
Mental Health in the Workplace: Why You Need an Open Dialogue

Posted by Seraine Page on Wed, Feb, 17, 2021

There’s no doubt we need to talk about mental health in the workplace a lot more.

Even prior to the pandemic, researchers found mental health concerns increasing.

“We are beginning to see a significant impact on the mental health of everyday Americans as a result of the pandemic,” stated Dr. Anthony Hassan, Cohen Veterans Network President and Chief Executive Officer in an early 2020 press release. “Before the pandemic, there was already a mental health crisis in America, with high demand and relatively limited resources, the pandemic appears to be making it worse. And we know isolation can have negative consequences in terms of anxiety, depression, and suicidality.”

In the workplace, employers are likely to notice stress and anxiety levels rising. When workplace and life uncertainty arises, mental health concerns often follow for many individuals.

Luckily, there are ways to help your team stay on top of their mental health. Whether you start having more open workplace discussions or promote extra health programs, a combo of mental and physical health interventions can help.

Below, we share tips — including from a licensed clinical mental health counselor — on how to tackle the topic of mental health to destigmatize it and create a culture of mental wellness at work.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

American Heart Month: Healthy Heart Advice from a Cardiologist

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Feb, 11, 2021

It’s American Heart Month.

Eighty percent of heart disease is preventable, yet heart disease is the leading cause of death for Americans. While there are several medical conditions and lifestyle choices that increase risks, there are prevention measures that you can take to keep your ticker going strong.

Not sure what to eat to keep your health strong? Unsure of how stress impacts your heart health? Wondering if that change in heart rhythm is normal?

Below, we interviewed Dr. Nicole Harkin, founder and cardiologist at Whole Heart Cardiology to get some heart health tips and insight. Dr. Harkin has a preventive telecardiology practice in San Francisco providing cardiac optimization through precision and lifestyle medicine.

Here’s her heart health advice to reflect on during American Heart Month:

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Topics: Wellness at Work

27 Inspirational Health Quotes to Motivate Employees

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Feb, 08, 2021

Looking for some words of wisdom when it comes to health?

Search no further than this list of inspirational health quotes! Every now and then, it’s good to have a reminder of how important our health is.

As the phrase goes, “If you have good health, you have everything.”  

Many people don’t appreciate their health until they aren’t well. By then, the poor eating, missed sleep, and lack of exercise catches up and then you can’t do much of anything until you recover. Sometimes a reminder of how important health is can be helpful in motivating individuals to healthier behaviors.

These quotes will inspire inflection that health really is everything.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

29 Ideas to Make Your Employee Newsletter Even More Engaging

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Feb, 04, 2021

Want to ensure your employee newsletters don’t get deleted as soon as it hits employees’ inboxes?

Then you have to engage your employees with the content!

A weekly or monthly newsletter is a great way to keep everyone updated on company happenings. Plus, a company newsletter can raise morale and broaden communication opportunities based on the content you put in it.

If you want to make sure your employees actually read the newsletter, keep it short and sweet. Skip sending novel-length newsletters. Above all, keep it equal parts focused on the employees and company news to keep them reading on.

Ready to revamp your employee newsletter?

 Here are 29 exciting content ideas to use in your planning process! 

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Easy Tips for How to Reduce Screen Time In No Time

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Feb, 01, 2021

If you’re working from home these days, chances are you’re connected to more than one digital device.

When you log off for the day, it’s unlikely you detach from all your devices in fear of missing an important notification. Given that most adults spend at least three hours daily on their phones, it’s not improbable that most of us spend a majority of the day looking at screens.

If you’ve been looking at ways to learn how to reduce your screen time, just know it is possible!

Even if you wouldn’t say you’re “addicted” to your devices, you might find it helpful to cut back. Research proves that too much time on screens isn’t good for overall mental or physical health. In fact, a The Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology study published in 2018 found a link between using certain social media apps and "decreased well-being."

Additionally, too much screen time can lead to:

    • Anxiety
    • Obesity
    • Eyestrain
    • Headaches
    • Bad posture
    • Chronic neck and shoulder pain

Ready to start reducing your screen time and start enjoying more “real life” time instead?

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Topics: Wellness at Work

How to Stay Active At Home When Working Remotely

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jan, 25, 2021

Unfortunately, telecommuting can lead to a more sedentary life. Hello, quarantine 15!

But, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to stay in shape.

In fact, it’s easier than ever to learn how to stay active at home with the availability of free fitness resources online. While it may take discipline and a bit of motivation, a hearty dose of willingness can keep you and your employees active — even when working from home.

When you’re sitting at your computer all day long, sometimes it’s hard to break away and out of the work groove to get movement in. However, sitting has become the new smoking and can cause health issues like back pain, weight gain, eye strain, and more.

If you’re looking for some ways to get creative with staying fit, check out these tips on how to stay active at home — no matter your current fitness level.

Read on to learn why it’s important to stay active, how often you should be active, and ways to get up and move when you don’t work in a traditional office space.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

The Daily Habits You Won’t Want to Skip Out On

Posted by Seraine Page on Tue, Jan, 19, 2021

Daily habits are the actions that help you achieve your goals — big or small.

How many of your daily habits would you say are healthy habits?

This year, consider creating daily habits that make you feel your best. The ones that you’ll be proud of when you start reflecting on your progress. Maybe it means drinking more water, meditating, or even practicing self-compassion.

Need some encouragement?

Below, we cover a variety of physical, mental, and healthy eating habits worth trying this year.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Easy Strategies to Get Ahead of Employee Burnout This Year

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jan, 14, 2021

These days, employee burnout is more prevalent than ever thanks to the ongoing stress of the global coronavirus pandemic.

Some U.K. health experts are forecasting a “burnout spike” this January since usual holiday plans — meant to alleviate stress — were disrupted for many.

On top of daily life worries, the pandemic has changed the world as we know it to include new stressors that lead to burnout quicker. That includes the worry of catching the coronavirus, loved ones getting it, and the need to social distance. 

Two out of three employees feel more stressed than before the pandemic, according to a recent MetLife Employee Benefit Trends study. With research like that coming out, now is an essential time for employers to look at ways to mitigate the burnout risk.  

For proactive employers, there may be a way to stop burnout in its tracks.

Here’s a look at what employee burnout looks like and how to help employees avoid catastrophic burnout.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

How to Be More Active and Burn More Calories in 2021

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jan, 11, 2021

Want to learn how to be more active this year?

With a few adjustments to your mentality and schedule, you can easily get more physical activity in. The purpose of being active is not just saying you’ve worked out to check a box off on your to-do list, either. Regular exercise can reduce your risk of obesity, heart issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, and a whole other host of health issues.

Plus, being more active keeps you feeling energized and alert throughout your work day.

Need a little inspiration to get moving? Below we look at how to be more active in the new year.

Use the tips below to motivate yourself to be physically more healthy in 2021.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Wellness Events Employees Can Attend in 2021 From Home

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jan, 07, 2021

2021 is here, and it’s time to start planning epic wellness events for your employees.

The start of the year is the best time to pull out your calendar to coordinate events for yourself and your employees to attend in the coming months.

Our list below includes all virtual events — with the exception of one that requires travel to sunny Florida — making it even easier to attend!

Wellness events like conferences, expos, and workshops are great ways to network with like-minded individuals while soaking up all the new trends, news, and wellness ideas. Plus, they provide a great chance to hear from wellness thought leaders and innovators who have a finger on the pulse of the wellness industry.

Whether you’ve got a big budget or need a free option, the listing below of this year’s wellness events includes both. Ready to learn about the newest health trends and inspire wellness in the workplace like never before? Get your calendar and begin planning.

Here are some wellness events to attend.

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Topics: Wellness at Work



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