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How to Treat Exercise Like Self-Care, and Why It Helps

Written by Lisa Stovall | Mon, Aug 19, 2024

Ever think of exercise as a way to treat yourself?

Just like a warm bubble bath or a cozy night in, exercise can be a super way to show yourself some love. After all, exercise isn't just about staying fit; it's about feeling good inside and out.

When we think of exercise as a chore, it can be hard to stick with it. But when we see it as self-care, it becomes something we look forward to. Self-care is all about taking time to do things that help us live well and improve our mental and physical health. Exercise fits right into this!

Below, we cover the perks of shifting your perspective on exercise. Keep reading to discover how treating exercise as self-care can enhance your overall well-being.

Why Exercise Feels Like a Chore

Exercise is undeniably good for you. It helps you live longer and keeps various diseases at bay. But let's be honest, that knowledge alone isn’t always enough to motivate us. The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of exercise a week – that’s just 20 minutes a day. Sounds simple, right? Yet many of us still struggle to get moving.

Often, we see exercise as something we have to do for future benefits, like staying healthy and managing weight. These rewards are great but can feel distant. So, how can we make exercise feel rewarding right now?

Reframing Exercise as Self-Care

What if we changed how we think about exercise? Instead of seeing it as a chore, let’s view it as self-care – something good for ourselves because we deserve it. Exercise can make you feel better right away, both physically and mentally. A study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that exercise helps with depression, anxiety, and stress.

Treating exercise like self-care changes how we think about it. Instead of being another task on our to-do list, it becomes something we do for ourselves with love and care. This shift in mindset has several benefits:

  • Reduces Stress
    Seeing exercise as self-care helps reduce stress. It becomes a time to unwind and recharge, rather than a duty. This can lead to lower stress levels and a more relaxed state of mind.
  • Increases Enjoyment
    When we do activities we love, we enjoy them more. Treating exercise as self-care encourages us to pick activities that make us happy, making the experience more pleasurable.

  • Improves Consistency
    If we see exercise as a treat rather than a chore, we are more likely to stick with it. This consistency leads to better physical and mental health over time.

  • Builds a Positive Relationship with Exercise
    By viewing exercise as a form of self-love, we build a healthier and more positive relationship with it. This can make us look forward to our workout sessions and integrate them into our lives more seamlessly.

  • Enhances Overall Well-Being
    Treating exercise like self-care means we are taking proactive steps to care for our whole selves —mind, body, and spirit. This holistic approach can enhance overall well-being and a greater sense of happiness.

6 Tips for Treating Exercise Like Self-Care

Ready to make exercise fun and exciting? Here are six tips to help you stay motivated and treat exercise like the ultimate self-care activity.

  1. Choose What You Love
    Find activities that make you smile! Whether it's dancing, hiking, or yoga, pick something you enjoy. When you love what you're doing, it feels more like play and less like work.
  2. Set Small Goals
    Start with easy goals. Maybe it’s a 10-minute walk during lunch or stretching in the morning. Small wins add up and make you feel awesome. When exercise is fun, it doesn’t feel like a chore!

  3. Create a Routine
    Make exercise a regular part of your day, like brushing your teeth. When it’s part of your routine, it becomes a habit you won’t want to miss.

  4. Buddy Up
    Exercise with a friend or join a class. Having a buddy makes it more fun and keeps you motivated. Plus, it's always nice to have someone to cheer you on!

  5. Listen to Your Body
    Pay attention to how you feel. If you’re tired, take it easy. If you’re full of energy, go for it! Respecting your body’s signals is a big part of self-care.

  6. Reward Yourself
    Treat yourself when you reach a goal. Maybe it’s a nice bath, a new book, or a favorite snack. Rewards make the journey enjoyable and give you something to look forward to.

Give it a Try

Exercise is not just a means to fix the “imperfections” we see in our bodies; it is genuinely a form of self-care that impacts our attitudes, moods, and anxieties.  By choosing activities you love, setting small, achievable goals, making it a routine, partnering up with a friend, listening to your body’s needs, and rewarding yourself for your efforts, you can transform exercise into a joyful and rewarding part of your daily life. It becomes more than just a task; it’s an opportunity to nurture yourself.

Think of fitness as a form of self-love that nourishes your mind, body, and soul. Share your favorite self-care activity in the comments below!