
All Wellness Companies Are Not Created Equally

Posted by Becky Squiers on Wed, May, 27, 2015

At TotalWellness, we know that all wellness companies are not the same. In fact, we know that we’re pretty different. And, we’re quite proud of it!Positive Wellness Company

When it’s all boiled down, we offer services to help employers start an excellent wellness program. Whether it’s a biometric screening to gauge progress, a flu shot clinic to prevent illness or even a wellness portal to manage employee participation, we provide a foundation on which companies can build up their wellness programs and help employees live healthier, happier lives.

As a wellness company, those services are pretty typical. What makes us different, however, is our approach to wellness.

We believe everyone is healthy.

Yes, you read that right. We think that everyone is healthy. That’s not to say that everyone can’t improve in some way. But we do think that everyone has healthy habits in their lives already.

It’s our goal to help employees find those habits and learn how to build off of them to make more. This innovative way of thinking allows us to interact with those employees in a way that makes them feel good about making healthy changes in their lives. It gives them the power to leave our wellness events feeling hopeful rather than cut down or fearful.

So what does that mean for our health professionals?

Well, it means that you have to want to work in a positive environment. And those water glasses in the break room? You better believe they’re half-full!

To be a wellness professional who thrives in our environment, we’ve put together some brand attributes:

Be motivating: Our simple, yet profound idea that everyone is healthy helps us to nudge employees into healthy action by breaking down the walls that are often put up in healthcare settings.

Be approachable: We want to be easy to know, easy to communicate with and easy to deal with. We want our interactions to be pleasant because they’re genuine and conversational.

Be an ally: Health changes can be difficult to make. We want employees to know they’re never on their own, never on an island, never without help. We’re here to help and be the ally on the journey towards better health.

Be seasoned: Trust us, this isn’t our first rodeo. We are seasoned professionals who’ve had successes, failures and lessons learned. We want our health professionals to be on the same page as us.

Be passionate: Wellness is more than a job to us. We believe in what we do and in those we help. We try to practice what we preach because it’s who we are. We’re authentic, honest and committed to helping employees live healthier lives.

And how is all of that a better approach?

Well believe it or not, it’s been shown that positivity is just a better idea overall. It helps people to make long-term changes because they WANT to, not because they feel they HAVE to.

See, most companies use scare tactics to instill change. They focus on everything that an employee is doing wrong. The problem with this approach, however, is that the motivation fades as soon as the fear fades. It’s a short-term approach to a long-term journey.

By focusing on what employees are doing right, we help companies build a sustainable culture of wellness in their workplace. This culture of wellness is something that infiltrates everything employees do. It’s this culture that is the ultimate goal of any wellness program, and will help your employees be healthy, happy, productive, energetic and so much more!

So it’s simple really. We want to help companies take steps in the journey towards better health. If you’re already working with us, keep that in mind and be intentional in all your event interactions. If you haven’t yet joined us, get on board!

What do you think of our unique approach to wellness?


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