There’s no doubt we need to talk about mental health in the workplace a lot more.
Even prior to the pandemic, researchers found mental health concerns increasing.
“We are beginning to see a significant impact on the mental health of everyday Americans as a result of the pandemic,” stated Dr. Anthony Hassan, Cohen Veterans Network President and Chief Executive Officer in an early 2020 press release. “Before the pandemic, there was already a mental health crisis in America, with high demand and relatively limited resources, the pandemic appears to be making it worse. And we know isolation can have negative consequences in terms of anxiety, depression, and suicidality.”
In the workplace, employers are likely to notice stress and anxiety levels rising. When workplace and life uncertainty arises, mental health concerns often follow for many individuals.
Luckily, there are ways to help your team stay on top of their mental health. Whether you start having more open workplace discussions or promote extra health programs, a combo of mental and physical health interventions can help.
Below, we share tips — including from a licensed clinical mental health counselor — on how to tackle the topic of mental health to destigmatize it and create a culture of mental wellness at work.