
143 Motivational Quotes for Monday Mornings to Inspire Your Team

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, May, 24, 2021

Sometimes, employees just need a little extra motivation.

That’s why we’ve compiled this massive list of motivational work quotes for Monday mornings.

With a little luck, your team will find these quotes inspiring enough to jump right into the work week with enthusiasm. Send the quotes off in a quick little email or read a few off during your morning staff meeting.

Help your employees fight off a “case of the Mondays” with a pep talk in the form of a quote.

Here are 143 motivational quotes to get your team feeling inspired:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

36 Summer Safety Tips For Your Next Newsletter

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, May, 20, 2021

Ah, summer. It’s nearly here.

Before your employees take off for their summer vacations (probably the first vacay in a while!), be sure to share this list of helpful summer safety tips. Summer is too short to miss due to a safety mishap that could have been easily avoided.

The next time you send out your employee newsletter, consider sharing some of these tips. From safe barbequing practices to staying hydrated, your team will find a variety of good reminders in this list.

Here are 36 summer safety tips to keep you and your team happy and healthy this summer:

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Topics: Wellness at Work

COVID-19 Vaccine Facts to Share With Your Team

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, May, 17, 2021

Now that more than 123 million Americans are fully vaccinated, COVID-19 vaccine conversations are now the norm.

But how do you help keep facts and fiction straight in the workplace?

While employers can’t control all conversations, they can control what’s distributed content-wise to their workers. By only sharing COVID-19 vaccine facts from verified and legit sources, it provides an opportunity for employees to self educate.

Below, we share all the facts your team needs to know about the vaccine.

This post offers the newest information about the shot, plus dos and don’ts for COVID chats in the workplace.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, COVID-19

Keep Your Workplace Air Safe and Learn How to Deal With Allergies

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, May, 13, 2021

For some people, allergies are an irritating part of everyday life.

The sneezing, watery, itchy eyes, and nasal congestion can feel neverending.

Annually, over 50 million Americans experience various allergies. It can be seasonal, but it’s technically always allergy season if you count irritants like pet dander and dust mites that collect on a variety of surfaces.

And if those types of environmental allergies are in your workplace, you’ll want to know how to deal with allergies — and the causes — promptly.

Not surprisingly, allergies are cited as the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in America, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. If workplace allergies aren’t addressed, that could lead to absenteeism and ill workers. 

Ready to learn how to nix some of the most common environmental allergens?

Below, we share common triggers and simple fixes to reduce allergens at work.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

30 Mental Health Awareness Month Activities for the Workplace

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, May, 10, 2021

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Given that each year, millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness, it’s an ideal time to bring the topic up in the workplace.

That’s why we’ve compiled this list of mental health awareness month activities your team will no doubt get a lot out of if they participate.

This post offers 30 simple — yet effective — ways to bring mental health awareness into the workplace to destigmatize the issue and encourage workers to get the help they may need.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Health Tips to Share for National Women's Health Week

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, May, 06, 2021

Mother’s Day weekend kicks off National Women’s Health Week.

But it’s not only mothers who need to keep an eye on their health. Given that the average American woman lives to age 81, staying healthy should be a priority for all females who want a high quality of life.

National Women’s Health Week — which runs from May 9 to 15, 2021 — is the ideal time to encourage women’s wellness in both the workplace and at home.

By 2050, it’s expected 92 million women will be a part of the traditional workforce, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Right now, nearly 50% of the workforce is made up of women, making this a wellness topic that needs coverage in the workplace.

Help the women in your company take the step to better health this week.

Give the women in your workplace a reminder that their health matters.

Below, you’ll find tips and reminders specific to women’s health to share in honor of the health week dedicated to women everywhere.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Remind Workers to Protect Their Eyes During Healthy Vision Month

Posted by Seraine Page on Tue, May, 04, 2021

With May being Healthy Vision Month, it’s a perfect time to talk to your employees about eye protection safety and eye wellness.

Each day, thousands of workers injure their eyes severely enough to need medical intervention. While eye protection safety is a must in the workplace, reminding your employees to keep up with eye exams and limiting tech time can also keep their eyes healthy, too. 

This post covers how workers can protect their eyes, including eye protection, foods that promote eye health, eye exams, and more.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

The 15 Best Meditation Apps for Anxiety

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Apr, 29, 2021

For some people, the thought of figuring out how to reduce their anxiety only brings on more anxiety.

But, there are simple tools to make it feel less daunting. Some of the best meditation apps for anxiety are designed to quell anxious thoughts that so often spiral out of control.  

In fact, meditation is scientifically proven to benefit the anxious. 

According to Mayo Clinic, there are plenty of benefits to meditation, including anxiety reduction and increasing self-awareness. Anxiety not only robs you of the present moment, but chronic anxiety puts you at a higher risk for heart disease and high blood pressure

If you’re tired of dealing with the negative effects of anxiety, meditation may be the answer. And, no, you don’t have to do it for hours daily to see the benefits.

Need some guidance?

We rounded up both free and paid versions of the best meditation apps for anxiety below. Check them out to bring a little more zen to your life.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

The Checklist You Need to Create a Successful Work Wellness Challenge

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Apr, 26, 2021

Ready to host your next work wellness challenge?

Before you dive headfirst into planning, an organized approach can ensure the wellness budget and time are used effectively.

Wellness challenges are an excellent way to bring teammates together for a fun, common goal. It’s an opportunity to bond over well-being instead of work projects. This post defines a wellness challenge, the benefits of hosting one, and the step-by-step approach to take to make sure it’s done well.

Read on and you’re off to the wellness challenge races!

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Topics: Wellness at Work

9 Ways to Reduce Food Waste in Honor of Earth Day

Posted by Seraine Page on Tue, Apr, 20, 2021

Looking for ways to celebrate Earth Day at work?

In the workplace, discussing food waste reduction is one of the best ways to honor the earth while also celebrating Earth Day. As a team, come together to learn about ways to save money and eat consciously this Earth Day, which falls on April 22.

Not surprisingly, daily, at least one pound of food is wasted per person in America.

This article will help you and your employees look at ways to minimize the food waste problem at both home and at work. Celebrate the beautiful world in which we live and help your employees learn a bit more about being eco-conscious (and healthier!) this Earth Day.

Here’s a look at how your employees can celebrate Earth Day at home and work and reduce food waste.

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Topics: Wellness at Work



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