
Using the Power of Marketing to Engage Employees in Worksite Wellness

Posted by Lisa Stovall on Wed, Sep, 18, 2013

MarketingAre you effectively marketing your worksite wellness program? Research shows the answer is probably no. Aon Hewitt’s 2012 Health Care Survey reports that only 17% of surveyed employers use consumer marketing techniques when promoting their wellness program.

Even though you might not be selling products, you can still use some of the same principles to deliver messages that resonate with your employees. For example, consumer marketing research says that consumers connect with a message after seeing or hearing the message between five and seven times. So that means you have to use a consistent mix of print, electronic and verbal messages to reach employees. 

Luckily, you don't have to be a marketing genius to have a big impact – you just have to be smart about how you communicate. Follow these five tips below and you'll be on your way to crafting the perfect message. 

Know Your Your Audience

Before creating any marketing plan you need to know who you are trying to reach. Your employees are special. Look at the data you have on hand. Past HRA results, employee satisfaction surveys, focus groups and demographics can help provide insights on how to connect and engage with your workforce. It is essential to understand your audience’s perceptions and then tailor messaging — and tactics — to your population.

Anticipate Barriers

Your marketing efforts should address employee barriers to success. Here are some examples of barriers:

–Don’t know about the program
–Know, but aren’t interested
–Too busy to participate
–Geographically isolated
–No web access
–Language barriers
–Lack of trust

Create Compelling Copy

Words are powerful. Good copy helps your readers understand what you are offering them and gives them a clear way to respond. Try to write in the present - passive voice weakens your message. Also, try to use persuasive words like - you, free, new, instantly, more and convenient.

Offer Something of Value

You need a clear value proposition. Why should your employee participate? What's in it for them? You want to offer solutions to their problems. Here are a couple examples of value proposition: 

-Better health, lower weight, less stress, fewer medications

Include a Call to Action

Having a “Call to Action” can help to ease any questions and/or concerns that employees might have when they get an email or see a poster. Basically it's answering the question: What do you want employees to do? For example: Sign up for your biometric screening by October 1.

Health communications and marketing are a critical piece to any successful worksite wellness program. Have you had success with using consumer marketing strategies to build enthusiasm for your wellness program? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

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