
Nutrition and Mental Health: What’s the Connection?

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jun, 25, 2020

Not surprisingly, the food you eat impacts both your mind and your body.

Thanks to a new field of research called nutritional psychiatry, new studies are showing a stronger link between nutrition and mental health.

Studies are revealing connections between good gut health and how the immune system responds. Research also points to the fact that bad gut health not only leads to poor mental health but also increases risk of other health conditions.

Our gut health is impacted by what we eat. In turn, when you consume the right foods, it releases the “happy hormone” known as serotonin. Appropriate levels of this neurotransmitter keeps your mood elevated, sleep patterns on track, and overall health going in the right direction.

Curious about how to keep your gut and mind happy?

Below, we share the most recent findings and include details on foods to keep you feeling physically and mentally well.

Here’s a look at how good nutrition can help your mental health:

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Topics: Wellness at Work

The Biggest Benefits of Natural Light May Surprise You

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jun, 22, 2020

Now that summer is here, it’s time to soak up the benefits of natural light.

A 2018 Future Workplace survey found natural light in the workplace — along with views of nature — to be the number one desire of employees. Exposure to natural light helps regulate mood, improves sleep, and reduces digital eye strain issues.

Sunshine never looked so good, huh?

Since social distancing measures are still very much in place in most workplaces, why not send some of your employees outside to comfortable workspaces? If employees are still working remotely, encourage them to set up shop on a patio or in their backyard to reap the positive perks associated with sunlight and mental health. 

Below, discover the biggest benefits of natural light and why soaking up the sunshine should be added to everyone’s health to-do list this summer.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

2 Experts Weigh in On Inclusive Wellness in Diverse Workplaces

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jun, 18, 2020

Diverse workplaces call for equally diverse wellness programs. 

Whether it’s due to culture, socio-economic opportunities, or other factors, employees have differing perspectives and knowledge when it comes to health and wellness.

In order to be successful, wellness committees must cater to that, experts say.

To create employee well-being through corporate wellness programs, it’s essential for wellness committees to understand that cookie-cutter programs don’t work for different demographics. That includes making employees from all walks of life feel like they are considered and included.

It means being inclusive by asking and incorporating feedback from all interested employees. That also starts with a diverse wellness committee and providing appropriate training to those who spearhead such company health campaigns.

Curious about how to do it?

Below, you’ll find insight from a clinical mental health counselor and a global wellness thought leader.

Both weigh in on the importance of multicultural wellness in a diverse workplace. They also share tips on approaching it in a way that’s effective, sensitive, and smart.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Strengthen Your Corporate Wellness Program With These Surveys

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jun, 15, 2020

How often do you ask employees for feedback on your corporate wellness program?

When you’re spending resources on building wellness programs, it’s essential to get direct feedback from the audience you’re serving. Before and after-event surveys are must-haves to ensure you’re hitting the mark for your employees.

It’s also important to get initial opinions to help form your corporate wellness program if you haven’t started one. This allows you to get thoughtful responses for what you’re planning, whether it’s a quarterly health fair, multicultural wellness workshop, or series of health events.

This post covers when to send surveys, what types of questions to ask, and how to encourage employees to complete them.

Read on to learn more!

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Topics: Wellness at Work

What is Social Health? A Pillar of Wellness Workers Need Now

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jun, 11, 2020

For many, the depletion of social health has been one of the largest psychological challenges of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

In May, Pew Research Center reported a third of Americans felt high levels of psychological distress during a two-month social distancing period.

In an era that's rapidly changing social connections for individuals, now more than ever it's important for employees to maintain their social health. Those who are socially well often live longer and enjoy better health.

The more researchers look into it, the more they’re finding a tie between good social health and overall well-being. Plus, it means employees are generally happier which is never a bad thing!

Socially healthy employees are:

  • Less stressed
  • More productive
  • Healthier overall
  • Serve their company better
  • More creative and resilient
  • Have more self-confidence
  • More loyal to their company and coworkers

Ready to learn more about social health and how to encourage it in the workplace? Read on!

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Topics: Wellness at Work

COVID-19 Testing: Our Newest Offering Here at TotalWellness

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jun, 08, 2020

There’s a lot of uncertainty as businesses re-open in this new COVID-19 era.

Luckily, thanks to the fast work of scientists and researchers, there are more preventative measures and protocols workplaces can use to keep workers safe.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, TotalWellness has worked with its national network of lab and medical partners and leading epidemiologists to develop COVID-19 support solutions for employers.

Plus, between 25 to 80% of people with COVID-19 have no symptoms and aren’t aware they are infected, making it easier to spread.

That’s why TotalWellness has decided to offer COVID-19 testing and antibody testing for companies. We also offer temperature screenings, too.

Below, we share what our testing looks like and why your company may want to consider it.

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Topics: In the News, Wellness at Work

7 Days of Activities for Men's Health Week 2020

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jun, 04, 2020

When it comes to the battle of the sexes, men aren’t faring so well in the health realm.

According to Harvard Health, men are more likely to:

  • Skip regular check-ups
  • Engage in risky behavior
  • Use tobacco products and alcohol

Unfortunately, men’s health statistics also show men die younger than women. They also tend to have more chronic illnesses than women, too.

Luckily, employers can easily address these issues during Men’s Health Week. This year, Men’s Health Week is June 15-21.

June is also recognized as Men’s Health Month, so if you miss Men’s Health Week, you still can bring men’s health issues to the spotlight. While the topic variety is endless, covering health issues like the importance of regular exercise and annual check-ups are easy promo ideas.

Need a little bit more guidance on how to cover it in the workplace?

Below, we share how to highlight your male employees’ health during Men’s Health Week. You’ll find statistics to share, along with daily activities to promote men’s health.

Read on to get planning!

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Workplace Eye Safety: A Look at How to Prevent Digital Eye Strain

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jun, 01, 2020

In an era where we’re all excessively using digital devices, digital eye strain can be a real problem.

This is especially true for your employees who are working on computers all day long. A recent report by The Vision Council found that 80% of Americans use digital devices for two-plus hours daily. Of those individuals, 59% reported symptoms of digital eye strain.

Digital eye strain symptoms may include:

  • Dry eyes
  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Neck and shoulder pain

Now that everyone is staring at computer screens much more every day, it’s time to educate employees on the importance of eye health. That includes watching for problematic eye symptoms and sharing why annual eye visits are important for everyone of all ages. June is also Cataract Awareness Month, a perfect time to discuss eye health in general.

Below, we cover eye issues to watch out for, along with workplace eye safety techniques that are easy for employees to do at any time during the day.

Read on to learn how to promote workplace eye safety.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Wellness Screenings 101: All You Need to Know

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, May, 28, 2020

Have you been thinking about hosting a workplace wellness screening?

It may sound tricky, but it’s actually quite simple.

Wellness screenings are an easy way to set your employees up for a better health journey. It also provides you an accurate picture of what types of health problems plague your staff so you can create better wellness programs.

Based on the results, you and your team can make informed decisions surrounding health and well-being. Your wellness programs will thrive and so will your employees. It’s a win-win.

Ready to learn more?

Here we dive into the basics of screenings that can help your workers retain and regain their optimum health and wellness.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

5 Mistakes to Fix ASAP Within Your Corporate Wellness Program

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, May, 21, 2020

Are you wondering why your corporate wellness program isn’t working?

It could be a simple fix.

Sometimes, company wellness programs need a makeover with the help of employee feedback. Other times, it could be as simple as getting leadership to approve a budget that supports the wellness programs needed.

A thoughtfully-curated corporate wellness program will reduce healthcare costs, skyrocket employee productivity, and improve employees’ well-being. As with most programs, if you don’t evaluate what’s going well or not-so-well, it can be difficult to upgrade and improve success rates.

This post will take a look at common — yet simple to fix! —mistakes companies make when managing their wellness programs. As you develop or update yours, don’t make these five mistakes.

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Topics: Wellness at Work



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