
3 Exciting Ways to Kickoff Your 2023 Workplace Wellness Campaigns

Posted by Seraine Page on Thu, Dec, 15, 2022

WellnessCampaign-01Need some thrilling workplace wellness campaigns to kick off 2023?

We’ve got you covered.

Yes, it’s certainly time to start wellness goal planning for 2023. For wellness coordinators and committees, resolutions should absolutely include workplace wellness goals and where you want to see your workplace go well-being-wise.

Your workers are your best asset, so ensuring they are well and thriving through your wellness programs and beyond is a wise move. Stumped on simple ways to reinvigorate your upcoming campaigns? No worries.

Below we share several unique ways to get everyone at work excited about wellness:

Wellness Campaigns That Will Inspire Your Team

Whether you feel like you’ve tried everything or are just now exploring workplace wellness campaigns, exploring new ideas is always a good idea. Not only does it keep things fresh and exciting for the planner (AKA you) but it also is more likely to engage your employees.

Here’s a look at some fun and inspiring wellness campaign ideas:

Idea #1: Get Visionary

Ready to think and dream big? Help your team envision long-term and short-term health goals. Come together to look at professional and personal goal-setting and ways to operate in a more productive and healthier manner. Doing so can be a great team-building activity and help inspire forward-thinking.

 Here’s how:

  • Plan the year ahead together - Where are your workers struggling? Are they finding it hard to work out or eat healthily? Survey them over a healthy catered luncheon. Nail down what they need to work on and then solidify health topics to discuss each month for all of 2023. This will give wellness committees a way to plan ahead to collect resources, books, and more to make wellness content sharing more effective and personalized.

  • Host a vision board party - What do your employees want their health to look like? Spend a half-day team-building and creating vision board posters or actual corkboards with inspirational well-being images, phrases, quotes, and more. Have workers share their goals in small groups to set accountability up for their big dreams!

  • Create vision statements - Each quarter, sit down as a team to create health-related vision statements. These give goals and aspirations shape and direction. It keeps the vision board project thoughts and inspiration going throughout the year. This can be a fun lunch and learn event that brings the wellness team together with employees.

Think long-term and big when getting visionary with your workplace campaigns. Not too much that it’s overwhelming, but enough that it’s a challenge and will motivate your workers.

Idea #2: Get Motivated

A little motivation can go a long way. Focus on exciting your workers about wellness and ways to improve their lives. Even if everything is going well, there is always room for improvement in one area or another.

Help motivate them to wellness and:

  • Bring in a series of motivational speakers - Is there anything more motivating than hearing someone who has tackled health and wellness in a major way? See about different speakers you can bring in for the first month or two of the new year to inspire wellness changes in your workers. From holistic nutritionists to yoga instructors and fitness trainers to MDs, you can inspire change through a variety of lunch and learn sessions with inspiring individuals.

  • Create motivational health “murals” - Together as a team, decorate doors, cubicles, and bulletin boards with inspirational health quotes. Consider these mini vision boards of optimum health. Make them colorful and inviting; these can be great conversation starters, too. Ask workers to clip out inspirational images, quotes, words, and book lists to inspire others in their wellness journeys.

  • Offer relatable wellness experiences - Consider hiring a local dietician or chef to do a cooking demo for your staff. Beforehand, interviewing a few in the area can provide insight into their teaching and cooking methods. Finding someone who can teach your employees how to eat healthy on a budget, how to cook with seasonal produce, and where to find the best local meats and seafood can encourage and inspire healthier eating.

Sometimes learning healthy tricks of the trade from professionals can be the motivation that’s needed to move people to their next wellness level. Showing that healthy living isn’t as hard as it may seem might be all the motivation your team needs!

Idea #3: Reconnect as A Team

Last but not least, reconnecting as a team is good for productivity, relationship building, and communication. When was the last time you did so in your workplace? A new year is a great time to focus on it!

Here are a few ways to reconnect:  

  • Try team-building activities - There’s nothing more fun or exciting than team-building when it comes to worker connections. When your team learns how to communicate together, it creates a more cohesive (and healthier) work environment. Check out these ideas for team-building.

  • Volunteer together - Spending time volunteering together offers a variety of benefits. Not only does it strengthen community ties, but it also connects workers who have the same values and common interests. Consider offering your employees paid time off for volunteering and going together as a group to a volunteer site.

  • Go on a wellness adventure - Make exploring health and wellness a fun and exciting time. Set up a scavenger hunt along a local nature trail. Invest in a week of yoga classes together. Make recommendations for float tanks and go take a work field trip to try it out. Reconnect and discuss your experiences and how workers see the activities improve their health.

Social connection is a must in the workplace. It leads to happier and more exciting work environments which are certainly always more healthy to be in than a toxic work setting. Good social health connections can mean the difference between engaged employees and unhealthy, unmotivated ones.

Start Planning Your Wellness Campaigns Today 

The more leadership brings wellness activities, ideas, and discussions into the workplace, the more it becomes ingrained in the work culture.

The ideas above are simply easy ways to kickstart the new year with engaging opportunities. Wellness and better health is very much at the forefront of public health and general discussions — make it a part of your everyday workplace experiences, too.

Creating campaigns with a clear purpose will always be the most impactful and engaging. Additionally, ideas that have been pre-vetted by your employees will be the ones that have the best success rate.

Wellness benefits are favored these days and are a way to keep your best workers around. Give them what they need through your wellness campaigns in 2023 for their best health yet.

What wellness campaign ideas do you plan to try in 2023 at your company? Share below!

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Topics: Healthy Workplaces, Wellness at Work


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