
Why Team Building Matters (+7 Ideas to Get You Started)

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Oct, 25, 2018

There’s no “I” in team, right?

As cheesy as that cliche is, it’s also true.

Teamwork is part of what makes companies successful. If your team isn’t getting along and feels disjointed, morale goes down, quick.

According to one Gallup study, 87% of employees are not engaged at work. As we know, disengaged employees are also less satisfied, less productive, and more likely to leave a company.

If there’s a lack of camaraderie in your office, it might be time for some team building work. 

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

How Sitting is Harming Your Employees (+7 Tips to Fix It!)

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Oct, 22, 2018

Is sitting all day slowly killing your employees? 

Think about the average amount of time they sit in a day. Between commuting, office work, and then lounging at home, it adds up.

Research shows sitting for five or more hours a day is equivalent to smoking 1.25 packs of cigarettes. Another study showed a sedentary lifestyle is a potential risk factor for early death. 

Considering health experts have been telling us our whole lives to exercise more, eat less, and avoid smoking, the research isn’t too shocking. 

Sitting for long amounts of time has also been linked to health issues like diabetes, obesity, and abnormal cholesterol levels. 

Those aren’t exactly health concerns you want to sit on and ignore.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

7 Healthy Work Habits For a More Productive Day

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Oct, 18, 2018

Do you ever look at famous successful business people and wonder: how do they do it?

If you’ve seen famous entrepreneurs like Mel Robbins, Tony Robbins, or Warren Buffett in action, it seems they all have endless energy to spend.


They make healthy habits a priority.  They are as busy as the rest of us, if not busier.

Mel does hot yoga regularly (and she actually hates it).

Tony does consistent meditation.

Warren sits and thinks. A lot.

While their particular habits may not appeal to you, there are plenty of options to lead a healthier, more productive life at home and work.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Reading for Your Health: 10 Must-Read Wellness Books

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Oct, 15, 2018

When was the last time you got lost in a really good book? If it’s been longer than a year, it’s time to dust off your library card. Or pile a stack into your Amazon cart.

Aside from the joys of reading to learn something new, there are neurological and mental benefits of reading, too. Studies show stress reduction, mental stimulation, memory improvement, and improved focus are just a few of the immediate benefits. 

If you enjoy reading about health and wellness in particular, then you’ll love our list of books below to keep you on the path to happy and healthy. 

Whether you’re interested in physical, mental, or spiritual health, you’ll find a book below for you. 

Happy reading! 

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

4 Easy Oral Health Tips for National Dental Hygiene Month

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Oct, 11, 2018

With Halloween approaching (and the temptation of office treats), you may be wondering how you can protect your oral health from all the sugary goodness. 

Ironically enough, October shares calendar space with National Dental Hygiene Month, making now as good as ever to review the basics of oral health. 

It’s actually as simple as four easy steps. 

Excellent oral health means more than a pearly-white smile. It means regular dental check-ups and preventive care as well. It’ll also keep your dental hygienist smiling. 

So, are you doing the “Daily 4” as you should?

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Top 10 Marketing Campaigns to Share This Flu Season

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Oct, 08, 2018

Fall is here, and so is flu season. 

And, we’re afraid it’s nothing to sniffle at.

After last year’s particularly rough flu season — around 80,000 Americans died due to the flu and its complications — public health officials are urging everyone to consider vaccinations. 

If hard numbers don’t motivate your employees to consider vaccination benefits, we hope these flu shot marketing materials may encourage them. 

Or, at the very least, get them thinking and talking about flu prevention, including thorough hand washing, covering a cough, and staying home when ill. 

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Mental Illness Awareness Week: Why Employee Mental Health Matters

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Oct, 04, 2018

This year, October 7-13 is Mental Illness Awareness Week, giving employers a perfect opportunity to share available resources. The theme this year is "Cure Stigma."

Each year, around 43.8 million Americans experience a mental health condition. Now,  more than ever, it’s critical to educate employees about resources to avoid burnout and mental breakdowns and reduce suicide risk. 

Plus, it’s a wise move for businesses to invest in mental health education. A World Health Organization (WHO) study estimated “depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy US $1 trillion each year in lost productivity.” 

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

14 Creative Ways to Promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month at Work

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Oct, 01, 2018

Every October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an opportunity to spread awareness about the disease that kills nearly 41,000 women each year. No matter your office budget, there are plenty of ways to raise breast cancer awareness in the workplace. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to engage the local community through educational events and fundraising challenges.

Ready to get started? Here’s 14 ideas to spread breast cancer awareness: 

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Tips to Keep Your Liver Healthy & Happy

Posted by Trevor McDonald on Thu, Sep, 27, 2018

You might not think much about your liver. It's not the most glamorous organ, but it's one of the hardest working. Your liver is responsible for many of your body’s metabolic functions and does the lion’s share of toxin removal to keep you healthy and strong. The liver also plays a role in blood health, acting as a “blood recycler” that breaks down old or damaged blood cells in the body, and regulates iron and plasma levels.

To put it bluntly, your liver is irreplaceable. Unlike the heart, if your liver becomes severely damaged, there are no medical procedures, short of a liver transplant, to replace it. But if you take care of your liver, your liver will take care of you. Here are five ways you can keep your liver healthy:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

4 Strategies for Handling a Flu Outbreak at Work

Posted by Robyn Whalen on Mon, Sep, 24, 2018

Your office space is the definition of close quarters. Everyone is in the same space, sharing equipment, and spending their entire workdays together. That means when one employee gets sick, it won’t be long until everyone else has caught the bug too. In a matter of days, you could have an office epidemic on your hands.

If you start to notice an outbreak of the flu – or any illness, for that matter – there are some things you can do to make sure you’re still able to do business efficiently out of your office.

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Topics: Workplace Flu Shots



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