Considering working out in the morning?
There are plenty of benefits to doing so, including a recent study proving individuals who worked out before noon on average lost more weight than those hitting the gym after 3 p.m.
If you’re an early riser, you might consider adding your workout routine to the top of your day’s to-do list. Whether it’s running, swimming, weightlifting, or dancing, when you get your blood flowing and endorphins going, you’re guaranteed to start your day off right.
Plus, when you fully commit to a workout routine, you’ll find you feel energized, happier, and healthier — all perks you get when you stop hitting snooze five times in a row. Morning exercise, in particular, is found to increase energy, lower blood pressure, and help individuals make healthier eating choices.
Below, find out all the reasons your body will thank you for hitting the gym in the AM, not PM.