Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and the readiness to show appreciation for goodness—and it comes with a lot of perks. Gratitude expands your happiness and can transform your way of thinking. Utilizing this thankfulness can lift you out of the slumps and help you (and your employees) make the best out of any situation you may be facing.
Notice What Makes You Grateful
Sometimes it’s the small things in life—hearing your children laugh, a piping hot cup of coffee, or even your dog loyally greeting you at the front door. Pay attention to the things that make you smile, bring you relief, and make you feel alive. Those are the things that you are grateful for. Having a bad day at work? Try taking a deep breath and close your eyes for ten seconds. Think about what you have to look forward to when you go home tonight or any fun plans you have coming up this weekend. Think about your partner, children, friends, or anyone in your life that brings you joy and happiness. Focusing on the good can help battle any negative thoughts and feelings.
Gratitude is Contagious!
It’s no secret that gratitude leads to more gratitude. Once you are able to recognize and embrace your feelings of gratitude, you will become aware of the feeling more often. Part of being grateful comes with wanting to return some of the kindness and joy that you have been feeling back into the world. With this thankfulness comes appreciation and compliments. Your peers will feed off of any appreciation and thanks you throw their way, and the kindness will continue to spread—giving you even more things to be grateful for!Gratitude Strengthens Relationships
Being able to recognize the good that someone else brings to your life will help you appreciate that person more. Noticing that the good times outweigh the bad times can help build and sustain relationships. Forgiveness suddenly becomes easier and relationships with loved ones are no longer taken for granted. This gratefulness can also help battle any existing feelings of resentment, and will help you value the goodness that the relationship brings to your life. In turn, this person will recognize your appreciation—which can lead to more satisfaction in your relationship.Gratitude Can Help Reduce Anxiety and Depression
Gratitude can boost your positivity and optimism. Optimism can lead to a multitude of benefits and a healthier mindset. You may find yourself performing better at work or smiling and laughing more often. This optimism and positivity can also lead to better sleep, which helps reduce feelings of stress and sadness. Gratitude can also help strengthen your mental toughness and you may find yourself more resilient when challenges or times of sadness come your way.Having Trouble Cultivating Gratitude?
Here are a few tips and strategies for improving your sense of gratitude:- Keep a journal. Write down anything that makes you smile throughout the day. This could be a co-worker stopping by to ask how your morning is going or even a line from a book you read today.
- Try meditation. This helps release stress and can clear your mind and body of any negative thoughts or energies. After feeling relaxed, you will have a clean slate and can start thinking more positivity.
- Voice your appreciation. Did someone help you through a hard time or did someone’s act of kindness help you have a better day? Tell them! Making another person feel good will make you feel even better.
Recognizing what makes you grateful is one step in the right direction in reaching a healthy mindset. Appreciation of life’s little pleasures will help you learn to enjoy life even more. What are you grateful for today?
Image: People photograph designed by Jcomp - Freepik.com