
Dealing With Brain Fog? Here’s How to Improve Concentration

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Nov, 15, 2021

Does it feel like you’re walking through a fog these days?

Learning how to improve concentration and applying specific techniques can help kick the foggy feeling.

If you have brain fog — like issues with memory, concentration, or thinking —  it may be a daily battle to remember even the most basic of tasks you need to do. Whether the cause is from lack of sleep, medication, COVID after-effects, or something else, that’s where concentration tricks can come in handy.

This post will cover what brain fog is, how it impacts work and other activities, and simple ways to get a clear brain boost.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Mental Health and the Holidays: How to Keep Your Mind Well

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Nov, 11, 2021

Mental health and the holidays go hand in hand.

While many people look forward to rocking around the Christmas tree and more, others want nothing more than January 1 to arrive ASAP.

Not surprisingly, an estimated 64% of those with mental illness feel their conditions worsen during the holiday season. Between pandemic isolation and other factors like loneliness and grief, the holidays can create a huge burden on individuals’ mental health. Shorter days and less sunlight can also contribute to seasonal depression as well.

As an employer, taking time to check-in, offering resources, and lessening the holiday work event pressure can be helpful for struggling employees.

 This post will look at how the holidays can hurt employees’ health and  tips for staying mentally fit during some of the busiest and most stressful times of the year.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

How The Benefits of Positive Thinking Will Help Your Mind & Body

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Nov, 08, 2021

In trying times, it can be hard to stay positive.

Yet in even the most difficult of times, the benefits of positive thinking can help both your mind and body. Luckily, thinking positively is a habit we can train ourselves to do. Research shows it has a positive impact on health, too. Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health.

Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:

  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Greater resistance to the common cold

This post will cover ways to encourage positive thinking in the workplace and how it impacts the health of individuals, colleagues, and the overall workplace.

Here’s a look at how the benefits of positive thinking impact more than just your mind:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Reduce Holiday Stress ASAP At Work and Home With These 21 Tips

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Nov, 04, 2021

Already planning for the holidays?

Be sure to plan on ways to reduce holiday stress, too. For some employees, this can be the most stressful time of year. With in-laws visiting, looming work deadlines, party planning, present shopping, and more, it can sometimes feel like way too much.

Luckily, with some tweaks to time management and stress management techniques, this holiday season can be approached with a stress-free attitude.

This post will look at ways to keep calm and healthy, including working as a team, creating detailed to-do lists, meal planning, taking mental health days, and more.

Read on for the secrets to a happy-go-lucky holiday season ahead!

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Topics: Wellness at Work

How Gratitude Benefits the Body, Mind, and Workplace

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Nov, 01, 2021

When was the last time you gave thanks?

Research shows gratitude benefits us in more ways than one. As we go into the Thanksgiving and holiday season, it’s a great time to reflect on what we’re thankful for in life. It’s also a prime time to start reaping some gratitude practice benefits — including improved sleep and major mental health perks.

In a season that is often rushed and frantic, now is an ideal time for employers to encourage team members to slow down. It’s a good reminder for everyone trying to wrap up end-of-year projects between travel plans, holiday prepping, and event scheduling.

This post shares the benefits of gratitude reflection, including how it impacts relationships, productivity, positivity, and overall mental health.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Flu Treatment Options to Try The Minute You Feel Sick

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Oct, 28, 2021

Is that throat tickle the start of a cold, the flu, COVID, or something else?

Flu season is here, so knowing the signs of the illness can help you get the appropriate flu treatment sooner. This is especially important for vulnerable populations — like those with asthma or other respiratory diseases — to ensure the flu doesn’t turn deadly.

In this post, you’ll learn the basic flu symptoms, what to do for flu treatment when you’re sick; if you need to go to the emergency room, and how long to ride it out before calling a doc.

Here’s to getting the flu treatment you need to feel better ASAP!

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Topics: Workplace Flu Shots

Not Sleeping? Skip These 7 Foods That Keep You Awake At Night

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Oct, 25, 2021

Are you struggling to stay asleep but can’t figure out why?

You may be enjoying dinners or evening snacks of foods that keep you awake.

If you’re finding it increasingly harder to sleep, but you can’t pinpoint why, your diet may be one place to start. With Daylight Saving Time coming up on November 7, sleep schedules are about to get even more out of whack.

Taking a mindful approach to keeping your sleeping patterns on track can make it easier to fall asleep when the time change comes. Sleep plays a big role in overall good health and strong immunity, which is a must-have during cold and flu season.

This post will look at foods that can cause restless nights like alcohol, salt, spicy foods, and more. Read on and see if any of these foods may be causing your sleepless nights!

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Why Every Employer Needs to Know (And Share) These Obesity Facts

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Oct, 18, 2021

Pandemic pounds are real.

Earlier this year, 42% of individuals surveyed by the American Psychological Association reported a weight gain of 29 pounds on average during the pandemic.

One-third of Americans are severely overweight, a stark obesity fact that can’t be ignored. Excessive pounds can lead to heart problems, stroke, diabetes, and other serious health conditions that can impact an employee’s productivity, energy, and overall health.

Other than the COVID pandemic, one of the most serious public health concerns today is obesity. It’s been proven that those with extra comorbidities like obesity are more likely to struggle harder with a case of COVID.  

Employers must find a way to bring these discussions to light for employees. This can help employees take steps to minimize associated healthcare costs later down the road and lead to an overall better quality of life. This post will share obesity facts to spread awareness along with some ideas on helping workers stay in their healthy, happy weight range.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

How to Avoid Burnout From Sapping The Life Out of Employees

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Oct, 14, 2021

Want to know how to avoid burnout in your workplace?

There’s no one answer, but, luckily, there are options to keep burnout levels to a minimum. Even though burnout isn’t an official mental health medical condition, it does have a massive impact on mental health.

Because of this, more companies are seeing the investment in mental health resources as worthwhile. In fact, companies that invest in workplace mental health get a 4x return on investment. This can increase productivity, improve retention, and support inclusion measures.

Sadly, 70% of workers don’t think employers are doing all they can to prevent and reduce burnout at work. But you have the power to change your own workplace environment and your employees’ minds if they’re feeling that way.

If your company has been scrambling to find the right tools and resources to empower employees since the pandemic burnout hit, then this post is for you.

Here’s how to avoid burnout before it comes into play in your workplace:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

6 Must-Have Healthy Fall Snacks To Try This Season

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Oct, 11, 2021

Need some healthy fall snack ideas that aren’t full of empty calories?

Fall officially kicked off on September 22. And now it seems everywhere you turn, there’s no missing the Halloween candy, fall-themed treats, and comfort foods that beckon.

Given that a medium pumpkin spice latte has about 400 calories — the equivalent of a decent meal — it’s a good idea to have go-to healthy fall snacks on hand to curb the “need” for fall flavors.

Below, we share a list of healthy fall produce you can turn into delicious, nutrient-dense snack options with ease. Each pick was selected for its high nutritional value while also bringing vibrant flavors to your autumn snack menu.

Read on to crunch and munch your way through the top good-for-you healthy fall snacks that are worth skipping handfuls of candy corn for.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces



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