Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

Should You Care How Much Sleep Your Employees Get?

Written by Seraine Page | Mon, Mar 11, 2019

A good night’s sleep is a must.

When the body is in sleep mode, it repairs cells and supports healthy brain function. Hitting the sack and getting high-quality sleep maintains physical and emotional health levels, too.

Deprive yourself of sleep too long, and the results are disastrous.  

When the body is in a sleep deficit, it impacts everything from mood to physical reaction times.

It can also impact the quality of work as it changes parts of the brain, including problem solving. According to the World Sleep Society, 46% of individuals with regular sleep disturbances report missing work or making errors at work.

World Sleep Day is March 15, a perfect day to raise awareness about the importance of not compromising quality sleep.

Want to spread the word on why sleep isn’t just a luxury? Read on.

Sleep Deprivation Facts Everyone Should Know

We all need quality ZZZs. A number of factors can interrupt quality sleeping, including insomnia and other health conditions. Here are a few facts on why sleep deprivation is quite the concerning public health problem: 

  • Sleep standards matter - Quality sleep should include three important facets: depth, duration, and continuity. If you don’t sleep enough, you’ll never reach the proper depth levels of sleep. Same goes for if you wake up a lot at night.
  • A single poor night of sleep is harmful - Even one night of bad sleep can impact your memory recall, reaction times, learning ability, and attention span the next day. 
  • Sleep needs vary person-to-person - Most healthy adults require 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Some people need much more for daily peak performance. Listening to your own body is important.
  • Sleep disorders can indicate other issues - Conditions like heart disease, heart failure, diabetes, obesity, and depression can create sleep issues.
  • Drowsy driving is like drunk driving - Studies and research show that a lack of sleep can impair your driving as much as or even more than being drunk. Drowsy driving kills about 1,500 people per year.
  • Sleep deficiency is a public health concern - Unfortunately, fewer than half of adults in the U.S. get the recommended amount of sleep. 

Five Healthy Sleep Strategies

Sometimes, it doesn’t take much to squeeze in a bit more sleep. Studies show those who make sleep a priority are generally healthier and happier overall. With work projects, commitments, and busy social calendars, sleep is often the first to drop to the bottom of the priority list.

Need to improve your sleep? Try these tips:

  • Put yourself on a routine.That means waking up and going to bed at the same time daily. Yes, even on weekends. Otherwise you risk messing with your body’s sleep clock.
  • Eat light before bed.Heavy meals often don’t sit well, and you may have to wake up more often to use the bathroom during the night.

  • Avoid caffeine.Stop caffeine intake as soon as six hours before you plan to go to bed. Otherwise you may feel too wired to sleep.

  • Exercise. It’s good for the body, and it wears you out so you’re more likely to sleep soundly.

  • Keep your room cool. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the ideal sleep temperature is between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit.

How Many ZZZs Your Employees Get Matters

Unfortunately, lack of sleep doesn’t impact just the individual who isn’t sleeping enough. 

The World Sleep Society reports the economic cost is $411 billion dollars per year due to insufficient sleep among workers.

As an employer, it can also impact your bottom line with healthcare costs.

When employees continuously lose sleep, hormones that regulate appetite are impacted, too. Studies show the less sleep a person gets, the more likely they’ll have an increase in appetite. As a result, an increased appetite may lead to excessive weight gain which in turn can lead to obesity, pre-diabetes, and other chronic health issues.

Plus, most sleep-deprived individuals are not real pleasant to be around in the workplace, either. They’ll likely be lethargic, forgetful, cranky, and sometimes even uncooperative, depending on how sleep deprivation impacts them.  

Take an office survey to see how many of your employees get the suggested 7 to 8 hours. Ask about sleep habits like if they can sleep through the night uninterrupted and sleep duration.

After the survey, share sleep deprivation facts and healthy sleep facts to further educate employees on next steps to take for a good night’s sleep.

How do you ensure you get a good night’s sleep? Share in the comments below!