
11 Creative Office Christmas Party Ideas Your Employees Will Love

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Dec, 12, 2019

If you’re tired of the traditional workplace Christmas party, we hear you.

There are only so many butter cookies and punch parties everyone can take.

This year, if you’re looking to throw a creative office Christmas party, it’ll take a little planning to skip the traditional potluck gathering.

Not only are unique holiday party alternatives heaps of fun, it’s also a great way to show employees how much you appreciate all of their hard work.

Best of all, a holiday party doesn’t need to be elaborate, either.

Below we share a list of creative office Christmas party ideas for any budget.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Clean Hands, Clean Office: The Importance of Handwashing at Work

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Dec, 09, 2019

Clean hands are healthy hands.

And dirty hands spread germs — lots of them.

One study found the typical work desk has more than 10 million bacteria covering it. That’s 400 times more germs than the average toilet seat.


Last week was National Handwashing Awareness Week, and while it may be over, flu season is not. Flu season peaks between December and February, which is why this important preventative measure should be discussed in all workplaces.

Even if it seems a little patronizing to tell adults in your office to “wash their hands,” consider it more of a public health announcement. Even a little PSA via a bathroom stall door flier can reduce the amount of germs spread around your office.

Here are the dirty details of why handwashing should be a hot topic in your office this time of year:

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Topics: In the News, Healthy Workplaces

21 Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain This Season

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Dec, 05, 2019

It’s easy to fall off the nutrition train during the holidays.

Sometimes just even thinking about all the holiday goodies can make you feel like you’ve gained 10 pounds. After all, who can resist all of that decadent chocolate, homemade cookies, and peppermint bark…

 ...especially when it’s up for grabs at every holiday gathering, including at work!

Indulging throughout the holidays shouldn’t put you to shame, though. It’s okay to enjoy your favorite foods in moderation. With the right plan in place, holiday weight gain doesn’t have to be the unwanted gift you get this season.

Below we share 21 tips to help you keep the jiggle away:

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Topics: Wellness at Work

How to Guide Your Employees During Healthcare Open Enrollment

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Dec, 02, 2019

Health insurance options can be confusing.

In the upcoming weeks, your employees will have to make final decisions on their healthcare enrollment options.

Given that 65% of employees made benefit changes during the last open enrollment period, it’s smart to ensure all your employees fully understand what’s offered before the season closes.

The healthcare open enrollment period is only for a short time, but the benefits and impact it has on your workers lasts for a full year. Making sure they fully understand and use their benefits is essential for a healthy workforce in 2020.

It’s also a perfect time to use open enrollment as a means of building your wellness program and supporting employee health in the upcoming year.

Read on to discover how to help your employees get the most out of their healthcare benefits in 2020.

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Topics: In the News

10 Essential Biometric Screening Details Employers Should Know

Posted by Seraine Page on Tue, Nov, 26, 2019

Wouldn’t you love to see your staff healthier?

Other than creating a healthy work culture, you have other ways to support your staff in achieving their health goals.

Biometric screenings offer an inside look at how healthy your staff is so you can tailor wellness initiatives to meet your employees where they’re at. When it comes to health checks like biometric screenings, we find there are a lot of misperceptions and questions.

We’d love to clear those details up.

This post will cover questions both employers and employees want to know — like how to get employees to attend screenings and if it replaces an annual physical exam.

Here we bust myths and answer all your pressing biometric screening questions.

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Topics: Biometric Health Screenings

Your 17-Point Thanksgiving Checklist for Tackling Holiday Stress

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Nov, 21, 2019

Somehow, Thanksgiving is already next week.

Like clockwork, the food-centric holiday creeps up quicker than a turkey thermometer pops.

If you’re hosting this year, it’s time to start planning now. The menu, the guest list, the seating can feel like a lot.

And being stressed out is no way to enjoy a holiday.

By creating an action plan now, you can minimize stressful situations and help the day go smoothly. While you can’t control how your family members act, you can change your reactions. You can also be in control of who you invite and the cooking schedule, too.

Ready to start prepping for a stress-free holiday?

Check out our tips below on how to de-stress the menu, venue, and overall day’s events for a healthier and happier Thanksgiving.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Anxiety vs. Stress: Why Employers Need to Know the Difference

Posted by Seraine Page on Tue, Nov, 19, 2019

With the holidays and 2020 approaching fast, you may be noticing a nervous buzz in your office.

While this time of year can be joyous, it may also provoke a lot of stress and anxiety for your employees. End-of-year projects, financial stressors, family visits, and increased workloads may be impacting even your best workers.

But how do you know who is stressed and who is on the verge of a panic attack?

And as an employer, you may wonder if there’s a difference and how each impacts the workplace. Each year, anxiety, in particular, costs the global economy $1 trillion annually in lost productivity. Chronic stress, on the other hand, can manifest itself in a variety of physical and emotional health problems.

Both are bad news, but both are also treatable and manageable.

Read on for a deeper understanding of the differences between anxiety vs. stress.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Help Employees Kick Butts During the Great American Smokeout

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Nov, 14, 2019

More than 34 million people smoke cigarettes.

Of those, over 16 million live with a smoking-related disease.

On November 21, the Great American Smokeout is set to help smokers to quit their nicotine habit. While quitting smoking isn’t easy, the immediate and long-term health benefits are worth the quitting struggle.

Encourage your employees who smoke to kick the unhealthy habit for good this month.

Unsure how to help?

This post will list the best tools and tips that will actually help employees quit smoking once and for all.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

8 Experts Give Their Best Advice on How to Sleep Better at Night

Posted by Seraine Page on Tue, Nov, 12, 2019

Are you always tired?

It may be time to take a look at your sleep patterns and practices.

Getting quality shut-eye is about more than sleeping in a dark room with a comfy bed. It’s all about what you do in the hours and minutes leading up to sleeping — even what you do as soon as you wake up can impact your sleep later.

Why does sleep matter so much?

Lack of it can deplete energy, minimize work productivity, and reduce the brain’s ability to retain information. It also costs employers big money when employees are exhausted or even falling asleep on the job.

So, we asked sleep experts: “What's the best way to get a restful night of sleep?”

Below, you’ll find their answers and advice on how to sleep better at night.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

13 Engaging Ways to Promote American Diabetes Month at Work

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Nov, 07, 2019

It’s American Diabetes Month.

And it’s time for employers to raise awareness. Why?

The cost to American employers when it comes to diabetes is about 57 million unplanned sick days and $20 billion each year. With those staggering numbers, it’s becoming clear diabetes is a health concern that must be addressed in workplaces.

There’s no better time than now to raise awareness about this disease and its health impacts when so many free resources are available.

Plus, awareness events can inspire unhealthy employees to make a change by encouraging healthier behaviors.

Ready to educate your employees about diabetes in a memorable way that doesn’t break the bank?

Read on to learn how to spread American Diabetes Month awareness.

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Topics: Wellness at Work



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