
Deep Clean Your Office Before Flu Season

Posted by Becky Squiers on Mon, Oct, 05, 2015

Hygiene is important all year long, but it’s especially important during flu season. That’s because the flu can spread from person to person by germs left behind on shared objects. That’s why when someone comes to work sick, it won’t be long until you have an office epidemic on your hands.

Some places are more common hotspots for germs than other places. In your office, that includes anything that is shared or touched frequently. This means things like:

  • Sink faucet handles
  • Microwave door handles
  • Fridge door handles
  • Any other door handles
  • Light switches
  • Desk equipment like keyboards and phones
  • Coffee pot handles
  • Table tops
  • Elevator or vending machine buttons

It’s important to start flu season off healthily and deep clean your office. Take extra time on these germy places, and consider walking through some or all of the following deep clean steps.

Move furniture so you can vacuum up any dust or dirt that’s gotten lodged underneath it.

Empty cabinets and cupboards to determine what clutter can be thrown out. That includes the fridge! This is also an excellent time to wipe down shelves and start fresh this fall.

Wipe down all surfaces and disinfect them. This means table tops, light switches, door knobs, desks and even cabinetry.

Disinfect the bathroom for obvious reasons. This should really be done regularly anyways…

Vacuum air vents to get rid of the dust and dirt that can get lodged there as well. This could even help alleviate some allergy suffering as well.

Wipe down all furniture and vacuum any upholstered parts. You can also disinfect furniture, especially in common areas.

Sanitize office equipment like telephones, keyboards, computer mice, printers and staplers. Be sure to clean the equipment that’s shared, as well as any equipment that’s designated to individual employees. Both can be germy hotspots.

As you prepare for flu season it’s important to keep hygiene top of mind. Take some time to deep clean your office so you can start flu season with a clean slate…literally!

What’s your plan to focus on hygiene during flu season?

Onsite Flu Shot Clinic Guide

Topics: Workplace Flu Shots, Healthy Workplaces


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