
Using Positive Messaging at Wellness Events

Posted by Becky Squiers on Wed, Jul, 13, 2016

Positivity is a key part of what we do here at TotalWellness. And there’s good reason behind it.

A positive outlook makes all the difference in a healthy lifestyle. Positivity is not only associated with better mental health, but with greater resilience and therefore better physical health.

When it comes to corporate wellness, a positive outlook also aids in the development of intrinsic motivation. This type of motivation is closely aligned with a person’s internal beliefs and desires. Because of that internal nature, it’s a motivation that leads to more long-term change.

At wellness events, a positive atmosphere also aids in the overall positive event environment. It helps to calm nervous participants and makes the event more welcoming.

As a wellness professional, you’re responsible for creating that positive environment at the events you work. An excellent first step is to utilize positive messaging.

Positive messaging involves using words and communication laced with positivity. This type of communication brings about positive feelings in wellness participants, and helps them to have a positive perception of not only the event, but their health journeys.


Adopting positive messaging doesn’t have to be as hard as it sounds. There are really four key components to any positive message. Focus on those components, and what your positive message come to life!

Be Personal

Try to focus on story-telling instead of facts and figures. The one success story about the person you know who reached a healthy weight is much more effective than hundreds of confusing statistics.

On the same note, be sure participants can relate to what you’re saying. If they’ve indicated they don’t enjoy a particular aspect of health and wellness, help them see the other options, as well as how those options fit into their lifestyle.

Be Encouraging

Focus on success and progress. Help participants see where they need to go and how they can get there. Establishing that clear vision and line of sight can help them realize the steps that are right in front of them.

Similarly, never ever shame participants or make them feel guilty for their mistakes or shortcomings. Wellness is not about tearing employees down, but about building them up and helping them get where they want to be.

Be Passionate

You’re here for a reason. Something brought you to the field of health and wellness. Draw on that! If you care about what you’re doing, other people will care as well.

Be sure to illustrate that you care to wellness participants. Speak in exciting tones and be authentic in your interactions. Let your personal health journey inspire the work you do at wellness events.

Be Empowering

Any wellness participant can take steps towards a healthy lifestyle. In all honestly, they’re probably already taking some of those steps without realizing it. Help them to realize the good things they’re doing in their lives already.

As they see those positive aspects of their health, it’s your job to help them learn how to build on that foundation. What are the next steps they can take? What’s the “path of least resistance” for their healthy lifestyle? What wellness activities do you think they’ll enjoy? These are all important questions to consider!

Ultimately, a positive message is a powerful message. It’s the type of communication that will actually make a difference in a participant’s journey towards a healthy lifestyle.

Topics: Working at TotalWellness


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