
Lisa Stovall

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Movember Madness: Driving Male Engagement in Workplace Wellness

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Oct, 16, 2023

Get ready, because November is just around the corner and it's time to embrace Movember!

But hold on a minute, this is no typo — it's a worldwide movement that merges mustaches and November, all in the name of putting men's health first.

From the strong dads who raised us, to the ever-supportive brothers and lifelong friends we treasure, men everywhere face health challenges, often shielded behind silent masks. While they might discuss the recent football game or debate the merits of the latest blockbuster, broaching the topic of health? Well, that's ventured into less.

In fact, research from Harvard Health reveals that men in the United States suffer from higher rates of chronic illnesses and have a shorter life expectancy than women. Blame it on societal expectations or workplace stress; men's wellness often takes a backseat.

So, with Movember as a catalyst, how can HR and wellness advocates seize this opportunity to prioritize men's health? Let's jump right in and explore it!

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Unlocking the Potential of GLP-1 Medications: Insights for Benefits Leaders

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Oct, 09, 2023

Ah, those were the days when celebrities would credit their sudden transformations to a secret stay at a luxurious 'wellness retreat' or the magical powers of a 'green juice detox.'

Now, whenever there's a talk of a trimmer waistline or a more defined jawline, fans and skeptics alike can't help but speculate, "Could Ozempic® have played a role in this transformation?"

Naturally, no one's spilling the beans. After all, which leading man or lady would want to admit that their blockbuster-ready body might have had more to do with their pharmacy than their personal trainer? 

Now, while we enjoy a chuckle imagining Hollywood's elite trading diet tips in hushed voices, it's vital to circle back to the real story behind Ozempic®. This isn't some A-lister's secret sauce but a groundbreaking medical advance.

When we zoom out and consider that a whopping 70% of Americans are wrestling with obesity or weight challenges, the picture gets starkly real. To put it in corporate terms, for a company with a 1,000-strong workforce, that's an eye-watering potential cost of over $3 million each year. Behind these figures are real stories and real weight-loss struggles.

Because let's face it, obesity isn't just a matter of a few extra pounds; it's an indicator of other looming health issues. Over a lifetime, the financial burden of obesity can be comparable to that of smoking. In middle-aged men, managing obesity-related conditions such as stroke, coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension, and elevated cholesterol can cost an additional $9,000 to $17,000 compared to individuals with a healthy weight.

As GLP-1 medications continue to reshape the weight loss scene, it's imperative to explore the vast possibilities these drugs offer. Ready to explore the untapped potential of these groundbreaking treatments? Read on!

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

2023 Nutritional Well-Being Index: State Rankings and Insights

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Oct, 02, 2023

From fork to function, our food choices are more than just fuel for the body; they serve as the foundation for our overall well-being.

Remember the old saying, "You are what you eat"? It's not just about what's on your plate, but also how it nourishes your soul.  You see, our bodies are like engines, and the fuel we provide them directly impacts their performance. Eating a balanced diet gives us the energy we need to tackle daily challenges, strengthens our immune system, promotes better sleep, and boosts our overall mood. 

Dive into the 2023 Nutritional Well-Being Index and uncover a wealth of valuable insights and detailed information about our food choices, state by state. This article is a must-read for employers invested in boosting employee health and well-being! 

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

How to Create Flexibility in the Workplace to Improve Employee Wellness

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Sep, 25, 2023

Workplace FlexibilityThe world of work is evolving, and we don't just mean replacing the office printer that's older than a rerun of "Friends."

Cue the drumroll: It's workplace flexibility!

Imagine a workday crafted around you, where you're not chained to your desk from dawn 'til dusk. Yep, the old 9-to-5 grind is getting a much-needed makeover, and it's all thanks to this game-changing concept. Because let's face it, you're at your best when you get to do you—wherever and whenever that might be.

In today’s modern workspace, it's all about letting your team blossom in their own unique way. Say "so long" to cookie-cutter cubicles and "hello" to a personalized work-life groove that keeps the creative juices flowing.

Ready to explore the benefits of workplace flexibility? Stick around, because we're about to dish out all the juicy details on how companies are totally slaying it with flexible work setups. Plus, we'll share some expert tips on embracing this approach in your work environment. Trust us, it's a win-win for productivity and work-life balance.

Let's dive in!

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Fall’s Vaccine Lineup: The Inside Scoop on Flu, COVID-19, and RSV

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Sep, 18, 2023

Ah, fall! That magical season that sweeps in on a gust of pumpkin spice and cable-knit coziness. But just as the leaves start to drop, so does our collective immunity. Meet fall's less charming cousins: respiratory viruses that aim to turn our sniffles into something more sinister. 

Once upon a pre-COVID time, armoring up for the season was as simple as rolling up a sleeve for a flu shot. Fast-forward to the pandemic plot twist, and we've got a new heavyweight contender in the vaccine ring: the COVID-19 jab.

Now, a third shot is available for specific groups for the first time: a vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). This respiratory disease poses a significant threat to infants and older individuals.

While the whirlwind of news leaves many confused and overwhelmed, the approach for 2023 is crystal clear: think broader and act wisely. As we enter this new season, it is essential to stay informed and take proactive measures to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Learn all the critical details about these three vaccines that you should know for this fall.

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Topics: Workplace Flu Shots, In the News

15 Fall Wellness Tips For Your Employee Newsletter

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Sep, 11, 2023

Ah, autumn is fast approaching, bringing with it a feeling of magic and awe.

As your employees prepare to indulge in apple cider and embrace the beauty of the season, it's important to share this collection of indispensable fall tips. Don't let them miss out on the magic of this time of year.

When it's time to send out your employee newsletter, don't miss the opportunity to share these valuable tips. From fostering mindfulness to engaging in community events, your team will discover a diverse range of timely reminders.

Here are 15 tips to keep you and your team happy and healthy this fall:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Why Fostering Social Relationships at Work Drives Business Success

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Tue, Sep, 05, 2023

Over the past decade, the workplace has undergone significant transformations, fueled by emerging technology, shifting dynamics, and the rise of remote work.

Yet, amidst these vast changes, one constant remains crucial for organizational success: the power of human connection.

The question for leaders today is not just how to adapt to these changes, but how to harness the strength of interpersonal bonds to foster growth, well-being, and innovation. The Great Resignation has made it crystal clear that employees aren't just after a paycheck, they want fulfillment, purpose, and some good ol' connection in their lives.

Are you ready to dive into why social connection is so incredibly important? Keep reading to find out.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

How Real Food Can Improve Your Employees' Metabolic Health

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Aug, 28, 2023


Metabolic health, oh boy, it's becoming more and more recognized as a critical player in overall well-being.

In today's fast-paced and stressful world, maintaining a healthy metabolism is no longer just a luxury but a necessity. It is the key to unlocking optimal energy levels, preventing chronic diseases, and promoting longevity.

But here's the shocking revelation: a recent study has delivered a startling blow. Turns out, less than 7% of the adult population in the good ol' U.S. of A has their metabolic health in check.

I know, right? That number is way lower than we thought.

Previous research estimated that at least 12% of Americans were rocking their metabolism. We're talking optimal blood pressure, blood sugar, body weight, blood cholesterol, and a heart that's as healthy as can be.

The message is clear: it's time to place metabolic health at the forefront of corporate wellness. 

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

5 Essential Strategies to Flourish and Elevate Your Well-Being

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Aug, 21, 2023

What does flourishing mean to you?

Maybe you picture a plant. It's radiating health, blooming with vivid colors, the very embodiment of vitality – it's flourishing. Or consider a booming business, with profits hitting the roof and investors grinning from ear to ear – undoubtedly, it's flourishing.

So, let's talk about us humans. What the heck does it even mean for us to flourish?

You might think flourishing is having a bank account that would make a billionaire blush, or that flourishing means being on a continuous journey of self-improvement. Perhaps for you, flourishing is all about savoring the contentment in life's quiet moments, or it might be about tackling new challenges with gusto.

Flourishing may seem like just another trendy buzzword in the self-help world, but hold your judgment for a moment. Thanks to the advancements in Positive Psychology, we now have access to research that uncovers the key factors that empower individuals, organizations, and communities to not only survive but to truly thrive and flourish.

Get ready for some valuable insights on things you can do — whether you're at work or at home — to cultivate your own flourishing.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Organic vs. Non-Organic: How to Choose the Best Fruits and Veggies

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Aug, 14, 2023

Hold onto your grocery carts.

We're about to embark on an epic culinary journey through the leafy lanes of the organic versus non-organic clash.

A topic that's been hotter than a ghost pepper in recent years, making everyone question if the added expenditure for organic fare truly brings something extra to the table.

For ages, health experts and consumers alike have engaged in a tug-of-war over the merits of organic foods versus their conventional counterparts. Does organic produce hold secret nutrients? Are non-organic foods as villainous as they're painted, brimming with harmful chemicals? Can organic farming claim the high ground when it comes to environmental impact?

Ready to navigate the world of organic food? It's time to sink your teeth into this juicy debate.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces



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