Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

10 Healthy Foods to Snack on During Work

Written by Becky Squiers | Thu, Apr 28, 2016

Snacking on healthy foods throughout the day can be an excellent healthy habit to adopt. It can help keep your energy up so you can stay productive all day long. It can curb the distraction of a rumbling stomach. It can even help to keep your metabolism and digestive system moving throughout the day.

All of those great benefits are only true of healthy snacking though. Snacking on junk food will make you feel sluggish, bloated and tired. Junk food is also usually filled with empty calories meaning unhealthy snacks can make you feel even hungrier than before you started munching.

The best way to implement a healthy snacking regimen into your workday—and your employees’ workdays—is to be sure you know what to snack on. Take the time to find some healthy snacks you enjoy. Share this list with your employees to encourage healthy munching in your office.

Whole Fruit

Apples, bananas, oranges, grapes and any other type of whole, fresh fruit are an excellent source of energy that tastes great!

Sliced Veggies

Cut up some veggies like carrots, cucumbers or bell peppers. These are a great, low-calorie snack that can also help you stay hydrated.


Nuts are a great source of quick energy. Be careful, though, when it comes to serving size. One serving size of nuts is only about a handful.

Energy Bites

There are so many great recipes for energy or protein bites. We love this recipe for monster cookie bites, but there are so many more on Pinterest!


Yogurt is a delicious snack if you have a cooler or fridge to store it in. You can even consider going Greek and choosing healthier Greek yogurt options.

Healthy Chips

There are so many recipes out there to make chips out of kale, spinach or even zucchini. Flavor them up how you’d like and snack on them all day long.


There’s a fine line when it comes to popcorn. This type of snack can quickly become unhealthy when loaded with butter and oil. Try to find healthier, simpler popcorn variations to snack on at work.


Jerky is a great high-protein snack to keep you energized. There are also plenty of flavorful options including beef, turkey, pork and even deer jerky.

Whole Grains

Whole grain snacks like muffins and toast are another great healthy choice. Be sure to either bake them yourself or double check the ingredients to ensure this snack is full of healthy whole grains.

Dips and Spreads

Dips and spreads like hummus, guacamole and pico de gallo can be delicious healthy treats. Be careful about what you use for dipping, though. Opt for things like pita bread or fresh vegetables.

No matter what you choose to snack on, pay attention to portion sizes. If you’re overeating even the healthiest foods, you’re still not doing your body any good.

It can also help to prepare snacks in advance. Maybe take some time on Sunday afternoon for meal and snack prep. That way you won’t be as tempted to head to the vending machine when your stomach starts to growl.

Healthy snacking can be a great productivity booster throughout your workday. Munching on healthy foods can help you stay energized, focused and healthy all day long!

Share this list with your employees—or provide some of these healthy snacks in your breakroom—to help them take advantage of the many benefits of healthy workday snacking.

What are your favorite healthy workplace snacks? We'd love to see some recipes in the comments below!