
Finding Joy: Harnessing the Novelty Rule for a Fulfilling Life

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Sep, 16, 2024

The Novelty Effect Have you ever noticed that childhood summers felt like they lasted forever, but now summers zoom by in the blink of an eye?

There's a reason for that! As we get older, our brains stop making as many new pathways, and that makes our days feel like they blend together. The good news? You can change that with a simple idea called the Novelty Rule!

The Novelty Rule is based on neuroscience and is a great way to slow down time, making your life feel richer and more meaningful. In an episode of the Liz Moody Podcast, Liz explains how she created the novelty rule using research by Dr. David Eagleman from Stanford University. By adding new and novel experiences to your life, you can change your brain's perception of time, so it doesn’t feel like days and months are just flying by.

What Is the Novelty Rule?

The novelty rule is all about adding small, new experiences to your life. When you try something different, your brain creates new pathways, making memories stand out more. It’s like adding colorful patches to a quilt. Suddenly, your days feel more unique and exciting!

The goal is easy: try one small, new thing each week and one bigger new experience each month. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive — just different!

Weekly Tiny Changes

Small changes can make a big difference in how you feel about your days. Here are some ideas:

  • Wear Something New: Wear a color you usually don’t wear or try a new accessory.
  • Change Your Route: If you walk or drive to work, take a different path.
  • Use Fancy Wine Glasses: Drinking water with dinner? Pour it into a wine glass and add some lemon slices. A simple change like this adds a fun twist to your routine and makes an ordinary moment feel special.
  • Switch Up Your Routine: If you usually watch TV on Wednesday nights, why not try something different, like dancing or going out with a friend?
  • Try a New Recipe: Cook a meal you’ve never made before or try a new ingredient.
  • Listen to a New Genre of Music: If you usually listen to pop, switch it up with classical, jazz, or world music.
  • Read a Different Type of Book: If you love fiction, try a nonfiction book or vice versa. You could even read a short article on a topic you know nothing about!
  • Talk to Someone New: Strike up a conversation with a colleague you don’t usually chat with or a neighbor you haven’t met.
  • Exercise in a New Way: If you normally go for a jog, try a yoga class, swimming, or even dancing.
  • Change Your Coffee Routine: Visit a new café, or try a different type of coffee or tea than your usual order.
  • Change Your Environment: Rearrange a room in your home, add a plant to your workspace, or work in a new spot like a library or park.
  • Try a New Technology Tool: Experiment with a new app, tool, or gadget you’ve been curious about, whether for work or play.

Each of these tiny changes helps your brain create new memories. Plus, they make your week feel longer and more interesting!

Monthly Novelty Adventures

Once a month, try doing something a little bigger. This could be a weekend trip, learning a new skill, or even meeting up with friends you don’t see very often.

Here are some ideas for monthly adventures:

  • Reconnect with Friends: Make plans with someone you haven’t seen in a while.
  • Take a Class: Sign up for a one-day workshop or class on something you’ve never done before, like photography, pottery, or even salsa dancing.
  • Visit a New Place: Explore a nearby museum, nature trail, or even a new restaurant in your town.
  • Host a Themed Night: Invite friends or family over for a themed dinner, like an international cuisine night, where everyone brings a dish from a different country.
  • Go on a Day Trip: Visit a neighboring city, a state park, or a quirky roadside attraction.
  • Volunteer: Spend a day helping out at a charity or community event. It’s a great way to meet new people and feel good about giving back.
  • Attend a Local Event: Check out a local festival, farmers market, or community concert. There’s always something happening that you’ve never experienced!
  • Try a Challenge: Sign up for a physical challenge like a 5K run, a bike race, or even an escape room adventure with friends.
  • Explore a New Hobby: Try your hand at gardening, knitting, or learning a musical instrument. Even just starting with a beginner lesson or video can spark excitement.

These monthly adventures help you break out of your routine and make life feel richer and more meaningful.

Tips for HR and Wellness Managers 

As an HR or wellness manager, you can play a key role in helping employees apply the novelty rule to improve their well-being. Here are a few ways to encourage novelty in the workplace:

Organize Challenges: Create a fun weekly challenge where employees try something new, such as taking a different route to work or learning a new skill. You could reward participation with small prizes like gift cards or shoutouts in company newsletters.

Promote Learning Days: Dedicate one day each month for employees to explore something new. Whether it’s attending a webinar, trying a new software tool, or taking a creative workshop, learning something fresh can spark creativity and innovation.

Offer Flexible Activity Time: Encourage employees to take a break from their regular routine. Offer a “Wellness Wednesday” where they can step out for a walk in a new area, try a lunchtime yoga class, or attend a fun company event that gets them out of their everyday tasks.

Create a Novelty Wall: Set up a space where employees can share their new experiences, whether it’s a quick post-it on a board or a digital platform where they can post photos and stories of their novel adventures. This could inspire others to try something new!

Plan Team Events: Once a month, organize a team-building event that’s out of the ordinary — like having a pickleball tournament, having a picnic in a local park, or doing a cooking class together. These events build camaraderie and give employees something fun and different to look forward to.

Why It Works

When you add novelty to your life, your brain wakes up! You’ll start noticing more around you, and time won’t feel like it’s slipping away so fast. It’s a simple way to make your life more colorful and fun, without having to do anything too wild or expensive.

Adding novelty doesn’t have to be complicated. The key is to find small ways to step outside your regular routine and make space for new experiences. Over time, these moments will add up, making your life feel more joyful and meaningful!

Make It Happen!

Start small. Pick one tiny new thing to try this week. Next, plan a fun adventure for the month. As you make this part of your routine, you’ll notice that your days feel longer, more exciting, and full of new memories!

By adding the novelty rule to your life, you’re giving yourself the gift of time — and who wouldn’t want that?

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