
How to Have a Healthy Workday

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Jul, 27, 2015

Not every day is the same, but they all can be healthy. Individual healthy habits are what stack up to a healthy lifestyle. Find out which healthy habits you enjoy, and plug those in to your workday.

Here’s what our ideal healthy workday would look like. Obviously feel free to adjust to your own personal schedule, but use this as a guide to fit healthy habits into your regular work schedule.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Hosting Your Very Own Corporate Wellness Challenge

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Jul, 20, 2015

You might have noticed the wellness challenge we participated in last month. Challenges like our #IAmHealthy 30-day Challenge are an excellent way to spice up your wellness program.

Challenges are a great wellness activity because:

  • They can help you climb out of a rut in your program
  • They can be used to celebrate a special event or milestone
  • They provide some momentum after your program launch
  • They instill a sense of friendly competition which increases engagement

Depending on your company culture, there are a million different challenges you can integrate into your corporate wellness program.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Have You Done a Mid-Year Checkup for Your Wellness Program?

Posted by Becky Squiers on Thu, Jul, 16, 2015

We are already halfway through the year. Can you believe it?! Time sure does fly.

This time of year is perfect to do some evaluation of your wellness program. It’s important to keep an eye on your program to make sure things are going well. Checking up on the program can also help you:

  • Gauge interest
  • Measure participation and engagement
  • Come up with new ideas
  • Simplify your program (if need be)
  • Identify any hot-button issues
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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Should You Simplify Your Corporate Wellness Program?

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Jul, 13, 2015

If we’re being honest, wellness—and life—can get pretty complicated. The concept is pretty simple, but with the connectedness of our world today, it can quickly spiral out of control.

Wellness portals have emerged as an excellent tool for tracking progress and managing incentives. Now that we have easy-to-use fitness trackers and smartphone apps, though, almost everything can be recorded.

We can gather real-time health information with little to no effort, which means you can tap into all of that information as you plan your wellness program. It’s so easy to build in every possible metric to your program.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

10 Essential Characteristics of a Wellness Coordinator

Posted by Becky Squiers on Thu, Jul, 09, 2015

Everyone does the job differently, and that’s just fine. If you’re going to manage your company’s wellness program well, though, it’ll help to work on these ten characteristics.

1. Persuasive

Wellness can be tricky because it essentially involves selling something to your coworkers. It’s different, though, because you aren’t selling a product or service. You’re selling a concept. And, you have to make that concept applicable and appealing to employees at all levels of your company.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Tips to Pack a Healthy Lunch for Work

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Jul, 06, 2015

Packing your lunch can be such a great option when you’re making steps towards a healthier lifestyle. It can also save you money and even taste better too.

It can be surprisingly easy to get in the habit of packing a healthy lunch for work. If you’re more of a recipe-follower, feel free to check out our Pinterest board for some great healthy lunch menus. If you prefer to stay on the more general side, that’s ok too! Either way, remember these tips for a smooth, stress-free lunch.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

How to Personalize Your Employee Wellness Program

Posted by Becky Squiers on Thu, Jul, 02, 2015

Personalization is important in all aspects of business. Nobody wants to feel like ‘just another statistic.’ This personal touch extends into your wellness program, as well.

It’s important to personalize your program for a few reasons.

First, it will improve your engagement because it’ll make the program more interesting to your employees. They’ll see things that appeal to them and be itching to get involved.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

6 Ways to Keep Your Wellness Program Exciting

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Jun, 29, 2015

Let’s face it. Everything can get boring from time to time. The best way to avoid that lull in your employee wellness program is by intentionally making your program fresh and exciting.

Here are some strategies to use if your wellness program needs a little excitement. 

1. Plan New Events

It’s very easy to fall into the trap of organizing the same events over and over again. While things like company walks are great, they can be overused. Integrate some of the tried and true classics like biometric screenings or flu shots with more innovative wellness events. For example, have a dance party or scavenger hunt around the office building. 

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Host a Summer Picnic to Boost Workplace Productivity

Posted by Becky Squiers on Thu, Jun, 25, 2015

Happy summer! Or maybe not if your workforce is struggling to stay focused. Sometimes summer can bring some struggles to the office because people are distracted or itching to get outside.

We think summer is a great time to host an office event like a workplace picnic. Now we know picnics aren’t necessarily work-related, but they can be a great idea in so many ways.

Don’t worry too much if you’ve never planned an office picnic before. We’ve put together The Handy Toolkit for a Healthier Company Picnic.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

The Role of Communication in Employee Wellness

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Jun, 22, 2015

If you’ve checked out any of our employee wellness program content, you’ve heard us mention communication. Communicating about wellness is incredibly important. It can truly make or break how widespread your wellness program is.

Wellness communication is important for a few different reasons.

It can be used to explain.

Wellness and work don’t always naturally combine. Some employees might struggle to see the connection. Effective communication can help you explain to your employees why you’re doing a wellness program – and more importantly, why that makes sense.

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Topics: Wellness at Work



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