
8 Ways Positive Thinking Can Improve Employee Well-Being [Infographic]

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Oct, 20, 2014

We’ve all heard the age-old question. Is your glass half full or half empty? Whichever you say helps to indicate if you're an optimist, or a pessimist. But being a positive thinker can impact your life (and your employees) more than you realize. Did you know that positive thinking can make you healthier? Numerous studies have shown that optimists are physically and psychologically healthier than pessimists.

Positive thinking is powerful because it increases individuals’ coping abilities and helps to overcome adversity. It has been found to increase feelings of joy and happiness, contribute to a longer life span, enhance the immune system, and improve financial success. Take a look at some of the surprising benefits of positivity on this infographic (click to enlarge): 


The research is clear. It really does pay to be positive, so the next step is for you is to find ways to bring positive vibes to your employees and your corporate wellness program. Too often, wellness programs have a dark cloud of negativity hanging over them when employees feel forced into completing HRAs or have to jump through hoops to save 20% on health insurance premiums. This negativity can be determinantal to what you are ultimately trying to achieve - improve employee health and well-being.

At TotalWellness, our biometric screenings are about creating a positive mindset. We believe by using positive reinforcement rather than scare tactics, we can help motivate employees to choose healthier behaviors. Positive messages such as “I am healthy” at our screening events, help to change the conversation. Our goal is to empower participants and increase their confidence to make healthy choices. 

So if your glass is half-empty, fill it up with positive energy! Even if you are not a natural-born optimist, there are things you can do to learn how to think positive. One of the first steps is to focus on your own inner monologue and to pay attention to your self-talk. We have created a "Positivity Pack" to help get you started. Share your own tips for positive thinking below.

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work


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