Wellness Wednesday ideas can be as simple as dashing off an email with some health-related articles or as time-consuming as an all-day health seminar.
The choice is yours.
But no matter how you look at it, Wellness Wednesdays are an excellent idea. It’s a fun way to promote well-being in the workplace and offers your employees microdoses of wellness ideas each and every week.
Below, we dig into what it is, why it’s beneficial for the workplace, and even a few ideas to get you kickstarted.
You’ve likely seen the hashtag, #WellnessWednesday from time to time. This ongoing social media trend offers tips, tricks, and insights into living a healthy lifestyle. It started out as #wellnesswednesday for individuals to showcase their healthiest habits throughout the day to inspire others.
Now, it is an opportunity for employers to bring wellness-centered activities into the workplace. It focuses on small actions or activities that encourage well-being both physically and mentally.
It is also sometimes called Well-Being Wednesday. Use whichever term you think will resonate best with your employees!
Workplace wellness programs are a great opportunity to help workers set positive habits that lead to a healthier lifestyle. Wellness Wednesday is no exception! If your workplace offers an engaging, unique, and fun way to look at and explore wellness, it’s more likely to stick.
With weekly events and activities, you’re bound to see more engagement, enthusiasm, and health improvements from your employees.
Here are three reasons to give Wellness Wednesday a try:
Lastly, it’s fun! Wellness Wednesday ideas are meant to be short and sweet. Activities may range from five minutes to a few hours, but at the end of the day, it’s all about promoting wellness in a positive light.
Give your team the break they need to appreciate the role wellness can play in their lives. There are tons of ways to tackle this weekly observation in the workplace. For the person or committee in charge of wellness campaigns, the key to keeping up with Wellness Wednesday each week is to keep it simple.
Some easy-to-do ideas:
Eat Lunch Outside
If your team still works on-site, sit together outside for an impromptu picnic. Viewing greenery can lift moods and spending time with colleagues can lift spirits, research shows.
Keep the Flu Away
The flu is contagious enough to take out a whole office during cold and flu season. Don’t let that be your team! Just before flu season hits, set up a flu shot clinic in your workplace in October to get them vaccinated. Flu season peaks in December and February, so even if your company is late to the game, it’s worth it to offer flu shot clinics to your team. Remote employees can be involved, too, just by sending them a voucher!
Stop and Plank
Planks are a hardcore exercise move that benefits the body immensely. Best of all, no equipment is required. On the hour, stop and have employees get into the plank position. See who can hold their best form the longest.
Those are just for starters. You can brainstorm your own list. Or, head over to this free download that has 52 Wellness Wednesdays for you! That has you covered for an entire year of ideas.
How do you promote Wellness Wednesdays in your office? Share in the comments below!