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6 Must-Have Healthy Fall Snacks To Try This Season

Written by Seraine Page | Mon, Oct 11, 2021

Need some healthy fall snack ideas that aren’t full of empty calories?

Fall officially kicked off September 22. And now it seems everywhere you turn, there’s no missing the Halloween candy, fall-themed treats, and comfort foods that beckon.

Given that a medium pumpkin spice latte has about 400 calories — the equivalent of a decent meal — it’s a good idea to have go-to healthy fall snacks on hand to curb the “need” for fall flavors.

Below, we share a list of healthy fall produce you can turn into delicious, nutrient-dense snack options with ease. Each pick was selected for its high nutritional value while also bringing vibrant flavors to your autumn snack menu.

Read on to crunch and munch your way through the top good-for-you healthy fall snacks that are worth skipping handfuls of candy corn for.

1. Apples

Yep, this fall harvest fruit is at the top of our list and for good reason. Not only does its juicy insides satisfy a sweet tooth, but they’ll also serve as a filling snack thanks to the fiber content.

Consider enjoying your apples:

  • Topped with almond butter
  • Baked with cinnamon
  • Added to a smoothie
  • Atop a fruit salad
  • Sprinkled over greens with pecans

Apples are also full of vitamin C and other nutrients that can boost heart, brain, and digestive health. Red delicious in particular are higher in calcium than other apples, so if you need a calcium boost, grab these next time you’re at the store.

2. Carrots

Carrots are full of water and carbs, but they’re also filled with flavor in every bite. Best of all, if you want to change up the color in your diet, you can try yellow, white, red, and even purple carrots for some variety.

Go beyond just crunching plain carrots. Try them:

Carrots are an excellent source of fiber as well as beta-carotene, both of which are known to help reduce diabetes risk. These crunchy veggies have vitamins and minerals like potassium, biotin, vitamin B6, and vitamin K1.  

3. Grapes

August, September, and October are the prime months to pick grapes. If you have the luxury of living near a grape farm, go pick some for the healthiest, local option. Grapes are known for their high antioxidant count that may help prevent chronic health conditions. 

Try grapes:

  • Tossed into a smoothie
  • Mixed into your favorite fruit salad
  • Dipped in plain yogurt and frozen

Grapes are also high in potassium and fiber. Some research indicates the quercetin in grapes provides an anti-inflammatory effect for those suffering from allergies. Goodbye, sniffles!

Related: 13 Tips for Eating Healthier Every Day  

4. Kale

Looking to eat a true superfood? Kale is it. This dark, leafy green is chock-full of nutrients and an excellent way to get essential vitamins. Whether you get purple or green kale, you’re making a smart choice by including it in your diet.

Ways to snack on kale:

  • Make kale chips
  • Add-in to your smoothie
  • Mix into your favorite side salad

This low-calorie, high-nutrient food makes kale a perfect healthy fall snack. When you eat it, you’re also getting a dose of potassium, copper, calcium, and vitamins A, K, C, and B6.

5. Persimmons

This unique fruit almost looks like a yellow beefsteak tomato but provides a much sweeter taste.  Hachiya and Fuyu varieties are the most popular persimmons. These fruits are in season from September through November and should be fully ripe (super soft) before eating.

Enjoy this healthy fall snack in the following ways:

You’ll find these small fruits are filled with essential nutrients and vitamins like vitamin A, potassium, copper, and manganese. Plus, they’re low in calories and full of fiber, keeping you feeling full much longer.

Related: 7 Healthy Eating Habits That Will Change the Way You Eat

6. Pumpkin

Perhaps the most famous fall time produce item, pumpkin, of course, had to make this list. An added bonus of getting a fresh pumpkin means you’ll have a beautiful fall decoration until you’re ready to use it.

Healthy ways to enjoy pumpkin:

  • Grill it
  • Homemade pumpkin pie bars
  • Make pumpkin pie bites
  • Roast with cinnamon
  • Toast the pumpkin seeds

Like carrots, pumpkins are rich in beta carotene, which the body transforms into vitamin A. This essential vitamin helps your reproductive and immune systems function appropriately.

Continue Healthy Eating Through The Fall

This list is just a starting point for those who want to keep their diet clean through the holidays. The above produce picks are seasonal items that should be easily found in grocery stores during the fall season.

Continuing on your healthy diet through the most festive part of the year will not only give you energy to attend all the exciting seasonal events, but it will also reduce your risk for chronic and serious health conditions like diabetes.

You’ll find when you eat in-season foods, you’re enjoying fresher, and more nutritious foods, too. That’s because these items don’t have to be shipped from a far growing region, which also cuts down on carbon emissions as well.

Want to eat more in-season foods? Check out the extensive four-seasons list here.  

If you continue making smart choices through the fall, it will be easier to stick to your healthy living plan when the holiday parties and meals start happening nearly every week. Consider making these snacks your go-to options and dishes to take for upcoming events. You can also use the above USDA’s four-seasons produce list to plan and create meals around in-season foods. It’s a great way to introduce others to healthy, in-season options they may have never thought to try!

Want to challenge your employees to stick to their diets this time of year? Check out our FREE 4-Weeks to Cut the Sweets Challenge!