
How to Encourage Healthy Eating at Work

Posted by Becky Squiers on Thu, Mar, 09, 2017

Sometimes there’s a fine line between what you should and shouldn’t encourage your employees to do. After all, you’re a part of their work life, so you shouldn’t go traipsing into their personal life too much. That doesn’t mean you can't care about their well-being in all aspects of life. 

So, how do you address something like a healthy diet? Here are some ideas that can help you encourage healthy eating without being too pushy.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

How to Launch a Successful Wellness Program

Posted by Robyn Whalen on Thu, Feb, 23, 2017

We get it, starting a corporate wellness program for the first time sounds scary and intimidating. If you are thinking about launching a wellness program, you may not know where to start or what steps to take.

We want to help take some of the guesswork out of launching a wellness program. These basic steps are simpler than you might think, and they will work for companies of all sizes and demographics.

If you’re looking to create a healthy workplace by empowering employees in their work and personal lives, here’s how to launch a successful wellness program:

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Team Building Activities That Your Employees Will Actually Like

Posted by Robyn Whalen on Mon, Feb, 13, 2017

Ah, team building exercises. Some either love them, or run at the mention of them. While team building activities can be excellent for fostering a sense of unity and comradery in the workplace, they can also be the cause of some extensive eye rolls. This is because a lotof us have experienced a corny or downright awkward team building experience before.

However, when team building exercises are done and implemented properly, they are great for boosting employee wellness. Why? Team building encourages connections among employees. Creating a network of social support can lead to a more resilient work environment by helping employees recognize the power of being on a team and working together.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

How to Promote Wellness in Your Company

Posted by Robyn Whalen on Mon, Feb, 06, 2017

There are lots of things you need to do to have a successful employee wellness program. Not only does your program need to be simple, fun and engaging. But you also don’t want employees to think that the new wellness program is just a fad that will slowly fade away after six months. You want them to take your program seriously and know that wellness is here to stay. You want them to be intrigued and excited. But how can you reach your employees?

Luckily, we are here to help! Follow these tips to effectively promote wellness in your company:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

10 Must-Haves for a Remarkable Wellness Portal [Free Guide]

Posted by Robyn Whalen on Thu, Jan, 26, 2017

Wellness portals are not a new discovery. However, advances in technology have helped a wellness program become more accessible, engaging, and effective through a portal. A wellness portal is an online tool you can use to implement, manage, and track your wellness program. It serves as a platform that can be customized to your employees and the goals of your program.

Wellness portals are an extremely effective and useful tool for managing a wellness program. When designed and implemented properly, a wellness portal will help engage employees, encourage healthy behavior, and drive visitors. It should also help simplify the overall process of your wellness program for both the employer and the employee.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

How Effective Communication Can Save Your Wellness Program

Posted by Robyn Whalen on Mon, Jan, 23, 2017

So you’ve created a wellness program – complete with incentives, challenges, screenings, and a portal. It has all of the features it needs to succeed. However, you’ve been noticing that employees are not excited about the program and participation is lower than expected. This could be because your wellness program does not have the proper foundation in place – and this foundation is communication. 

Effective wellness communication serves as the primary building block for behavior change and measurable progress. Your employees will not succeed–or even become interested in the wellness program–without a communication plan in place. If communication hasn’t been a focus of your wellness program plan, it’s time to shine the spotlight back on your wellness communication strategies.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

10 Signs Your Company Should Invest in Wellness

Posted by Robyn Whalen on Mon, Jan, 16, 2017

Employee wellness is a hot topic in America right now. With more and more companies implementing employee wellness programs, you’ve probably heard a lot about the benefits and positive outcomes of focusing on employee health.

If your company does not have a current wellness program for its employees, it is missing an opportunity. An employee wellness program could be your ticket to happier and healthier employees.

Still on the fence about starting a wellness program? Here are ten signs that it might be time for your company to invest in a wellness program of your own:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Finding the Right Wellness Incentives to Motivate Your Employees

Posted by Robyn Whalen on Thu, Dec, 15, 2016

One of the most important parts of starting a wellness program is determining how you will inspire employees to participate and begin the journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Incentives are excellent motivators to help get employees started and keep them on the right track. They also help to add some extra fun to make achieving wellness seem less intimidating.

To get employees to take the plunge into their new wellness program, you will need to craft an incentive plan that will positively impact employee participation as well as spark some enthusiasm too. Employees that are excited about their wellness program and the perks that come with it will be more likely to work towards a healthier lifestyle, and as a result, you can expect a positive ROI.

Incentives are a great way to increase employee participation, motivation, and engagement, but which incentives will be right for you and your employees?

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Three Ways to Support Holistic Employee Wellbeing

Posted by Robyn Whalen on Mon, Dec, 12, 2016

Wellness is a broad term that can be applied in several different ways. It can mean something a little different to everyone. When hearing the word "wellness," some might immediately think of fitness, while others may think of nutrition or diet. While eating and exercise are two vital factors in wellness, they do not account for all factors attributed to holistic wellness.

Your company is missing an opportunity if your wellness program is only focusing on physical wellbeing. Wellness programs should look at the full continuum of mental, emotional, and physical elements of an employee to improve corporate wellness. An excellent way to do this is by supporting holistic employee wellbeing.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Why Your Company Should Host an Employee Wellness Day

Posted by Robyn Whalen on Mon, Dec, 05, 2016

Maybe the idea of a health fair doesn’t exactly leave your employees squirming at their desks with anticipation.

However, the idea of a workday full of helpful education, free resources, and fun certainly will!

An Employee Wellness Day is a spin on a traditional health fair, and your company will reap benefits from hosting one. This is an interactive and fun event that should be all about your employees and creating a culture of wellness.

Hosting an Employee Wellness Day is guaranteed to inspire, educate, and engage employees. This type of event will give your employees a much-needed break–and it’s a great way to start off the New Year. There are many ways to revamp an old-school health fair and personalize it for your employees.

Here are just some of the many benefits your company will receive from hosting an Employee Wellness Day and tips to help you make it an incredible experience:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work



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