
Walking Meetings: Would They Work For You?

Posted by Jamie Bell on Mon, Apr, 14, 2014

When people say that the best ideas are often the most simple, I often think they must be referring to Nilofer Merchant. Her TED Talk about walking meetings last year offered us one of the most profound yet straightforward corporate wellness solutions I've ever heard. (If you haven't yet viewed it, click here to watch.) 

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

The Cost of Obesity in the Office

Posted by Jamie Bell on Thu, Apr, 10, 2014

You've heard the statistic over and over again: one-third of Americans can be classified as obese. While the ramifications of this data have been explored in terms of our children and our health care costs, we believe that the impact of this information on the workplace deserves extra attention. As a corporate wellness provider, we've seen first-hand that employers can make a difference in the health and lifestyles of their employees. If companies don't start to make this shift in the public consciousness, every employer in America will find themselves paying an even higher cost for workers with a high BMI. 

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Notes on a Conference: What Works Best in Health Promotion?

Posted by Jamie Bell on Tue, Apr, 01, 2014

Last week, we had the pleasure of attending the 2014 Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference in Colorado Springs. Held at the beautiful Broadmoor hotel, the conference offered us a chance to discuss our new ideas in the field of health promotion and hear incredible presentations from the industry's thought leaders. 

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Topics: Wellness at Work

10 Ways to Create a Positive Work Environment

Posted by Jamie Bell on Fri, Feb, 28, 2014

Every employee wants to have that job where they wake up every morning and are eager to get to the office and start their day. With a few simple suggestions for boosting employee morale, you can create a positive work environment where employees are headed to work with a smile on their face. As a result, your staff will also be less stressed, more productive and looking forward to their future at your company.

1.) Celebrate. Whether it’s sending out happy birthday emails, having holiday potlucks or throwing a baby shower, take the time out to celebrate your employees’ milestones and achievements. These little moments of appreciation remind your coworkers that the office is truly a part of their lives.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Make Your Employees Healthier for Little to No Cost

Posted by Jamie Bell on Thu, Feb, 13, 2014

Getting an entire staff to participate in your worksite wellness program is a struggle. You can throw a health fair, build a healthy cafeteria and enact a powerhouse incentives program, but the fact remains that in a typical workplace, it’s going to be almost impossible to get every single employee engaged. What if you could guarantee that every employee would participate in extra physical activity while at work? It’s easier than you think, thanks to a new trend called active design.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

7 Companies with Astonishing Workplace Wellness Perks

Posted by Jamie Bell on Tue, Feb, 11, 2014

When it comes to worksite wellness program benefits, there are some companies that go the extra mile. While some may see scuba diving and smoothie bars as superfluous perks for employees, these seven businesses know that these extra benefits are what makes them some of the best companies to work for in the world.  As a result, they are able to have a higher retention rate, garner top talent and stay sharp in their competitive industries.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Why Employee Health Screenings Should Be More Like Starbucks

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Wed, Jan, 29, 2014

Have you ever wondered why people spend such an exorbitant sum of money on a simple cup of coffee each month? Is the coffee magical? Maybe for some, but Starbucks' success is really based on creating a personalized customer experience and energizing their employees to deliver superior customer service. For example, their employee handbook, called "The Green Apron," talks about connecting, discovering and responding as a way to bond with customers. Starbucks has some great lines from the book – including “Our Purpose: To provide an uplifting experience that enriches people’s daily lives.”

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Topics: Biometric Health Screenings, Wellness at Work

Going Beyond Medical Costs to Measure Wellness Program Impact

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Thu, Jan, 23, 2014

The debate over wellness ROI and whether corporate wellness programs "work" is heating up again after Rand researchers released an article in Health Affairs. This time it's PepsiCo's "Healthy Living" wellness program that is under the microscope.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

How to Ensure You're Hiring a Trustworthy Worksite Wellness Vendor

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Tue, Jan, 14, 2014

With the growing popularity of worksite wellness programs, companies are rushing to develop new technologies and programs to roll out. At last count, there were over 500 wellness vendors. With that many vendors, it probably comes as no surprise to you, that reviewing and selecting the right vendor can be a very daunting task.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Navigating Through Which Health Factors Should be Tied to Incentives

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Jan, 06, 2014

Employers are increasingly integrating outcome-based incentives into wellness programs. Outcome-based incentives differ from activity-based incentives in that they reward individuals based on actual results, such as reducing blood pressure levels, rather than incenting based solely on activities completed, such as participating in a monthly physical activity challenge.

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Topics: Biometric Health Screenings, Wellness at Work



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