If you've found yourself hunched over your phone, laptop, or tablet lately, you’re not alone. You've likely encountered a pesky problem known as tech neck — and it might be affecting more than just your posture.
It’s that uncomfortable pain and stiffness that sneaks up on your neck, shoulders, and even your upper back after hours of staring at a screen.
And it's only getting worse.
In fact, with 91% of Americans owning smartphones and spending an average of 4½ hours a day just looking at the screen (not even talking on it!), it's no surprise that neck pain is now the fourth-leading cause of disability in America. This growing issue can affect productivity, well-being, and overall employee health.
But there’s no need to suffer! You can relieve that discomfort with just a few simple posture adjustments and stretching exercises throughout your day. Keep reading to discover how you can protect your well-being — and your employees’ — with these easy tips.