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13 Tips to Stay Active This Winter

Written by Robyn Whalen | Thu, Jan 12, 2017

The winter weather can seem like a great excuse to hibernate on your couch and push your fitness routine to the sidelines. However, winter is actually an important season to keep up with your active lifestyle. The winter months can make it easier to gain a few pounds and can set you back for the rest of the year.

So, how can you look past the frigid temperatures and get yourself up and moving? Here are a few tips to help you keep yourself active during the winter months:

Join a gym or health club. Indoor gyms are your best friend during the winter. Choose one that is located close to your home or office so that a drive in the winter weather won’t keep you from the gym.

Swim. Find an indoor swimming pool. Swimming boosts your physical strength and heart health. Plus, being active in the water is a comfortable way to ease into exercising again if you haven’t been active for a while. 

Ice skating. Turn winter festivities into a workout! Ice skating is a great calorie burner. It’s fun for the whole family, too.

Walk at the mall. Many malls offer walking programs and access early in the morning to people in the community. Malls are a great alternative to getting in some steps if you find treadmills boring. 

Try a fitness class. Fitness classes will not only help you get in shape but will help keep you motivated over the winter months. Try out one that you think sounds interesting or enjoyable to do.

Exercise at home. Buy some exercise equipment like a yoga mat or hand weights and make your own home gym. Try using YouTube or fitness apps to find exercise routines to follow along with and get yourself moving.

Go outside when you can. Not every day of winter is unbearable. Try to go outside on a mild winter day and exercise when it is safe to do so. Soaking up some sun and getting fresh air will also help reduce stress.

Take the stairs. You most likely have access to stairs whether it’s at your home, apartment building, or work. Stair climbing is an awesome fat-burning workout that will keep your heartrate up.

Play some indoor sports. The winter months are a great time to start playing some of your favorite indoor sports. Check for places in your community that offer indoor basketball, soccer, or volleyball courts.

Play some winter sports. Remember that skiing, snowboarding, and hockey can be just as healthy as they can be fun! Winter sports are also a great way to get in some physical activity while on a winter vacation.

Play outdoors with your kids. A great way to keep your blood pumping in the winter? Go outside and play with your kids! Pulling sleds, building snowmen, and chasing around your kids will keep you active and help you bond with your family.

Keep up with your healthy routine. The main reason why your couch seems a little too tempting during the winter is due to a lack of energy. Winter months can cause you to feel sluggish and lethargic. To combat this, make sure you get plenty of sleep and keep up with your healthy diet plan throughout the year. The more energized you feel, the easier it will be to stay active.

Stay motivated. Remind yourself of why it’s so important to stay active throughout the year – even when it feels hard to do so. If you prefer outdoor exercise, think of indoor exercise as a great way to switch up your routine and work your body in a different way than you usually do.

Exercise is too good for your body to pass up. Think of the winter as a time to get more creative with your exercise routine. Staying on track throughout the winter months will lead you to feeling even better than you usually do in the spring and summer seasons.

How do you stay active during the winter season? Share some ideas in the comments below!

Image by: Yanalya - Freepik