
Stretching Benefits: Why Stretching Should Be A Part of Your Life

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Apr, 02, 2020

As many of us find ourselves working from home (and sitting for longer periods), it’s more important than ever to make time to move our bodies.

Even if it’s not a full-fledged workout routine, you can still fit movement into your daily work schedule. And if you’ve ever wondered: “Is stretching exercise?”, the answer is yes — it’s actually an essential part of standalone bodywork and exercise routines.

Stretching benefits your posture, balance, mobility, and much more. 

Many people overlook the importance of stretching for overall physical health. The fact is, remaining flexible can help reduce injuries and provide an overall feeling of well-being.

Here we dig into stretching benefits and easy stretches you can do anywhere.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

The Best Tools + Tips to Connect With Your Remote Team

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Mar, 30, 2020

Employees and employers across the world are getting a taste of working as remote teams.

In the age of social distancing, employers are learning fast that working from home — while a necessity — can also be challenging. Aside from setting up the technology to do it, the biggest challenge employers and employees face now is learning how to communicate effectively.

Plus, working from home can get lonely. That’s why it’s important to make sure you're creating time for your team to emotionally connect during the day.

But you also want your employees to stay focused and productive, right?

It’s a balancing act.

Below we share how to tackle staying connected to your remote team in the most efficient way possible.

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Topics: In the News

5 Ideas to Help You Reap Major Self-Care Benefits

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Mar, 26, 2020

Are you missing out on self-care benefits right now?

Whether you’re working long hours or reorganizing how your work day flows or just generally taking care of business, it’s easy to push self-care needs to the back burner.

In these trying times, there are major self-care benefits we can all take advantage of right now. Self-care is essential for optimum health and stress management, factors we all need to consider given the current public health crisis.

Ready to reap the benefits of a little self-care time?

Here, we dive into how to build confidence and self-esteem while also taking care of your health through self-care techniques.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

13 Tips on How to Stay Positive During Anxious Times

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Mar, 23, 2020

Right now, you know it’s time to keep calm and carry on.

For yourself, your family, your colleagues, and your team.

But with every breaking news story surrounding Coronavirus, it can feel nearly impossible to keep your heart rate down and your worries away. The world may have changed rapidly in the last few weeks, but the ability to learn ways to stay positive has not.

As workers everywhere struggle to feel connected due to new remote work requirements, limiting social media and news updates may not feel like an option. It can be hard to know how to stay positive at work and in life while the world seems full of bad news.

The good news is you can start learning the power of positivity at any time.

Here are 13 ways to focus on staying positive:

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Topics: Wellness at Work

American Diabetes Alert Day: Diabetes Risk Factors You Should Know

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Mar, 19, 2020

Unfortunately, diabetes is a growing issue in America.

In our country, 30.3 million Americans are currently living with diabetes. To bring awareness to the seriousness of this disease, the American Diabetes Association established a single day in March to help the public understand the risk.

Enter American Diabetes Alert Day. This year it’s set for March 24.

Given that nine out of 10 individuals don’t know they have prediabetes, it’s a prime time to educate your employees. This day is the perfect chance to discuss what diabetes is and its lifestyle impacts.

Use this opportunity to educate your employees on diabetes, testing, dangers, complications, and treatments. It's tied to so many other issues — heart health, high blood pressure, vision loss, so it's a must that employees are aware of the consequences of it going unchecked.

Below, we share the facts so you can spread the word on a health issue that has a life-long impact.

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Topics: In the News

All You Need to Know About Coronavirus to Keep Your Team Safe

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Mar, 16, 2020

Coronavirus is making headlines left and right.

As dizzying as it is to read the daily updates, it’s important for employers to keep common-sense policies in practice during these uncertain times.

That doesn’t mean employers need to panic, but it is a chance to educate.

Coronavirus — also known as COVID-19  — is a new disease that causes symptoms similar to the common cold. It’s spreading so quickly because even if a host is carrying it, they may not present symptoms for several days. The virus can also live on surfaces for up to nine days, making it easily transmittable to others.

Want the facts about the virus?

Below, you’ll find your coronavirus cheat sheet for dealing with this health issue in the workplace.

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Topics: In the News, Wellness at Work

Cut the Clutter: The Benefits of Minimalism Employees Will Love

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Mar, 12, 2020

Are you tired of your stuff taking over your life?

Whether at work, home, or elsewhere, we all tend to keep way more items than we need.

That’s why in recent years, minimalism has taken hold in households everywhere. If you’ve ever watched an episode of Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, you know how satisfying it is to see clutter-free transformations happen to real people.

The biggest benefit of getting rid of what you don’t use is the mental lightness you feel when you’re not constantly looking at clutter. Plus, it’s not as restrictive as you would think. You don’t need to get rid of your favorite sweater, your car, or even your house. It’s more about living with what you actually need.

Minimalism has been embraced by many to foster a simpler way of life. This post will detail minimalist practices along with the insights to the mental and health benefits of practicing it at work and home.

Read on to learn more about this effective and intentional lifestyle anyone can try.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

National Donate Life Month: How to Discuss Organ Donation at Work

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Mar, 09, 2020

April is National Donate Life Month.

If you’ve gone to the DMV for a driver’s license renewal, you may have been asked if you want to be an organ donor. By checking that little box to say yes, you give permission for your organs to be given to a living person upon your death.  

While 95% of Americans support being a donor, only 58% are registered, according to the nonprofit Donate Life America. Your driver’s license is just one way to do that.

For employers, National Donate Life Month is an ideal time to discuss a variety of topics — not just organ donation registration. Your benefits department can also bring up discussions that often get pushed aside, like estate planning, medical directives, and end-of-life wishes.

If your company offers legal services, now is the time to promote them. Alongside that, you can share resources with employees on both living and deceased organ donation options.

Here’s how you can share more insight into this sensitive yet important topic:

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Topics: In the News, Wellness at Work

Your Employees Need Financial Wellness Tips More Than You Know

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Mar, 05, 2020

Money issues are stressing your employees out.

A recent survey found that above all other issues — relationships, work, even health concerns — money matters were the most overwhelming to handle.

Even with a stable economy, PwC’s 8th annual Employee Financial Wellness Survey revealed that employees feel cash strapped and debt-heavy. Few employees surveyed felt that their pay was keeping up with the cost of living increases.

The survey also found:

  • Most felt they’d be working into retirement
  • Student loans are a financial wellness hinderance
  • Caring for both parents and kids is costing them 

Below, we dig into the survey findings and offer financial wellness tips for employers to help employees improve their financial well-being.

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Topics: In the News, Wellness at Work

11 Ways to Get Your Team Pumped About Employee Wellness Campaigns

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Mar, 02, 2020

Your wellness program's success depends on your employees.

And if you’re going to pour time, energy, and money into creating resources for employee wellness events, you want it to be as successful as possible, right?

That means getting your team over-the-moon thrilled to focus on their health and well-being. A tall order, but it’s definitely doable.

Interested in ways to better your employee engagement strategies?

Get them pumped about your healthy workplace initiatives with the following tips to improve engagement the minute you begin planning!

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Topics: Wellness at Work



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