
Primary vs. Secondary Contractors at TotalWellness Events

Posted by Becky Squiers on Wed, Sep, 21, 2016

MP900430503.jpgWhen you work a TotalWellness event, you’ll have one of two titles. You might be a primary contractor or a secondary contractor. It’s important to know which role you’re filling at any given event because it won’t always be the same, and the duties associated with each are different.

The Event Worksheet will indicate which role you’re expected to play at any given event. Be sure to take a look at that worksheet with plenty of time before your event, so you’ll have time to prepare yourself.

Primary Contractor

The primary contractor is the lead contractor at any given event. They’re responsible for:

  • Setting secondary contractor assignments
  • Overseeing station setup
  • Leading the team through the event
  • Receiving, transporting and returning all paperwork, supplies and equipment from TotalWellness
  • Serving as a link between TotalWellness staff and the client site contact

More details about the primary contractor’s responsibilities can be found in the TotalWellness Contractor Manual (which can be found in the scheduling system). If you’re serving as the primary contractor, be sure to read through that section of the manual thoroughly!

It’s important to note that if you’re the only person working an event—which often happens at small flu shot clinics—you are the primary contractor for that event. While there will be no other staff to oversee, you’ll be responsible for supplies and communication with the client contact.

There are also specially trained primary contractors who lead larger health screening events. We call them coordinators. Their role is primarily the same as a primary contractor, plus the extra training they’ll receive to manage larger screening events.

Secondary Contractor

Secondary contractors are the support staff working at any given event. They work under the lead of the primary contractor at our wellness events.

Secondary contractors are responsible for following all of the general event procedures laid out in the manual. They’re the ones actually implementing a majority of the services we offer to our clients.

As a secondary contractor, it’s important that you head the direction of your primary contractor. They’ll be responsible for assigning you to stations and maintaining a positive event flow. If you have any concerns about how the event is going or your role, feel free to discuss those with your primary contractor.

No matter which title you possess at any given event, your role is important! It’s absolutely necessary for you to understand how you fit into the grand scheme of TotalWellness events. Be sure you know whether you’re working an event as a primary or secondary contractor so you know what we expect of you in any given situation.

What questions do you have about the title you might hold at an event?

Topics: Working at TotalWellness


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