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7 Daily Success Habits to Try Today if You’re a Leader

Written by Seraine Page | Wed, Jun 16, 2021

Your progress in life and work is a direct result of what you might call your daily success habits.

Some people have given behaviors and actions they do daily. These might include exercising, eating well, engaging in positive activities, and more. These are non-negotiables that they’ll always make time for, no matter what.

Excellent leaders not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. People — especially your employees — will take note if you don’t follow-up on what you say you do.

That’s why intentional habits matter a lot. Those habits create the routines others see.

Daily success habits are ones so ingrained into your routines that it’s like second-nature to you. If your team catches onto what you’re doing, they may very well be inspired to take the same actions. Lead by example and you’re bound to see some individuals make their own changes.

Looking for some ideas for personal development to add into your daily routine? Check out these seven daily success habits for inspiration.

1. Closely Watch Who You Admire

Most high achievers have someone they look up to and respect. Whoever that may be for you, continue watching their progress. You’re likely to find they not only succeed in business, but life in general. These individuals tend to have a solid focus of taking care of themselves emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Whether you know them personally or not, mirroring similar habits in your life can bring great gains. If you want additional coaching, ask if they offer it or any sort of mentorship. If you learn from the best, you’ll aim to do your best.

Related: 7 Healthy Work Habits For a More Productive Day

2. Create a Master To-Do List

If you aren’t keeping a master to-do list as one of your daily success habits, you’re missing out. Chances are, you’re also missing a lot of opportunities to delegate and organize your daily activities a lot better, too. As a leader, keep an ongoing list of what needs to get done. As your day goes on, you’ll have events that may need to go to the top of the list. Get organized and have a queue system set-up to keep you on track with projects, meetings, deadlines, and more. Seeing all you need to do may feel overwhelming at first, but it will also help you prioritize and get what matters most done most efficiently.

3. Practice Self-Care

Self-care isn’t a trendy term to be ignored. While it may seem like a feel-good, once-in-awhile option, it really isn’t. If you don’t take the time to care for yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually, you’re bound to suffer. Make self-care a daily success habit that’s non-negotiable. The best leaders understand that staying busy doesn’t equal productivity and too long of burning the candle at both ends leads to a significantly higher burnout rate. Besides, self-care has been proven to minimize or reduce health concerns like anxiety and depression while improving happiness, energy, and more.

Related: 5 Ideas to Help You Reap Major Self-Care Benefits

4. Rise With the Early Birds

For busy leaders, it can feel like 24 hours in a day is never enough. But if you wake up earlier, you’re bound to start your day a little more relaxed. Even 15 to 30 minutes of alone time in the morning can help you compose your mind and allow you to build in that self-care or planning time necessary to start your day organized. Doing so also gives your body more time to wake up before starting the day, ensuring that you’re raring to go for that 8 a.m. meeting. Try going to bed earlier and waking up earlier to improve mental well-being and overall performance.

5. Invest in Positive Reading

Upon waking up early, immerse yourself in positive content. Feed your mind the good stuff. Skip the morning news and social media feeds, especially if you’re prone to anxiety. If you must get a daily dose of news, check out the Good News Network for inspiring and positive stories. Starting your day with uplifting content will put you in the right mindset to tackle the day. Morning readings might include devotionals, positive news, or self-help books. If you come across an especially inspiring read, share it with your team upon arriving at the office.

Related: 15 Self-Care Books to Inspire Employees' Well-Being

6. Respect Time and Others

Perhaps this feels like a given, but knowing that your time isn’t more important than anyone else’s makes you even more respectable. This includes showing up on time for meetings — personal and business — and attending events you’ve RSVP’d for in advance. By keeping a strict schedule, planning ahead, and knowing the power of saying “no” to too much on your plate, you respect your time and everyone else’s. Positive behaviors are also noted to “increase other people’s behaviors,” including respect, states one 2020 Psychology Today article titled Increasing Respect and Decreasing Hatred.

7. Indulge in Quiet Time

Every day, the world bombards your brain with plenty of distractions and noise. One way to clear the clutter and stay centered is to carve out quiet time for yourself. This daily success habit can make you feel more at ease and cultivates mindfulness — a deep appreciation for the current moment. Quiet time may look like journaling, praying, reading, or simply meditating. Being silent and still can also help you out physically by reducing your heart rate, muscle tension, and even blood pressure, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Related: Free Guide to Tap the Power of Mindfulness

Choose to Create New Habits Any Time

The most successful people in the world do things way differently than the rest of us.

If you want to add another way to improve your daily function and performance, try incorporating a new habit. Your routines are built upon practiced habits, which can be changed and altered at any given time. When you find one way doesn’t work, simply try another.

As a leader, any choice you make is likely scrutinized by more than one person in your organization. But if you lead in a way that’s positive and your lifestyle choices reflect that, you can take pride in knowing that you’re being a good leader and positive role model. Top-notch leaders inspire others on multiple levels, and by incorporating and constantly upgrading your daily success habits, you can inspire more people on a regular basis.

What are some of your daily habits you’re most proud of? How do you stick to those habits? Share your thoughts in the comments below!