Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

Tips for Hosting a Successful Employee Flu Shot Clinic

Written by Becky Squiers | Thu, Jul 23, 2015

Flu season is just around the corner. Whether you’ve gotten your flu shot clinic scheduled or not, it’s still important to plan ahead and try to host the most successful clinic possible.

And that’s where we come in.

We’ve put together a simple guide to help you truly get the most out of your flu shot clinic this fall. You can download the free guide for the latest tips and tricks for hosting a corporate flu clinic.

Tips for Your Event

The guide outlines important things to keep in mind as you plan for, carry out and evaluate your event. It’s easy to lose track of all the pieces. Things like planning early, promoting the convenience of the event and keeping track of successes are all incredibly important.

Communication Plan

Some of the most common questions we get deal with communicating about an event to your workforce. We know that can be difficult because odds are you don’t have a marketing team solely focused on your flu shot clinic.

Well you’re in luck! Because that’s our job. The communication plan in our guide gives you some excellent advice, as well as a few resources for tangible materials.

Employee Engagement

Getting employees to your event can be the most difficult part. We get that. Our guide outlines the four main points to keep in mind when trying to get your workforce to actually show up. And believe us, it’ll be difficult to be successful if nobody shows up to your event.

Check List

Sometimes it’s just hard to keep it all straight. Our checklist provides you with some big steps that need to be taken in order to have a successful flu clinic. Check things off as you go, and watch as your event smoothly unfolds before you.

Keep the aches and “ah=CHOO’s” out of your workplace this fall. If you haven’t gotten your worksite flu clinic scheduled yet, do it! Either way, check out our free guide to see what steps you need to take to host a successful flu shot clinic.

What questions do you have about hosting a flu clinic at your workplace?