
25 Days of Gratitude (And Why It’s Good for Employee Wellness)

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Nov, 02, 2015

25 Days of Gratitude

Gratitude is a key factor in living a life filled with positivity. And, as you hopefully know, we at TotalWellness are huge advocates for positivity! Living life with an attitude of gratitude can help you take one step closer to all the health benefits that a positive outlook has to offer.

Researcher Robert Emmons, Ph. D., has found that consistently practicing gratitude can lead to a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure, more restful sleep, and a generally more optimistic and happy outlook. These are not just health benefits, but personal ones that can significantly improve your quality of life.

Gratitude is not just about personal well-being, it's also a powerful tool for building healthy relationships. Whether at work or at home, a grateful attitude can foster understanding, trust, and respect. In the workplace, it can be the key to a comfortable, highly efficient work environment.

This month, we plan to capitalize on our attitude of gratitude in a huge way.

As we prepare for the ultimate day of gratefulness — Thanksgiving — this month, we plan to be intentional about being thankful. From November 2 through Thanksgiving, we’ll be participating in 25 Days of Gratitude.

To celebrate these 25 days of a grateful attitude, we’ll be posting quotes about thankfulness on our social media pages every day. Hopefully, these quotes can inspire you and your team to focus on gratitude this month and all year long.

Feel free to join us using #25DaysOfGratitude. You can share your own inspirational gratitude quotes, things your thankful for, or stories of how gratitude has benefited your workplace. We’d love to hear from you!

Check us out on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to learn how we do 25 Days of Gratitude. Jump in on your own social media channels, and spread the word with your workforce.

We can all have an attitude of gratitude, and we can all reap the benefits that come from living a grateful life. This month and throughout the year, be intentionally grateful in your work life and at home.

How do you do gratitude where you work?
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