
9 Simple Ways to Improve Employee Wellbeing

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Aug, 22, 2022

Employee wellbeing — how is it faring in most companies these days?

This won’t be a shocker for most: Employees are unhappy. As a result, their wellbeing is suffering, too. Overall, globally, unhappiness has been on the rise for the last decade.

Recent Gallup research found that emotionally, the second year of the pandemic was more draining than the first one. Stress, worry, and sadness plagued more people and set new records in 2021 for Gallup’s Negative Experience Index survey. Unfortunately, those negative feelings leak over into the work experience, too.

So what can you do to help improve employee wellbeing? Here’s a look at some simple ways to take charge of creating a healthier and happier workspace for your team:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Why a Workday Shutdown Ritual is a Good Idea for All Workers

Posted by Seraine Page on Wed, Aug, 17, 2022

Nowadays, many employees work remotely and the lines of when work ends and relaxation begins are quite blurred.

That’s where a workday shutdown ritual can be helpful.

Even if it’s as unceremonious as closing a laptop and putting it away, it’s a way to mentally and physically disconnect from work in a healthy way. By creating an end-of-day routine, workers can create a more restorative period of time off — whether it’s just for the evening or for a whole weekend.

 Here’s a look at why every employee should consider a workday shutdown ritual:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

The 7 Workplace Distractions That Are Unhealthy for Employees

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Aug, 11, 2022

Workplace distractions.

These pesky diversions in the workplace can prevent productive workflows and even create unhealthy behaviors in some cases. From cell phone usage to clutter and gossip to last-minute meetings, distractions galore exist if you let them. Without a doubt, these distractions lead to productivity loss, and, in some cases,  poor health.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to avoid or manage distractions that cost you time and energy.

Below, we cover the top unhealthy distractions and how employers can help workers avoid these time-sucking traps.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Why Employers Need to Take a Look at the Monkeypox Virus

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Aug, 08, 2022

While the monkeypox virus has been declared a public health emergency, it’s important for workers and employers not to panic.

What’s helpful is learning how the virus is contracted, ways to avoid it, and what to do if an employee does contract the virus. Luckily, the symptoms tend to be mild and the virus is rarely fatal, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

 Below, we take a look at the virus and offer tips for employers on handling another public health concern with ease and confidence. Here’s what you need to know about the monkeypox virus.

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Topics: In the News

7 Easy Ways to Promote National Immunization Awareness Month at Work

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Aug, 01, 2022

Ready to talk about immunizations in a more exciting way?

Now is the time to do it as August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM).

Each year, this observance is held to highlight the importance of vaccination for all age groups. While the COVID-19 vaccine is still getting press, it’s essential for your team to remember there are other shots that keep them healthy, too.

If you’re tired of giving the same spiel about the flu or COVID shot, change it up. Have some fun with it during National Immunization Awareness Month with games, printed materials your staff can read on their own time, and more.

Here are 7 simple ways to keep this health topic educational and interesting.

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Topics: Workplace Flu Shots

A Look at How 4-Day Workweek Benefits the Workplace

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jul, 28, 2022

What do employees want?

By the looks of it, a four-day workweek is at the top of the list.

More than 90% of U.S. workers claim they’d want four-day workweeks, according to a January Qualtrics survey. Gone are the days when a traditional 9-to-5 worked for both employees and employers. Workers are shifting the way they want to work and if workplaces want to keep them happy, then dangling four-day workweek benefits may just work.

Below, discover the benefits of a 4-day workweek, studies on how it’s worked out in various countries so far, and the pros and cons of doing so in your own workplace.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

9 Ways to Help Your Team Beat End of Summer Blues

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jul, 25, 2022

Are you or your team members feeling those end-of-summer blues?

It’s normal.

The summer is a glorious time of vacations, relaxed work days, warmer weather, and fun outdoor activities. When it comes to an end, it’s normal to feel a bit blue or bummed emotionally. Once workers return from extended time off and fun times, it can be hard to get back into the groove of work.

But it doesn’t have to be a total bummer. In fact, you can make it enjoyable for your workers coming down from their vacation high by giving them something to look forward to upon their return.

Here’s a look at how employers can get their staff to reframe their mindset around the end of summer.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Affirmations and Mental Health: Does Positive Talk Help Well-Being?

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jul, 21, 2022

Wondering how affirmations and mental health go together?

One simple yet profound way to improve mental health is to practice positive affirmations regularly. Research shows positive affirmations can help change thought patterns and influence different behavioral changes for the better.

This can be particularly helpful for those who struggle with anxiety, depression, or self-esteem issues. 

Below we dive into what affirmations are, how using them daily can benefit mental health, and several examples of affirmations employees can use at any time.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

13 Tips for Building a Positive Team Culture

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jul, 18, 2022

Every company culture is uniquely created because of its leadership and the employees that make up the company. While every company’s culture looks different, there are some tell-tale signs yours is fulfilling and joyous.

Signs you have a positive team culture:

  • Laughter happens daily on the job
  • Candidates eagerly await job openings
  • Employees are regularly engaged and excited
  • Workers feel more like family than employees

So how do you build a positive team culture?

Gallup research shows that employees who feel cared for by leadership perform better. Forging solid relationships by making time to authentically connect is just part of the equation. Several qualities contribute to a positive team culture that gets team members excited about work. Below, we dive into those.

Here are 13 tips for building a culture your employees all love:

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Why Pandemic Anxiety Has Made Workplace Re-entry Hard for Many

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jul, 14, 2022

People who have never experienced anxiety before were introduced to it in a forceful way during the pandemic that started back in 2020. The virus and its trickle effect caused increased stress for many who were forced to isolate and changed the way they connected with others.

As the pandemic evolved and stretched on, the impact on mental health became quite clear —the World Health Organization reported a 25% increase globally in anxiety and depression. The lack of socializing impacted everyone from children to avid business travelers and everyone in-between.

Now, in the post-pandemic world, social anxiety, depression, and even OCD symptoms may be impacting your workers more than you know when it comes to re-entry back into the workplace. As the virus evolves and continues to infect people — even the vaccinated — again and again, these issues of mental health can’t be ignored.  

Here’s a look at how post-pandemic anxiety could be impacting your workers as they make their way back into the workplace on a more permanent basis.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work, COVID-19



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