If you’re looking for an innovative way to increase engagement with your corporate wellness program, we’ve got news for you!
You can build a community garden at your workplace.
Trust us—you can! We’re doing it right now. And we have all the tips you need.

A worksite garden is an excellent opportunity to address a number of healthy habits. The garden helps to build fresh ideas, energy, teamwork, company morale, workplace relationships and friendships. It can also help you promote engagement in wellness activities by supplying healthy food for employees and physical activity breaks to work in the garden.
We want you to have the opportunity to learn as we learn. To help you do that, we’re rolling out the ultimate garden guide in three chapters.
And chapter 1 is ready!
This first installment of our worksite garden guide is chock-full of information about how to get started with your community garden. You can download the chapter and take all of this information back to your employees.
The garden provides all kinds of benefits for your employees. These benefits include things like improved teamwork and an opportunity for your employees to customize and invest in the project. Learn more in Chapter 1.
There are a number of steps that need to be taken in order to get the garden project going. You’ll need to secure some leaders, get employees on board and map out the logistics. The specific steps we took are outlined in Chapter 1.
After the planning is done, it’s time to put words into action. For us, this was the fun part because we did it as a group. Check out our instructions for building a garden from scratch in Chapter 1.
Throughout the guide you’ll also find a bunch of pictures from the garden project we’ve started in our employee wellness program. That way you’ll have an idea what to expect when getting your garden started.
The rest of the guide will be coming as we continue our project, so keep your eyes peeled. Chapter 2 should be out mid-summer and contain tips for maintaining the garden. We’ll release Chapter 3 at the end of the growing season and include a list of awesome healthy recipes to utilize your garden goodies.
Check out Chapter 1 of our garden guide, and let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. We’re on social media with garden updates using #TWGardenProject. Join the conversation, and best of luck with your garden project!
What tips do you have for successful gardening?