
Here’s Why You Should Take Policy Updates Seriously

Posted by Becky Squiers on Wed, Jul, 06, 2016

Contractor_Cover-1.pngHopefully you’ve seen our recent updates to our manual of policies and procedures (if you haven’t, please go take a look!). To be sure you’ve taken enough time to consider our new policies, we just wanted to touch base about how important they really are.

We know what you might be thinking. It’s easy to think all healthcare policies are the same, and that because you work with a couple different vendors, you’re covered. It’s even easy to think that because you’ve renewed your licensure, you’re good to go. You might even think that because policies have changed, you’ve done something wrong and are being punished or reprimanded.

The truth is this…an updated manual doesn’t mean we don’t trust you, and it doesn’t mean you’re not doing well.Here’s what it does mean…

We care about our clients.

And we care about their employees. We’re in this business to make healthy change happen. We want to make a difference in the lives of our clients and of their employees. Hopefully you do too.

The best way to do that is to provide wellness events that are not only enjoyable, but that are safe and reliable. Keeping policies and procedures updated ensures we are always on top of our game. It helps us to put together quality events that clients want to provide for their employees.

We care about you.

Working in healthcare can be hard. We get that. We want to make your job as easy as it can possibly be. We also want you to be successful and to feel good about putting in quality work.

Updating our policies and procedures often ensures we can hold you accountable to the latest and greatest healthcare provision methods. It helps you to stay current on your training. And honestly, adhering to our updated policies can help protect you on the off chance that something goes wrong.

We care about quality.

We love what we do. Not only that, but we take pride in what we do. The only way to continue to offer quality services is to keep up-to-date with the changing world of healthcare. As expert recommendations are adjusted, our policies are adjusted.

This helps us feel good about the quality of our services. It helps us ensure we have and maintain the knowledge and capacity to do what we do well.

Ultimately, an updated manual is a positive step towards continuing the work we do. You are a vital part of that work, so we hope you’ve had a chance to look over the updates we’ve made. If not, go take a look now. We promise it will be worth your time!

Do you have any questions about the policies and procedures we’ve adjusted? We'd love to hear them in the comments below!

Topics: Policies and Procedures


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