As you’ve hopefully figured out, there are plenty of ways to promote your employee wellness program. It’s important to try different things to really see what works best at your company. One very effective method is to use success stories or testimonials as wellness promotion.
Success Stories Can Enhance Your Employee Wellness Program
Topics: Wellness at Work
What a Health Professional Wants You to Know about Biometric Screenings
Our health professionals are really the experts when it comes to our events. This network of qualified individuals includes the people you see at your events. They know what works, what doesn’t work and what you need to keep in mind.
We talked to a couple different Event Coordinators and our Director of Nursing, and the general consensus was this…you guys rock. Overall, everyone agreed that events run pretty smoothly for the most part.
We did manage to squeeze a few tips out of them. Keep these things in mind to help you and help us in the event planning process.
7 Steps to Becoming a Wellness Leader in Your Organization
If you haven’t quite figured it out yet, wellness is a very unique field. In fact, it’s not always even designated as its own field, but it is still incredibly important.
The uniqueness of corporate wellness stems from that fact that not every organization is the same. That means not every wellness program is the same. Programs can vary between organizations, and even over time within one organization.
One thing is certain. Corporate wellness is focused on employees. There is really no other way to do it. If your company is going to consider employee health, they’ll need to focus on employees. This employee-focused mindset usually correlates with the mindset of the HR office, which means wellness is often under the HR umbrella.
Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work
How to Engage Low-Risk Employees in Your Wellness Program
Contrary to popular belief, wellness is not just for people who need to make huge health improvements.
Wellness is not a “one and done” initiative.
In all honesty, wellness isn’t even always easy.
We know it might be more natural—and maybe a first instinct—to use your employee wellness program to target the people who aren’t taking active steps towards better health. It’s definitely true that this population needs to be included. But that doesn't cover all of your employees.
Topics: Wellness at Work
I Am Healthy 30-Day Challenge for Employee Wellbeing Month
June 2015 is the seventh annual Employee Wellbeing Month. As you can probably guess, we’re pumped! TotalWellness is a proud supporter of the month.
Unfortunately, not everyone is bought into the importance of focusing on wellness at work. Employee Wellbeing Month is designed to help educate, spread awareness and gain support for employee wellness. This year, you can follow along with the awesome Employee Wellbeing Month supporters by checking out #EWM15 on social media. Feel free to join the conversation with your own thoughts!
Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work
Bridge the Generation Gap in Your Worksite Wellness Program
Millennials are slowly but surely infiltrating your workforce with degrees and experience under their belts. Boomers might also be a bit slow to retire, so they’re still doing great work for you too. If the two end caps are now working for your company that means Generation X from the middle ground is probably prominent as well.
It might seem like something weird to have to consider. But, depending on your company, you might be working with one, two or all of these generations. Different generations are motivated by different things. When it comes to designing and promoting your wellness program, this can definitely be a bit of a challenge.
Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work
Start a Community Garden with Your Employee Wellness Program
If you’re looking for an innovative way to increase engagement with your corporate wellness program, we’ve got news for you!
Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work
Stress Takes a Toll on Your Body—and Your Wellness Program (Infographic)
Stress is common—especially in the workplace. Your wellness program should address some of the stress-related health problems your employees are facing. Even if it means admitting the workload is a bit rough.
That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to cut everyone’s workload to something super easy. You can use your wellness program to address stress by educating yourself and your employees, encouraging stress-relieving habits at and outside of the office, and recognizing that stress can play a role on the physical health of your employees.
Check out this infographic to learn how stress can affect the body. There are even some bonus tips for relieving stress at work and at home. Enjoy!
Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work
With all the miracle diets in the world, it’s important to consider some of the simple benefits of getting back to the basics. Opting for a plant-based diet is one way to do just that.
Alright, alright…this isn’t something you can really mandate in your corporate wellness program. But, it is something that’s important to consider and share with your employees. The more knowledge your workforce has, the more healthy decisions they’ll be able to make. So, let’s get started.
Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work
Getting feedback about your wellness program is important in all stages of implementation. It’s helpful to ask your employees about the program before it starts, while it’s going, and after new initiatives. This will help you be sure you’re giving your employees things they truly want and need.
So, easier said than done, right? Here are some TotalWellness tips for getting employee feedback about your program.
Topics: Wellness at Work