
The Structure of TotalWellness Contractor Positions

Posted by Becky Squiers on Wed, Jun, 10, 2015

If you’re a new independent contractor or haven’t worked many events—or maybe not-yet part of our health professionals network—you might be a bit confused about how our company and your position works. That’s because the nature of the wellness work we do isn’t exactly structured like a lot of “regular” jobs.

Allow us to explain…

Our corporate office is in Omaha, Neb. This office is the only place where we house full-time, “regular” employees. Our Omaha office is home to our company leadership, as well as our shipping, data, accounting, administrative, account management, sales and marketing teams. All of our operations stem from this office.

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Topics: Working at TotalWellness

I Am Healthy 30-Day Challenge

Posted by Becky Squiers on Wed, Jun, 03, 2015

June 2015 is the seventh annual Employee Wellbeing Month. As you can probably guess, we’re pumped! As a wellness professional, you probably are too.

Unfortunately, not everyone is bought into the importance of focusing on wellness at work. Employee Wellbeing Month is designed to help educate, spread awareness and gain support for employee wellness. This year, you can follow along with the awesome Employee Wellbeing Month supporters by checking out #EWM15 on social media. Feel free to join the conversation with your own thoughts!

As a wellness professional, we know you’re chock full of great, interesting healthy ideas! In honor of Employee Wellbeing Month, we’d like to inform all of you about an excellent opportunity for you to not only be a part of, but to encourage wellness event participants to take part in too.

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Topics: Working at TotalWellness

All Wellness Companies Are Not Created Equally

Posted by Becky Squiers on Wed, May, 27, 2015

At TotalWellness, we know that all wellness companies are not the same. In fact, we know that we’re pretty different. And, we’re quite proud of it!

When it’s all boiled down, we offer services to help employers start an excellent wellness program. Whether it’s a biometric screening to gauge progress, a flu shot clinic to prevent illness or even a wellness portal to manage employee participation, we provide a foundation on which companies can build up their wellness programs and help employees live healthier, happier lives.

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The Non-Obvious Benefits of Working in Wellness

Posted by Becky Squiers on Wed, May, 20, 2015

Working at on-site wellness events can be great. There are plenty of obvious benefits including:

  • Flexible hours
  • The opportunity to help others
  • The chance to travel
  • And, making extra money

A lot of these, however, you can also find in other jobs. So what makes wellness so special, so rewarding and so worth it?

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Topics: Working at TotalWellness


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