Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

10 Essential Biometric Screening Details Employers Should Know

Written by Seraine Page | Tue, Nov 26, 2019

Wouldn’t you love to see your staff healthier?

Other than creating a healthy work culture, you have other ways to support your staff in achieving their health goals.

Biometric screenings offer an inside look at how healthy your staff is so you can tailor wellness initiatives to meet your employees where they’re at. When it comes to health checks like biometric screenings, we find there are a lot of misperceptions and questions.

We’d love to clear those details up.

This post will cover questions both employers and employees want to know — like how to get employees to attend screenings and if it replaces an annual physical exam.

Here we bust myths and answer all your pressing biometric screening questions.

What Employers Need to Know

Interestingly enough, 86 percent of employees claim they don’t participate in wellness initiatives because they don’t have the time. Wrapping several health tests into one event — like a biometric screening — makes it much easier for employees to get a snapshot of their health quickly and efficiently.

Here we detail what employers should know about biometric health screenings:

1. How do I use the results to improve my wellness program?

Results will show where your employees need the most health guidance. In turn, this helps your wellness committees better tailor and offer programs needed to improve health. By using biometric screenings to make workplace wellness changes, your company demonstrates that employee health matters. Doing so also encourages future participation in programs.

2. How do I encourage my employees to attend?

There are plenty of ways to get employees interested in attending a biometric screening. Marketing the event well in advance is important. Here are a few options:

  • Spread the word - Share details via emails, flyers, word of mouth, etc.
  • Offer an incentive - Gift cards, gym swag, company swag, etc.
  • Give details - Explain what it is and what it isn’t

Check out our free resource on how to successfully host a biometric screening.

3. What about off-site employees?

Off-site employees can participate in biometric screenings, too. Offer incentives to travel to the office, if possible. Not only does it help remote employees get a necessary health screening, but they’ll also feel more connected to the office. For those who aren’t close enough, mail kits are available as well.

4. Myth: Biometric screenings are more hassle than they're worth

This is a common misconception employers have about on-site health screenings. Like any event, it may take some planning to schedule the optimal day and time for maximum attendance. Planning well in advance and working with a good screening company can create a better experience. A reputable screening company is efficient and keeps the process moving smoothly. Plus, screening plans are an affordable way for employers to keep employees healthy in the long run. The sooner employees have their health results from a screening, the sooner they can make lifestyle changes.

5. Myth: It’s not legal to host a biometric screening at work

It is legal as long as the screening is “reasonably designed to promote health or prevent disease,” according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. It’s not legal to do a biometric screening without offering feedback on risk factors. Employers are allowed under law to offer incentives to increase attendance for a biometric screening event, too.

What Employees Need to Know

Despite the increase in the popularity of biometric screenings, not every employee will have heard of them. Because of this, it’s important to educate them well ahead of the screening date. A lunch and learn session is a great way to do this.

Below, we share FAQs your employees will want to know about the biometric screening process:

6. Does attending a biometric screening replace my annual exam?

No, even regular biometric screenings are not replacements for annual physical exams. While it’s a preventative measurement test, following up with your doctor is important, too.

7. What will I be tested for?

During your biometric screening, you’ll be tested for a few different health conditions. Your employer will choose a fingerstick or a blood draw.

Screenings test:

  • HDL
  • LDL
  • Glucose
  • Triglycerides
  • Blood pressure
  • Waist circumference
  • Total cholesterol
  • Height/Weight/Body Mass Index (BMI)

These screenings are not meant to test for drugs, tobacco, or HIV/AIDS.

8. Will it hurt?

Testing requires a small amount of blood. This may be a finger stick or needle draw. If you’re afraid of needles, try to consider the benefits of the test. The small, short-lived pain can lead to important results that could ultimately improve or save your life.

9. Myth: My employer will know my results

HIPPA laws do not allow employers to see an individual’s results. They will see aggregate results for everyone who participates. This populates the information that could be helpful in planning a wellness initiative.

10. Myth: I don’t need to attend biometric screenings if I see my doc often

Some doctors’ calendars are booked out months in advance. By doing interim testing like a biometric screening, you may identify a problem before your next visit. A biometric screening gives you additional information to discuss with your doctor to map out your health plan. It also helps you monitor your health and determines if changes you’re making are working in-between physician visits.

Set Up a Biometric Screening Date Today

If you partner with a professional and reputable biometric screening company, the process should be effortless — for both you and employees.

A screening ultimately gives participants the necessary information to make better overall health choices. In turn, it gives employers the opportunity to help workers reach their health goals faster through targeted wellness programs.

Ready to help your employees identify healthy habits they can build on? Consider scheduling a biometric screening today. 

Ready to learn more about biometric screenings? Request a free price quote today for an on-site biometric screening!