
Making the Leap: Helping Your Employees Overcome the Fear of Getting Started

Posted by Becky Squiers on Thu, Sep, 01, 2016

Getting Started with WellnessThe hardest part of any lifestyle change is getting started. The scariest step is the first step. It can be intimidating because you don’t know what’s going to happen.

Will you succeed with flying colors? Will you stumble all the way to the top? Will you fall flat on your face? Those are the questions you have to overcome to get started.

When it comes to employee wellness, a strong first step can make all the difference. Taking the first step towards a healthy lifestyle with confidence and determination can set you up for a strong, steady health journey. It can be an excellent foundation.

You need to help your employees overcome the fear of getting started so they can take advantage of a strong first step towards a healthy lifestyle. In order to do that, you’ll have to set up a wellness program that cuts down those first-step-fears, and empowers your healthy workforce.

Be the Welcome Wagon

Your program needs to be welcoming and inviting. It needs to be something your employees want to be part of. The overall tone of your program is important—and it’s completely in your control.

You can create a positive, welcoming tone in a few different ways. First and foremost, you’ll need to focus on positive messaging. Choose your words wisely so they encourage positive attitudes about health and wellness.

You might also consider branding your wellness program. Think of a name, a logo, a tagline and even a mantra. Make sure the materials you use are bright and fun, and that everything not only matches but makes sense.

Focus on the Benefits

Focus all of your wellness promotion on the benefits of getting started. Remember that those benefits are the things your employees value—not just the things your leadership teams value.

It might helpful to do some corporate ‘soul searching’ to learn what those values are. Do you have a younger workforce who wants to look and feel great? Maybe you have a more experienced workforce who wants some security and assurance of a healthy future. You could even have a workforce who values balance and time spent with loved ones.

All you need to do is ask around. Get some feedback to learn your employees’ values, and talk about those as your wellness selling point.

Start with Baby Steps

Don’t ask too much of your employees too soon. Encourage them to start small by making the first steps of your wellness program baby steps. The initial process should be simple, yet useful.

That means making the sign-up process easy. You don’t need to know every single detail about your employees to get them signed up for your program. Focus on the bare minimum for the easiest sign-up.

After you get employees signed up, start with some simple wellness challenges or to-do’s. Consider including baby steps like setting a goal, making a healthy substitution or changing your attitude. These things help to set a strong foundation, but they’re not incredibly difficult up front.

Celebrate Everything

Celebrations are fun. Everyone wants to celebrate! So take some time in your wellness program to celebrate the progress your employees have made.

Not only does it make the program more fun and inviting, but it’s a strategic move when it comes to creating a healthy workforce. Celebrating a job well done is one way to reinforce positive behaviors and encourage future healthy choices. So take the time to slow things down and look for things to celebrate in your wellness program.

When it comes to wellness, the most important step you and your employees will ever take is the first step. Help make the first step just a little easier by setting up your wellness program the right way.

How do you encourage your employees to get started on their healthy journeys?

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