
5 Virtual Wellness Program Ideas to Engage Your Remote Employees

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, May, 18, 2020

Are you ready to up the ante on your virtual wellness program ideas?

If your company is like most businesses, your leadership team likely is getting creative with how to engage remote employees. For some companies that includes incorporating virtual team building activities or more beneficial mental health wellness perks.

It’s also a great opportunity to increase awareness about any current wellness benefits your company has and extending those more freely to remote workers.

Remote employees tend to be the most "out of the loop," but with remote work becoming the new normal, it's time to invite them back in.

Below, we dive into how to incorporate virtual wellness program ideas that are refreshing and exciting for employees both in-house and outside your workplace.

Here are some ways to get creative with your virtual wellness program ideas:

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Are Your Employees Happy? Employee Satisfaction Still Matters

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, May, 14, 2020

How much are you thinking about employee satisfaction these days?

With business operations changing and new economic pressures mounting, it may be on the bottom of the list of things to think about these days. Despite external pressures, it’s important for leadership to remember engaged employees are the ones who ensure business goes on.

Even in tough times.

Changes to the workplace will be ongoing due to the pandemic, but satisfied, engaged employees will continue to show up and face challenges head-on. Plus, employee engagement and wellness are also tied, making healthy employees a big asset to any company right now.

Satisfied employees will be your most hard-working allies in the upcoming months.

Curious about what makes employees happy?

Below, check out the most current studies on happy employees and four ideas to try out today to increase employee satisfaction ASAP.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

17 Ways to Cover Women’s Health Issues in the Workplace This Week

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, May, 11, 2020

This week is National Women’s Health Week.

During May 10-16, companies everywhere have the opportunity to remind female workers to make their health a priority. From quitting smoking to focusing on heart health, this week is a celebration of women who are willing to take care of their health now and always.

Considering women make up nearly half of the workforce, it’s important for employers to be aware of women’s health issues. Encouraging female employees to take care of their health is a part of building awareness and inspiring healthy workplaces.

Whether you’re looking for ideas to share, things to do, or gifts to give to raise awareness around women’s health issues this week, we’ve got you covered.

Here are 17 ways to celebrate National Women’s Health Week:

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Temperature Screening at Workplaces

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, May, 07, 2020

As many workplaces return to a sense of normalcy, using caution and health protocols will be a part of our new normal.

For businesses, employee safety is number one.

COVID-19 has certainly presented challenges to how we work, live, and interact with one another. It presents unique challenges for any employer seeking to provide a healthy working environment.

That’s why TotalWellness has decided to offer temperature screenings for employees.

Below, we share what that looks like and why your company may want to consider it.

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Topics: In the News

The No-Fuss Way to Observe Global Employee Health and Fitness Month

Posted by Seraine Page on Tue, May, 05, 2020

Global Employee Health and Fitness Month is here.

And, honestly, is there a better time than now to focus on health and fitness?

If it’s been awhile since your company has revitalized wellness campaigns, now is the perfect time to do it. Promoting wellness, good health, and free employee health services has never been more important.

Even if your team is social distancing, there are ways to celebrate.

If you’re struggling to think of how to participate this month, we’ve got you covered with ideas you can do from anywhere.

Read on to learn how you can join 28,000+ companies participating in helping employees to live their healthiest lifestyles starting this month.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

7 Tips for Effectively Managing Your Remote Team Starting Today

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Apr, 30, 2020

The need to manage remote teams doesn’t seem to be fading anytime soon. 

Right now, 71% of employers are struggling with the new remote work style, according to a Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) survey.

Given the current need to switch working styles so quickly, it’s understandable how challenging the current health crisis is on businesses everywhere. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of easy-to-implement tips to minimize the struggle of managing remote workers.

There’s no better time than now to start using the best remote working practices for your team.

Doing so will ensure you’re getting work done as efficiently as possible. It will also help you hone in on what works well for your particular business structure in a remote setting.

Here we share how to tackle remote team management with ease.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Mental Health Month Guide: Let Employees Know They Aren’t Alone

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Apr, 20, 2020

May is Mental Health Month.

Given the current worldwide situation, there’s no better time for employers to focus on the importance of employees’ mental health. Across the country, crisis hotlines are seeing a spike of incoming calls from individuals struggling with mental health concerns.

Mental health issues especially triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Obsessions
  • Traumatic stress

Psychologically, stress can cause digestive issues, headaches, sleep disturbances, and more. Not exactly the best conditions for your employees to do their best work.

If you’re interested in learning how to provide support and educate your employees about mental illness, Mental Health Month is the ideal time.

Read on for mental illness facts, the best resources to share, and COVID-19’s effect on mental health.

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Topics: In the News

Why Good Oral Health Matters For Your Employees’ Health

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Apr, 16, 2020

How often do you or your employees give oral health a thought?

Since most dental offices are only accepting emergency visits right now, it’s of the utmost importance to maintain oral health — now and in the future.

Only 64% of individuals between the ages of 18 and 64 went to the dentist last year. With preventative visits now on hold, it’s essential your employees start using the best oral health practices to minimize a need for a major dental visit.

Plus, poor dental hygiene can lead to an array of health issues — heart disease and gingivitis, for starters. While there’s no control over when dental offices will open again, we do have control over how we take care of our teeth.

Keeping tooth decay away is the start of good oral health.

Below, learn about the consequences of poor oral health and tips to encourage employees to take care of their teeth.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

11 Ways to Learn How to De-Stress Without Leaving Your House

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Apr, 13, 2020

Have you forgotten how to de-stress?

Given the current world circumstances, stress is at an all-time high for many people. It may even seem like you just don’t have time to fit in stress-relieving activities.

Quarantine life and schedule changes from the last few weeks have many people on edge. Not to mention the everyday stressors on top of that. Add in that 83% of American workers have work-related stress, and it only makes sense to take a look at the impact it has on productivity, relationships, and more.

With that being said, self-care is a must right now.

Now is the perfect time to remind yourself what it means to unwind — both your body and your mind.  

Here are 11 simple ways to teach yourself how to de-stress right at home:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

5 Health Issues in America Your Employees Can’t Afford to Ignore

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Apr, 09, 2020

Now, more than ever, it’s time to focus on health issues in America and in your workplace.

We all know that COVID-19 is taking center stage at the moment.

But underlying health issues are a big part of the concern for those who contract the sometimes deadly virus. People with health concerns like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes are more susceptible than ever to getting ill.

Preventable and/or treatable conditions can make it harder to fight off viruses — like Coronavirus. According to a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, 71% of Americans hospitalized with Coronavirus had an underlying health condition.

Keep promoting your corporate wellness campaigns and health plans. Individuals everywhere are realizing the power of taking an active role in preventing disease.

This post will cover common underlying health conditions, the consequences of each, and the importance of prioritizing lifestyle changes. We have more time than ever to work on these issues.

Here’s a look at why staying on top of preventable diseases is a must for your employees now and in the future.

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Topics: In the News, Wellness at Work



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