
Is Your Company's Bereavement Leave Policy Helping Employees Heal?

Posted by Seraine Page on Tue, Feb, 21, 2023

When was the last time you reviewed your company’s bereavement leave policy?

If your company is invested in providing better mental health resources, updating that essential policy is a great start. Grief is often heavy and can cause a variety of mental health concerns for workers — everything from fatigue to depression and even anxiety attacks.

Sadly, our culture lacks a standard for dealing with workers who experience a painful loss. One of the most challenging aspects of grief is getting back to a normal routine, including work. If an employee is unable to properly grieve and is forced right back into work, it can create an unhealthy mental state.

Consider this a grief-in-the-workplace guide for managers to build a better and stronger bereavement leave policy that supports employees in the best way. You’ll find insights into what grief looks like and wisdom from grief expert Michelle Cramer, author of Unshattered Grief who is also an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Try Thought Exercises to Enhance Your Mental Health & Well-Being

Posted by Seraine Page on Wed, Feb, 15, 2023

How often do you think about how powerful your thoughts are?

Your thoughts have the power to make you feel energized or drain you. They also have the power to influence your mood and how you perceive the world.

Just like muscles, your mental health needs exercise, too. During stressful times — like the flailing economy, lay-offs, and more — thought exercises can be helpful in keeping you grounded. These simple mental health activities can help you better cope with life’s challenges, too.

If you need to break your negative thinking loop, this post is for you.

Below, learn what thought exercises are, how they can benefit anyone, and ways to boost mental health through exercises.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

The Top Workplace Well-Being Webinars to Check Out in 2023

Posted by Seraine Page on Wed, Feb, 08, 2023

Looking for a simple way to bring more workplace well-being topics to your employees?

There’s no better way than with a webinar. 

These seminars are online, so there’s no need to travel or make workers come into the office. It’s an ideal way to spread wellness content without interrupting the work day unnecessarily. Plus, you can include remote workers, too. Whether your team members and leadership are interested in intuitive eating, mental health strategies, meditation, or some other topic, there is something for everyone!

Below, you’ll find valuable upcoming wellness webinars to register for throughout the year. Best of all, they’re free!

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Topics: Wellness at Work

World Cancer Day: Easy Ways to Raise Awareness in the Workplace

Posted by Seraine Page on Fri, Feb, 03, 2023

February 4 is World Cancer Day.

While the C-word might be scary to talk about, raising awareness about cancer screenings and ways to stay healthy are important in the workplace.

These valuable discussions aren’t limited to just one day in February, either. Every month has an awareness day or the full month focused on specific cancers, further opening the door for discussion.

Below, discover easy ways employers can promote awareness among employees and essential facts to share when it comes to cancer.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

How Should Employers Promote Nutrition in the Workplace?

Posted by Seraine Page on Wed, Feb, 01, 2023


How should employers promote nutrition in the workplace?

If you’ve been wondering where nutrition in the workplace fits into your overall wellness plan, just knowing it belongs there is a start.

While you can’t force workers into eating healthily, there are simple ways to promote nutrition and healthy food choices in the workplace. Employees who feed their bodies nutrient-dense foods are more likely to be productive, stay healthy, and have higher levels of efficiency.

Whether you’re sharing weekly recipes and nutrition tips from a reputable source, or simply overhauling the vending machines, every action counts.

Below we dive into how diet impacts workers' health and performance, the benefits of promoting nutrition at work, and just how to do it.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

How to Create the Ultimate Successful Employee Satisfaction Survey

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jan, 26, 2023

When was the last time you thought about employee satisfaction?

If you have a solid team that regularly produces high-quality work, you may take for granted that leadership still needs to make an effort to ensure workplace happiness. One of the top ways to get honest feedback from employees is to keep it anonymous.

“Most employees are afraid they'll be reprimanded or put on watch if they voice their opinions, so they tend to lie,” says Christa Reed, head of job market research at JobSearcher, a job search website. “But an anonymous survey protects their identities, so they're more open to being honest.”

Below, learn more about conducting employee satisfaction surveys, the right questions to ask, and expert insight on ways to get valuable feedback.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

The Annoying Cough After COVID: How Long Should It Last?

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jan, 23, 2023

The nagging cough after COVID…just how long does it last?

A dry cough is one of the most common COVID symptoms that patients complain of upon infection. The COVID virus is here to stay, and, unfortunately, so are many of its lasting side effects, including a chronic cough.

This post will share what you need to know about that annoying COVID cough  and how long the cough may last after infection — plus you’ll get useful tips to help soothe your throat.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

Need to Improve Workplace Communication? Try Mindful Listening

Posted by Seraine Page on Tue, Jan, 17, 2023

How good are you at mindful listening? 

As a leader, are you listening to your employees' needs — like really listening?

If not, you may be finding yourself on the other end of resentment, receiving lazy work, and even employees who are looking at quitting. With so many distractions in our lives, it’s easy to try to multitask while talking to someone. That’s where mindful listening comes into play.

This post will cover what mindful listening is, the benefits of using it in the workplace, and tips for how to practice it.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces

5 Smart Health Reasons to Cut Back on Caffeine

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Jan, 12, 2023

Is it time to cut back on caffeine? 

A good cup of coffee is a great way to start the day. Or, if you prefer caffeinated waters, bars, mints, gums, etc. you know how it feels to have just a bit more pep in your step.

 Within five minutes, you can be energized. Amazing, isn’t it?

 There are some health conditions that can arise from too much caffeine throughout the day, though. Mayo Clinic states that up to 400 milligrams daily appears to be safe. But if you have health issues like anxiety or heart conditions, it may be time to closely consider how it impacts you.

Here’s a look at five reasons you may want to reduce your caffeine intake sooner rather than later.

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Topics: In the News

31 Achievable Healthy New Year’s Resolutions to Consider

Posted by Seraine Page on Mon, Jan, 09, 2023

Need some inspiration for healthy new year’s resolutions? 

Creating a list of resolutions can be overwhelming. As you write out your list, consider focusing on healthier choices that will lead to more productivity, happiness, and mental well-being. These will be the most rewarding, even if the discipline aspect gets a bit challenging.

If you want to set goals that will help you become a better version of yourself today and in the future, then this healthy new year’s resolutions list is for you. Start with this list and build it out to make smarter health choices in the new year.

You’ll be glad you didn’t skip resolution creation when the end of the year rolls around.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces



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