
Becky Squiers

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How Can You Succeed at Employee Wellness?

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Oct, 17, 2016

Ah…the age-old question. What can you do in your wellness program to be successful? It’s been asked time and again—some might even think it’s a trick question.

When it comes to wellness, we think there’s one thing you need to do to have success. It’s surprisingly easy. All you need to do is to just get started.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

How Late is Too Late to Get Flu Shots at Work?

Posted by Becky Squiers on Thu, Oct, 13, 2016

Many people forego the flu shot because they think they’ve waited too long. It’s mid-season, and they believe they might as well wait it out.

For employers, the same thing can happen. Maybe you’re calling around to different vendors, and you keep being told it’ll be a four- to six-week wait. You’re wondering if it’s even worth it to bring flu shots into your workplace this year.

The short answer? ABSOLUTELY.

While a late flu shot isn’t necessarily ideal, it’s better than no flu shot at all. And it can help to keep your workforce healthy in the long run.

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Topics: Workplace Flu Shots

Have a Healthier Happy Hour

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Oct, 10, 2016

Happy hour has become somewhat of a staple of business interactions in many companies. Many deals are closed at happy hour, and many new ideas are sparked.

As you could probably guess, though, happy hour isn’t always the healthiest place to be. It can be filled with salty snacks, alcoholic beverages and overall empty calories.

You wouldn’t want all of the hard work you put into your healthy day to be sabotaged at happy hour. So it’s important to carry your healthy habits over into that space. Here are a few ideas to help you have a healthier happy hour.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Avoid the Afternoon Slump at Work

Posted by Becky Squiers on Thu, Oct, 06, 2016

We’ve all been there. The afternoon rolls around. You’re trying to get things done, but your mind and body just won’t cooperate.

You’re tired. You’re restless. And you just can’t focus.

We like to call that the afternoon slump. It’s when you’ve been working steadily all day long, but you’re not quite sure if you can push through the last couple hours of your workday.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

What to Know When Starting Your Wellness Program

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Oct, 03, 2016

Starting a wellness program—or majorly changing your current program—can be overwhelming and scary. Your best reference might be the wellness programs of huge companies like Google or Camelbak. Those companies are doing great things! But they have the resources to back up those crazy wellness perks.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

The Ultimate Guide to Cold and Flu Season

Posted by Becky Squiers on Thu, Sep, 29, 2016

You know the story. One employee gets sick, and all the others are soon to follow. An office environment is just the perfect place for an outbreak of a cold or the flu.

But that story isn’t inevitable. There are things you can do to stay healthy during cold and flu season—and things you can do to be sure you have a healthy workforce at your company.

To help you fight cold and flu season, we’ve compiled a bunch of resources for you. We’ve got them all in one place in our new survival guide.

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Topics: Workplace Flu Shots

How to Handle a Flu Outbreak at Work

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Sep, 26, 2016

Your office space is the definition of close quarters. Everyone is in the same space, sharing equipment and generally spending their days together.

That means when one person gets sick, it won’t be long until everyone else has caught the bug too. In a matter of days, you could have an office epidemic on your hands.

If you start to notice an outbreak of the flu—or any illness, for that matter—there are some things you can do to make sure you’re still able to do business efficiently out of your office.

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Topics: Workplace Flu Shots

Host a Healthy Tailgate as Part of Your Wellness Program

Posted by Becky Squiers on Thu, Sep, 22, 2016

Happy fall, y’all!

Crisp, cool weather is back. And along with it, all of our favorite fall activities. Being a Nebraska-based company, we love our football. But we know we’re not the only ones! For so many people, fall means football season.

For a lot of those people, football season means tailgate season. There’s nothing like gathering with loved ones to eat great food and enjoy awesome weather before cheering on your favorite team.

You can keep your employee wellness program relevant by choosing wellness activities that tie into the things people enjoy each season. Tailgating is already on everyone’s minds. So jump on in and host a healthy tailgate.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

6 Simple Steps for an Instant Positive Pick-Me-Up

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Sep, 19, 2016

If you’re anything like us, you know that positivity makes all the difference in living a healthy, happy life. Having a positive attitude is an important part of being your best self.

Sometimes, though, you can feel the negativity just creeping in. Whether it’s bad weather, frustrating co-workers or plans that have gone awry—you can’t always help an automatic negative outlook. And it can be super hard to know just what you need to snap out of it.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

The Perfect Storm of Flu Season Complacency

Posted by Becky Squiers on Thu, Sep, 15, 2016

When it comes to staying healthy during flu season, people are generally super complacent. They don’t take action. And many people don’t think it’s very important.

Why is that? Why are people so willing to take their chances against the flu, rather than taking some steps to prevent it?

Well there isn’t just one answer. In fact, flu season has a lot of different factors that can lead to complacency and inaction. It’s basically a perfect storm.

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Topics: Workplace Flu Shots



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