
17 Ways to Focus on Springtime Health and Wellness in the Workplace

Posted by Seraine Page on Wed, Apr, 05, 2023

Spring Health and Wellness InfographicSpring has just about sprung.

With the change of season comes a variety of concerns to think about as an employer when it comes to your workers’ springtime health and wellness. Plus, there are some health and safety tips it would be wise to refresh everyone on!

From having a tornado drill plan in place to replacing air filters to keep pollen away to keep asthmatics safe, there are plenty of ways to improve office health and safety this spring.

Below we share 17 simple ways to welcome spring (and employee well-being!) into your workplace today.

1. Deep Clean

Spring is here so it’s time to dive into the spring cleaning your company has been putting off! A cleaner office can improve your employees’ immunity. Plus, decluttering and ridding the office of unnecessary (or unsightly) items can reduce stress and avoid injuries. Dust the blinds, wipe down window sills, get the carpet deep cleaned, and get all the crevices that have been ignored!

2. Be Weather Vigilant

Springtime weather varies across regions but can also be drastically different in a single day in certain areas. Encourage employees to be weather aware before leaving for and from work. Strong spring showers, high wind gusts, flash flooding, and tornadoes can all cause road hazards that are dangerous.  

3. Practice Drills

For many companies, the safety and well-being of employees are a top priority. This spring, consider practicing safety drills for a variety of scenarios: Bad weather, fire drills, and active shooters. Discover weak spots and ensure that your team can act swiftly in the event of an emergency.

4. Check Alarms

Luckily, most essential safety alarms today don’t need a weekly inspection. Be sure to test your smoke alarms each month and batteries once a year. Many people opt to do battery changes in the spring. Additionally, if you have a carbon monoxide detector, check that as well to ensure it’s in proper working order.

5. Replace Air Filters

How clean is the air in your workplace? By keeping up with air filter replacements, you can ensure that your HVAC system continues to work properly. Some need to be changed every 30 days while others are on a 3-month schedule. Replace air filters to keep pollen, dust, and other respiratory aggravators out of your work environment.

6. Watch Those Steps

It’s easy to have a slip-and-fall accident when the spring weather brings wet and often icy conditions to sidewalks and walkways. Encourage employees to use outdoor handrails when leaving and entering the building. As an employer, ensure you have high-quality, durable mats just inside the entrances to keep the area safer for employees.  

7. Encourage Water Intake

Now is the time to do some maintenance on the office water cooler or sink filtration system. Post signs around these areas as well to encourage your workers to drink up. Staying hydrated can stave off headaches and also keeps the body feeling energized. It can also prevent skin dryness in colder months!

Related: Water Challenge Campaign Tool Kit 

8. Do Maintenance on Company Vehicles

Because of the varying spring weather conditions, it’s a must to ensure company vehicles are in safe shape to drive. Tires older than six years need replacing. Additionally, any tire that flunks the penny test (turn a penny upside down and stick it in the tire tread; if you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, you need to tire shop, stat) needs to be replaced. Consider replacing cracked windshields and upgrading wiper blades, too.

9. Wear a Mask When Cleaning

Whether your cleaning crew is dusting during office hours or your workers are clearing clutter and dust, encourage the use of a face mask and/or goggles. This can keep the eyes and nose protected from harsh cleaning chemicals and dust that can irritate the respiratory system.

10. Regularly Disinfect Surfaces

Flu season can last all the way until May, so keep up with disinfecting surfaces regularly in your office. This may include high-touch areas like door knobs, phones, and the breakroom table and fridge handle.  

11. Discuss Ladder Safety

Every year, thousands of people are injured in ladder-related falls. For those in construction, this is not a stat to take lightly. This month, take the time to discuss ladder safety with your workers — whether they’re using one to reach items from a shelf, climbing a roof, or cleaning a window — knowing ladder safety is a must. Review the proper ways to use and store ladders on your work site. 

12. Explore In-Season Spring Foods

As a spring wellness challenge, consider having your employees try as many in-season produce as they’re willing to. Springtime is abundant in carrots, artichokes, asparagus, celery, garlic, and turnips. Better yet, have a chef come and teach a course on how to use in-season veggies to reap the biggest nutrient benefits known to keep the immune system strong.

13. Offer Biometric Screenings

Now that the holidays have long passed, many individuals look to spring as a way to start fresh with their health if they end up skipping over their new year’s resolutions. All the hibernating behaviors — like eating comfort foods and staying bundled up inside instead of moving — can pack on pounds and elevate blood pressure. Run a biometric screening to help your employees get in tune with where their health is to start fresh and make healthy changes! 

Related: All You Need to Know About Biometric Screenings eBook

14. Update Injury Policies & Waivers

Whether you’re doing a team-building event, running a 5K, or starting a company sports team, it’s wise to know the laws and liabilities of each. Your policies and waivers in place will determine how an employee is covered — or not covered — in the event of an injury. Discuss with your company’s attorney to update any policies and waivers your workers may need to sign for release.

15. Train for Helping Asthmatics

In late March and early April, the warm weather also means an increase in seasonal allergy issues for many. With the bursting new growth of trees, flowers, and grass, seasonal allergies can also trigger immune reactions such as sinus infections if left untreated. For any asthmatics in the office, ensure their medical contact information is updated and that colleagues are trained on what to do during an employee’s asthma attack.

16. Encourage Outside Time

With the weather starting to warm, it’s a great time to get outside — especially on those gloriously sunny days. Doing so can offer great health benefits including lowered blood pressure, reduced stress, and vitamin D boosts!

17.  Declutter Workstations

Get rid of winter’s mess. It’s time to clean up areas that have long been ignored (hello, file room) and for your workers to get their desks cleared. Last year’s paperwork can be filed away or tossed at this point. A decluttered space leads to increased productivity and better mental energy for everyone!

Review Your Springtime Health and Wellness Protocols

Springtime is ideal for focusing on your employees’ health and wellness. If it’s been a while since your leadership has reviewed company health and safety tips, start anew this season.

Changing up the routine by focusing on business aspects that often get forgotten — safety drills, clutter cleaning, and the like — can offer a fresh start and perk up your workers after a long winter season.

If you want to improve the way your workers work and how they feel, then taking a proactive approach to managing workplace safety, health, and well-being is the way to go. Give it a try today and see how your workers’ energy and well-being improve!

How will you update your springtime health and wellness routines at work? Share below!

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