
How to Kick-Start Your Employee Flu Shot Program

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Mon, Jul, 29, 2024

Get ready, folks!

Employee Flu Shot ProgramFlu season is right around the corner, whether you're prepared or not.

We know summer is still in full swing, and you’re soaking up the sun. But trust us, autumn is sneaking up faster than we think. And with the changing season comes the dreaded flu.

During the 2023-24 flu season, the CDC reported  35 million cases of flu-related illnesses, along with 390,000 hospitalizations and 25,000 deaths, despite it being considered a milder season.

So, how can companies ensure the safety and well-being of their teams during flu season?

The solution: an employee flu shot program.

Why Do You Need an Employee Flu Shot Program?

Studies show that getting the seasonal flu vaccine helps keep your employees healthy and reduces their chances of serious illness or hospitalization. Offering flu shots at work makes it easy and convenient, stopping the flu from spreading and ensuring everyone feels their best. It's a hassle-free win-win for everyone! Here’s why it’s a great idea:

1. Fewer Sick Days
When your team gets flu shots, they’re less likely to get sick. This means fewer days stuck in bed and more days feeling awesome and getting stuff done!

2. More Energy
Healthy employees are like superheroes with extra energy. They can focus better and work faster without the flu slowing them down.

3. Save Money
When fewer people get sick, you save money — no more covering for missing employees. Your team stays strong, and your budget stays happy.

4. Happy Employees
When you offer flu shots, your team knows you care about them. This makes everyone feel good and happy to work together. A happy team is a great team!

5. Healthier Workplace
Flu shots help stop the flu from spreading. This means a healthier workplace where everyone feels safe and strong. No more worrying about catching the flu from a coworker.

6. Positive Company Image
Offering flu shots makes your company look great! People will see that you care about your team’s health. This helps you keep your current employees and attract new ones. Plus, clients and partners will be impressed.

How Do Flu Shots and Employee Wellness Fit Together?

Flu shots are more than just a way to stop the flu. They’re a big part of keeping your employees well. When employees get their flu shots, they’re showing they care about their health and the health of their coworkers. This helps create a culture of wellness at work, where everyone looks out for each other. And when your team feels good, they do good work. It’s all connected!

How to Make Your Flu Shot Plan a Sucess 

Planning an employee flu shot program is easier than you think. Follow these simple steps to ensure your team stays healthy and happy this flu season.

1. Choose Your Program: On-site or Voucher

First, decide if you want to offer flu shots at your workplace (on-site) or give employees vouchers to get them at local pharmacies or clinics. You can even offer both!

On-site Flu Shots: This option brings the flu shots right to your office. It’s super convenient because employees can get their shots without leaving work. You can schedule a flu shot day, and everyone can get their vaccine during a break.

Voucher Program: A flu shot voucher program might be better if your employees work in different locations or have flexible schedules. Give each employee a voucher, and they can get their flu shot when and where it’s convenient. For instance, some of our clients email flu shot vouchers to their entire team.

2. Make It Easy and Fun

Getting a flu shot shouldn’t feel like a chore. Make the process simple and even a little fun! For on-site flu shots, create a festive atmosphere. Consider offering healthy snacks or small incentives for employees who receive their flu shot, or even tie it in with a health fair for added engagement. If you’re using vouchers, remind employees often and make it easy for them to get them and find a place to use them.

3. Spread the Word

Tell your team why flu shots are important. Share stories, flu shot facts, and even some fun trivia about flu prevention. Use emails, posters, and meetings to keep the message fresh. When employees understand why flu shots matter, they’re more likely to participate.

What to Avoid When Planning a Flu Shot Program

Planning a flu shot program for your staff is a fantastic way to keep everyone healthy and happy. But to make sure it’s a big success, there are some common pitfalls you’ll want to avoid. Let’s dive into what not to do when setting up your flu shot program.

1. Don't Forget to Communicate
Avoid springing the flu shot program on your team at the last minute. Give everyone plenty of notice. Send out emails, share in Slack channels, post on intranet sites, put up posters, and talk about it in meetings. This way, everyone knows what's happening and when.

2. Don't Make It Complicated
Keep the process simple. Avoid complicated sign-ups. Make it easy for employees to get their flu shots. The easier it is, the more people will participate.

3. Don't Ignore Employee Concerns
Some employees might have questions or concerns about flu shots. Don’t ignore these! Provide clear information and be ready to answer any questions. Listening to your employees shows you care.

4. Don't Forget the Details
Plan out the details carefully. Make sure you have enough flu shots for everyone. If you’re doing onsite shots, choose a convenient location and time. If you’re using vouchers, make sure employees know where and how to use them.

5. Don't Exclude Anyone
Make sure your flu shot program is inclusive. Everyone should feel welcome to participate. Avoid scheduling the flu shot day around a holiday or when a lot of employees can’t attend. If you have multiple shifts, make sure to ensure coverage for all of your employees.

6. Don’t Underestimate Timing
Avoid planning the flu shot program too late in the season. The earlier you start, the better protected your team will be. Kickstart your planning in the summer so you can snag your ideal dates in September and October.

Make Your Flu Shot Program Shine with TotalWellness

By now, it should be clear that you need to start planning your flu shot program, like today. The great news is that TotalWellness is here to help. 

Starting a flu shot program at your workplace is a great way to keep everyone healthy and happy. Whether you choose onsite flu shots or a voucher program, the key is to make it easy and fun for your employees. Spread the word, create a positive atmosphere, and watch as your team stays strong and flu-free all season long. Remember, a healthy team is a happy team!

At TotalWellness, we know how important it is to protect your team from the flu. That’s why we offer easy and convenient flu shot programs. Whether you want on-site flu shots or a voucher program, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today to learn more. 

Onsite Flu Shot Clinic Guide



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