
5 Myths About Anxiety Your Anxious Employees Want You to Know

Posted by Seraine Page on Wed, Jun, 22, 2022

Is anxiety real?

For over 40 million Americans, it’s very real. In fact, it’s the most common mental illness in the United States, according to the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI).

Because of this, anxiety can’t be shrugged off and labeled simply as “negative thinking” or another dismissive term. Many individuals don’t receive treatment and when the condition is shrugged off by colleagues, friends, and employers, it can feel invalidating and cause even more anxiety.

Despite being treatable, only 36.9% of those suffering get treatment. Don’t let myths further fuel the misconceptions around anxiety disorders in your workplace.

Here’s a look at common myths about anxiety both employers and employees should know.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

52 Inspirational Quotes for Leadership to Read & Apply to Life

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jun, 16, 2022

Even leaders need food for thought from time to time.

That’s when some inspirational quotes for leadership can help elevate your day in less than a few minutes. When you’re feeling inspired, you’re more likely to show up, do your best, and enjoy your work.

Plus, inspired leaders are the best leaders, as you’ll find out in our newest resource The Inspirational Leader Tool Kit. 

If you’re in the habit of reading positive content throughout your day, then you’ll likely enjoy this compilation of 52 inspirational quotes specifically aimed at leadership.

Read on for some quality quotes that will inspire you today.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Positive At-Home Covid Test? Here’s What It Means For Your Workers

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jun, 13, 2022

Are your employees reporting more positive at-home COVID tests?

It’s probably no surprise. With the recent arrival of the at-home test options, more individuals are testing themselves if they’re feeling ill. More people will be traveling this summer across state lines and hanging out with large crowds and with loved ones, making catching COVID more likely.

So, what does that mean for workers coming back from vacation? When can they come back to work if they do test positive at home?

Below, we share the details on the at-home COVID tests and the most updated Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for isolation after that positive test comes back.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

How to Host an Epic Family Health and Fitness Day

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jun, 09, 2022

Want to get your employees together for a fun summer event?

Hosting a family health and fitness day is a perfect way to do it. June 11 is officially known as Family Health & Fitness Day as sponsored by the National Recreation and Park Association. While it’s great to participate on the day of, consider this an event that’s relevant any time during the summer.

If you want to set up your own special event for your employees and their families, check out our step-by-step guide below on just how to do it.

Read on for planning tips, theme ideas, social media marketing templates, and more!

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Topics: Wellness at Work

7 Myths Busted By Experts Reveal Hydration Importance

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jun, 06, 2022

Hydration is important to keep in mind as it’s about to get incredibly hot in most places for summer. As it gets warmer, you’ll likely be more active outdoors and need to reach more often for your water bottle. Staying hydrated can help you feel your best while also avoiding heat-related illnesses

Water is essential to the body for a few reasons:

  • It promotes cardiovascular health
  • It keeps the body cool
  • It cleanses the body
  • It lubricates joints and muscles

Below, we pooled health experts’ knowledge to get you hydration myths and facts all in one spot. Learn the facts about hydration from experts like certified sports nutritionists, physiologists, and other wellness educators. They offer insight into how water isn’t the only way to hydrate the body, the truth about consuming too much water, and the advice surrounding the “eight glasses of H2O a day” saying.

Read on to dive into all you need to know about hydration as summer quickly approaches.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

11 Team Engagement Ideas to Keep a Wellness Focus This Summer

Posted by Seraine Page on Wed, Jun, 01, 2022

Ah, team engagement.

If it’s one of the areas your business does well in during every season except summer, you aren’t alone. Studies report between June and August, workplace productivity dips by about 20 percent!

Certain industries tend to experience a summer slowdown when more workers and leadership take vacations and generally soak up the short-lived summer season.

While your workforce may be ready to hit the road for multiple vacations and long weekends, that doesn't mean it needs to disrupt your regular programming for wellness at work. Keep employees excited about wellness by making it engaging and exciting to focus on their health.  

Here’s a look at 11 fun and easy summer team engagement ideas!

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

The 5 Best Benefits to Employee Wellness Programs

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, May, 26, 2022

Unmanaged stress. COVID. Burnout. Chronic illness.

Those are probably just a few of the health struggles your employees have dealt with over the last couple of years. If you have an employee wellness program, then you likely have helped many of your employees through some of those challenges.

And if you don’t have an active corporate wellness program, now is a chance to revisit the biggest perks of marketing well-being programs to your workers. Too many employees get by feeling “okay” when their active participation in a wellness program could elevate their energy, productivity, health, and so much more.

A well-developed, targeted corporate wellness program could be a game-changer for many in your workplace. In fact, research published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that nearly 200,000 wellness participants improved five of seven health risks after one year of participation in a corporate wellness program.

Wondering if your wellness program is worth keeping or expanding? Below, we give you five of the very best benefits to employee wellness programs.

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Topics: Wellness at Work

Here Are Nine Bad Habits at Work You Need to Quit ASAP

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, May, 23, 2022

How many of your bad habits at work are slowing you down?

Whether that means physically, mentally, or just stalling out on a project, your daily habits play a huge role in productivity. The pandemic forced many to work from home and in turn, no doubt created some bad working habits — ahem, like that third trip to the pantry in less than an hour…

No matter your undesirable habit, you can break it. Below, we share tips on how to beat bad habits like procrastination, mindlessly snacking, tardiness, and more.

If you’re looking to reset your mindset and improve your habits for the better, this read is for you.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

Every Employer Needs to Share These Essential Summer Wellness Tips

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, May, 16, 2022

Looking for some simple summer wellness tips?

We’ve got you covered.

Yes, your workforce may be ready to hit the road for multiple vacations and long weekends, but that doesn't mean it needs to disrupt your regular programming for wellness at work.

Keep employees excited about wellness by making it engaging and fun for them to focus on their health. Make summer's wellness campaigns all about connection, enjoyment and liveliness.

Read on for tips to share with your team and ideas to implement in your workplace this summer!

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work

What a Thriving Wellness Program Looks Like in the Hybrid Work Era

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, May, 12, 2022

How is your wellness program looking these days in today’s hybrid world?

More than ever before, being able to reach employees about their health in an engaging way is an essential part of healthy companies. When staff members aren’t always in the office all the time, it can make it challenging to keep wellness campaigns feeling cohesive. That’s one reason why employers must get creative in their approach to modifying current wellness programs. 

There’s no doubt that employees are reevaluating their priorities around work-life balance. In fact, 53% of employees are more likely to prioritize health and well-being over their work than before the pandemic.

A wellness program that crosses successfully over into the hybrid realm is one focused on more than just fitness programs or on-site workplace wellness. The most impactful programs take employee needs across all aspects of wellbeing.

Read on to learn how it’s done.

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Topics: Wellness at Work



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