Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

15 Proven Low-Cost Ways to Improve Employee Well-Being

Written by Lisa Stovall | Mon, Jun 24, 2024

Looking for fun and low-cost ways to boost your employees' wellness?

You've come to the right place!

Prioritizing employee wellness is crucial, as it leads to increased productivity and engagement among your workforce. But you don't need to spend a lot of money to create a great wellness program. There are plenty of simple and affordable activities you can try that will make a big difference.

Let's explore some employee wellness activities that won't break the bank but will help you create a healthy and happy team.

Easy and Affordable Employee Wellness Ideas

1. Walking Meetings
Why sit in a conference room when you can take a walk? Walking meetings are a great way to get some exercise while discussing work. Plus, fresh air can spark fresh ideas!

2. Desk Yoga
Yoga isn't just for gyms. Simple stretches at the desk can help reduce stress and improve posture. You don't need a lot of space or fancy equipment — just a few minutes and a little bit of guidance.

3. Healthy Snack Exchange
Swap those sugary snacks for healthier options. Organize a snack exchange where employees bring in their favorite healthy treats to share. It's a fun way to discover new snacks and stay healthy. Try fruits, nuts, and veggie sticks. This can help improve energy levels and focus during the day.

4. Lunchtime Fitness Challenges
Turn lunchtime into a fitness fun time! Try simple challenges like step-count competitions or short workout videos. It’s a great way to get moving and have some friendly competition.

5. Wellness Workshops
Invite local experts to give short workshops on wellness topics like stress management, healthy eating, or simple exercises. Many are willing to volunteer their time or charge a small fee.

6. Meditation Breaks
A few minutes of meditation can work wonders for the mind. Encourage employees to take short meditation breaks during the day. There are plenty of free meditation apps or YouTube videos to guide them. 

7. Office Gardening
Bring some greenery into the office! Start a small garden with easy-to-care-for plants. Gardening can be a relaxing and rewarding activity, and plants help purify the air.

8. Book Club
Reading is excellent for the mind. Start a book club where employees can share and discuss their favorite books. It’s a wonderful way to encourage learning and build community.

9. Potluck Lunches
Have a monthly potluck lunch where everyone brings a healthy dish. It's fun to try new recipes and enjoy a meal together. Plus, sharing food is a great way to bond.

10. Crafting Sessions
Get creative with some crafting! Set up a space where employees can do simple crafts like coloring, knitting, or making cards. It’s a relaxing activity that can help reduce stress.

11. On-Site Flu Shots 
Arrange for flu shots at work with TotalWellness. This makes it easy for employees to get vaccinated and stay healthy during flu season.

12. Employee-Led Workshops
Encourage employees to share their talents by leading workshops, like cooking demos or mindfulness sessions. This not only shows off their talents but also fosters a strong sense of camaraderie.

13. Flexible Hours
Offer flexible work hours or remote days to help employees balance work and life. This can reduce stress and increase job satisfaction.

14. Wellness Scavenger Hunt
Create a scavenger hunt with wellness-related tasks, like finding a new walking route or discovering a healthy snack. Check out our free Guide to Planning an Outdoor Scavenger Hunt.

15. Gratitude Jar 
Create a gratitude jar where employees can write down things they are thankful for. Then, at the end of each week or month, read them out.

You don't need a big budget to keep your team healthy and happy. With a little creativity, you can create a wellness program that everyone loves. Try these simple activities and watch your workplace transform into a hub of health and happiness!

Share your favorite budget-friendly wellness ideas in the comments below to inspire others!