphill battle. Social determinants of health (SDOH) play a significant role in shaping these challenges. These determinants encompass the environmental, social, and economic conditions people experience regularly through work, play, and daily life.

Social determinants have a profound impact on health outcomes, particularly for vulnerable populations. Limited access to health care, inadequate well-being resources, and unequal opportunities for healthy activities can leave many employees feeling left behind.

Creating a safer, more inclusive workplace environment is one way to bridge these gaps. By addressing disparities in access to health care and well-being options, companies can make a meaningful difference in the lives of their employees.

Below, we break down what SDOH means for businesses, how it influences employee well-being, and practical strategies to ensure your company is leading the way in creating equitable health opportunities.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Why Setting Healthy Boundaries at Work is a Must

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Mar, 28, 2022

What do healthy boundaries at work look like?

For some company cultures that thrive on fast and furious work ethic, boundaries often fail to exist. Employees may be expected to pick up their phone at all hours of the night; break times are unheard of or not implemented, and more.

​Setting boundaries can be a challenging and uncomfortable move for many leaders and even their employees. But, in order to have a thriving work environment, it's a must to keep both bad behavior and other bad habits in check. It also keeps the workplace healthier and a safe place for other employees to thrive in.

This post takes a look at the importance of boundaries, why they matter at work, and ways to uphold them even when it’s hard.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

How to Create More Wellness Privilege For Everyone

Posted by Seraine Page on Wed, Mar, 23, 2022

Wellness privilege…what exactly is it?

It’s no secret some people have much better access to improve their health and well-being than others.

Sure, we all know it’s a healthy choice to eat well, skip smoking, and exercise regularly. Yet how many individuals truly have the tools to do all three and then some in the name of optimal health?

For some, even the most basic of wellness activities aren’t within reach because of societal inequities and the cost of implementing healthy habits.

Look at any low-income areas and it’s easy to see there are more fast food joints than farmers' markets. Take a drive through an affluent neighborhood, and you’ll no doubt see gyms, juice bars, and wellness centers on nearly every corner.

Simply put, being healthy isn’t always an attainable, simple choice. In fact, it’s a term called a wellness privilege.

Below, you’ll learn more about what wellness privilege is, why how you market workplace wellness campaigns matters, and how to better approach well-being at work to focus on giving your employees a more inclusive wellness experience.

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52 Totally Engaging Team-Building Ideas for Every Week of the Year

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Mar, 17, 2022

In need of some really good team-building ideas? You’ve come to the right place.

With weekly team-building exercises, your team will stay engaged and motivated to work together. It’s easy to go week after week not seeing team members from other departments thanks to work projects. But after a long pandemic that forced many of us into lockdowns, we now know more than ever that human connection — especially with work peeps! — is important. Team activities don’t have to be complicated, either.

Aside from having fun, the biggest benefits of these types of activities include enhanced communication skills, better energy, and even a way to identify leadership quality.

Looking for some team-building ideas? We’ve got 52 of ‘em below. That means this list has you covered for an entire year!

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Topics: Wellness at Work

9 Awesome Benefits of Running a Mile a Day

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Mar, 14, 2022

Does running 1-mile a day do anything?

You bet it does.

The benefits of running a mile a day go beyond just improving your best personal running time. In fact, there are amazing benefits worth considering if you’re looking at upping your daily workout or exploring a new fitness routine. Research shows even five to 10 minutes of slow daily running can drastically reduce cardio health risk!

Want to increase your cardiovascular health, lose weight, and more?

Then check out these benefits of running just one mile daily!

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Why Wellness Wednesday Ideas Aren’t As Complicated As You Think

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Mar, 10, 2022

Have you been debating about jumping on the Wellness Wednesday wagon? If it feels like too big of a commitment — every Wednesday?! — rest assured it doesn’t have to be as overwhelming as you might think!

Wellness Wednesday ideas can be as simple as dashing off an email with some health-related articles or as time-consuming as an all-day health seminar.

The choice is yours.

But no matter how you look at it, Wellness Wednesdays are an excellent idea. It’s a fun way to promote well-being in the workplace and offers your employees microdoses of wellness ideas each and every week.

Below, we dig into what it is, why it’s beneficial for the workplace, and even a few ideas to get you kickstarted.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Take 9 Steps to Create a Healthy and Positive Work Environment

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Mar, 07, 2022

Want to make a healthier and positive work environment?

Research shows when leadership puts effort into creating a positive work environment, it benefits both the workers and the company. A third of most people’s lives are spent working, leaving no doubt that the working environment plays a huge role in health and well-being.

Good health = good business. Happy employees also = good business.

It’s a two-way street that leaders play a huge role in. If your company is ready to revamp its health offerings or simply spend more time focusing on employee well-being, that’s a perfect first step.

Here are nine more steps to consider as you reevaluate what a positive work environment looks like for your company.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

21 Fun Ways to Observe National Nutrition Month in Your Workplace

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Mar, 03, 2022

March is National Nutrition Month and an excellent time to talk about healthy eating.

Not only that, it’s a great way to spread awareness about a healthy lifestyle and smart dieting in the workplace.

Given that 42 percent of Americans are considered obese, it’s essential to tackle this topic in workplace health programs. Obesity leads to serious, chronic health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

For workplaces, this can lead to issues with employee absences, increased healthcare costs, and lowered productivity.

Below, explore 21 unique and fun ways to talk about nutrition this month!

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

11 Super Healthy Ways to Celebrate Employee Appreciation Day

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Feb, 28, 2022

Employee Appreciation Day is an event, observed on the first Friday in March.

If you know your staff is tuckered out and overwhelmed, it’s wise to show up big for Employee Appreciation Day and beyond.

A recent report indicated that a quarter of Americans plan on exiting the workforce in 2022. While reasons someone leaves a job are personal, it’s all the more important for employers to ensure they are regularly offering gratitude to workers — not just on appreciation days.

If you’re looking for fun, healthy ways to show employees they are valued and appreciated, this blog is for you!

Read on for unique options that show your team you’re thankful for their work.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work



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