
17 Ways to Cover Women’s Health Issues in the Workplace This Week

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, May, 11, 2020

Women-01This week is National Women’s Health Week.

During May 10-16, companies everywhere have the opportunity to remind female workers to make their health a priority. From quitting smoking to focusing on heart health, this week is a celebration of women who are willing to take care of their health now and always.

Considering women make up nearly half of the workforce, it’s important for employers to be aware of women’s health issues. Encouraging female employees to take care of their health is a part of building awareness and inspiring healthy workplaces.

Whether you’re looking for ideas to share, things to do, or gifts to give to raise awareness around women’s health issues this week, we’ve got you covered.

Here are 17 ways to celebrate National Women’s Health Week:

Ideas and Resources to Share

  1. Share respected resources - The Office on Women’s Health offers a variety of resources surrounding National Women’s Health Week. This particular resource offers a breakdown of healthy living tips by age.

  2. Get involved online - Encourage the women in your workplace to engage in healthy activities and then share photos of their activities with hashtags #FindYourHealth and #NWHW.

  3. Offer a friendly reminder - Send a checklist and reminders to make annual appointments for important health exams like breast exams. The MD Anderson Cancer Center has a comprehensive list of screenings women should get at certain ages.

  4. Help them kick butts - Provide information and resources for quitting smoking. Around 200,000 women die each year from health issues caused by cigarette smoking.

  5. Share women’s health issues facts -  Remind your female employees why they need to make their health a priority. A few facts to share with them:
  • Heart disease and cancer are the top two causes of death for American women
  • Women are more likely to die following a heart attack than men
  • Women are more likely to show signs of depression and anxiety than men
  • The effects of STDs can be more serious in women
  • Osteoarthritis impacts more women than men

Bonus Resource: Women need quality sleep and exercise to feel their best. A diet of high-quality foods and a stress outlet also promotes overall wellness. Share science-backed advice from The Employee Wellness Project to help the women in your office get back on track to optimum health.

Things to Do

  1. Hire a mobile mammogram - Whether you plan this now or in October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, let your female employees know when you’ll be bringing in a mobile mammography opportunity. Women 45 and older should get a mammogram annually.

  2. Walking meetings - If possible, encourage your staff to do walking meetings. This works well for phone meetings and promotes movement rather than sitting for prolonged periods.

  3. Go live and do a cook-off together - For a fun team-building event, share heart-healthy recipeswith your team from the American Heart Association. Then, schedule a Zoom call and do a live cook-off for fun. 

  4. Encourage movement - Provide on-site yoga, meditation, or fitness classes to your employees. Or, send high-quality YouTube video channels like Yoga With Adriene or The Mindful Movement Meditations for them to try on their own.

  5. Hold a coffee break chat - Coffee fuels most employees these days, but especially women who have a lot on their plate. Whether your team is working remotely or not, encourage a social coffee gathering for the women on your team this week. Consider supplying gift cards to their favorite local coffee shop to help them reap the benefits of a good cup of Joe.

  6. Organize a fitness challenge - This can be a friendly team competition that includes taking a certain number of steps, drinking X glasses of water, taking the stairs, or logging quality sleep hours.

Bonus Resource: According to research, women report stress more often than men. Females are also more likely to suffer from mental health conditions made more challenging by stress like depression. Offer them insight on how to Tap the Power of Mindfulness to reduce stress and anxiety.

Gifts to Give

  1. Provide a gym membership - Consider gifting your female staffers with a gym membership to promote heart health. This can be for local gyms, but don’t forget online options exist, too.

  2. Keep them hydrated - Staying hydrated is key to maintaining energy and wellness. Consider giving away company-branded water bottles with a reminder to drink up!

  3. A reminder to protect their skin - Sunscreen is a must now that summer is approaching. Gift employees with a bottle of sunscreen to protect their body’s largest organ. Attach a list of skin cancer facts.

  4. Offer de-stressing activities - Provide journals or coloring books for stress relief. A University of the West of England study found coloring can boost creativity and reduce stress.

  5. There’s an app for that - Send a list of apps for break reminders, health tips, meditation, and exercise. Hint: You can find a full list of 16 health and wellness apps in our newest downloadable resource: The Ultimate Resource Guide for Remote Teamwork & Wellness Success. 

  6. Give the gift of health - Give away gift cards to healthy restaurants or grocery stores to prompt healthier shopping habits.

Bonus Resource: Challenge your female employees to drink more water. It keeps the skin supple and the brain refreshed.

Put the Spotlight on Women’s Health Issues This Week

This week is ideal to focus on women’s health issues as you’re more likely to find timely resources to share with employees like the 17 ideas above.

There’s no need to tackle this whole list. Share what you can — especially free resources if your budget is tight — since the whole goal of this week is education and promotion.

Encourage your female employees to take a serious look at women’s health and fitness topics that may impact them the most. Even a single screening done on time can improve their quality of life and may even save their life. They may even decide it’s time to be more active based on the information you send their way this week.

Need more resources? Check out the Office on Women’s Health website for social media and promotional tools, fact sheets, and more for advertising National Women’s Health Week.

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