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The 11 Smartest Fall Health Tips to Keep You and Your Staff Well

Written by Seraine Page | Thu, Sep 22, 2022

Fall is here.

With the changing of seasons comes the need to make lifestyle changes, too. It’s a great time to reset your health routines and continue healthy habits. A cornerstone of healthy fall habits will keep your immunity strong and your mind clear as you wrap up another busy year. Staying active, taking essential vitamins, and prioritizing self-care are just a few of the ways to do it.

This list will cover fall-specific health tips like:

  • Staying mindful of eating healthy foods (not just comfort foods)
  • Keeping skin moisturized to prevent chapping and bleeding
  • Getting an annual flu shot before the end of October
  • Focusing on financial wellness before the holidays

Read on for the full list of smart healthy fall tips!

Fall Health Tips to Keep The Entire Office Well

As the end of the year rolls around, it’s prime time to keep an eye on the health of your staff. New viruses are going around (thanks back-to-school germs); Covid is still lingering, and the cold weather makes it easier to get sick. Besides physical good health, you want your team to be mentally feeling well to finish out the year strong.

Here’s a look at fall health tips to share with your team, including some not-often-thought-about ideas to stay well: 

1. Moisturize Skin Before It Gets Too Dry

Fall is when the humidity levels dip a bit and central heat gets turned on for the first time all year. As a result, the skin’s natural moisture gets sucked out, which can cause cracks and bleeding. After showering and throughout the day, be sure to moisturize with lotion to prevent skin issues like infections due to cracking.

2. Check Safety Alarms  

Ideally, it’s best to do a monthly check on the working status of smoke alarms. Sometimes, though, it’s one of those home and workplace items that gets pushed down on the to-do list. Since most house fires increase during the fall and winter, remind employees to check both their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms to ensure they’re in working order. CO poisoning in particular can cause symptoms to come and go including chest pain, dizziness, and headaches. A quick check of all home (and workplace) safety alarms keeps everyone healthy and out of harm’s way.

3. Get a Flu Shot

Flu season is here. Before the end of October, opt to get your full shot to keep influenza away. Aside from keeping the flu away, new research shows a flu shot may also lower stroke risk by as much as 12 percent. This is especially helpful for those with high cholesterol and blood pressure. Experts agree you can get the flu shot and Covid shot at the same time.

Related: How to Create Your Game Plan to Tackle Flu Season in Your Workplace

4. Mask Up Indoors

Those living in medium-to-high risk areas where Covid is spreading may want to continue masking up indoors. This may also be helpful throughout the fall for those who wish to avoid most viruses, including the flu or the common cold.

Related: How Long Does the Flu Last? Here are the Stages of the Flu

5. Focus on Financial Wellness

Money worries are hard to handle without adding a mental illness on top of it. Recently, the London-based nonprofit group Money and Mental Health (MMH) reported that those with mental health issues are “three-and-a-half times more likely to be in problem debt than people without mental health challenges.” With the holidays coming up, that can be even more troublesome when it comes to spending too much. This fall, start looking at ways to regain financial stability. This may mean working with a financial advisor and/or therapist to start conversations about what that looks like to keep spending habits in check.

6. Take Vitamin D

In colder climates, a lack of sunshine exposure can cause vitamin D levels to plummet. Consider adding a vitamin D supplement to your diet if you don’t intake a lot through cereal, soy milk, orange juice or yogurt. A doc can perform a blood test to check your levels.

Take a multivitamin? Good news: A new study found a daily multivitamin may be more useful than previously thought. Researchers from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, in collaboration with Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston found that a daily multivitamin may improve brain function in older adults. While more research is needed, it is a promising step, researchers say.

7. Consume Healthy Foods

One of the smartest fall health tips: Eat what’s in season. Fall offers a unique variety of healthy foods that only come around once a year. (No, a pumpkin spice latte doesn’t count!) Opt to fill your plate with fibrous pumpkin, sweet pears, kale, beets, and more. Roasting squashes and root veggies make for an excellent side dish. Leftovers can be blended into a hearty soup, too, to keep the fall chill away.

8. Try Crockpot Meals

With daylight dwindling sooner, you may notice depleted energy levels by the end of the day. This can make it tough to want to cook a healthy or elaborate meal after a long work day. Instead, pull out your slow cooker and enjoy meals that are simply poured and served. An added bonus: Lower cooking temperatures may help preserve nutrients that can be lost when food is cooked too fast in high heat. 

9. Book Those Health Appointments

Dealing with health concerns you’ve been putting off all year because you don’t have time? Consider booking your annual eye exam, physical, and other specialist appointments now. The end of the year tends to get busy for many providers as people try to snag appointments in-between holidays.  

10. Get Active Outside

The cooler weather is a perfect reason to workout outdoors. Not only does exercise increase your immunity, but it also can boost your mental health when weather patterns can get you down. Whether you enjoy apple picking, hiking, running, or even yard work, spend time outdoors for a mental and physical boost this fall.

11. Take Time for Self-Care

The end of the year is a prime time for burnout. There are tons of holidays, deadlines, work expectations, and more. Make it a priority to take time for yourself. Whether it’s 20 minutes to read at night, an evening walk alone after dinner, or a phone call to a friend, make it happen at least once a week. You’ll feel refreshed in this busy season and stay mentally healthier, too.

Related: 5 Telltale Signs You Need to Take a Mental Health Day From Work

Use These Healthy Fall Tips to Stay Well This Season

This new season is a time to refresh old habits or start new healthy fall habits. These smart healthy fall tips will carry you through the winter, too.

It’s easy to give into overindulging during the holidays (looking at you, Halloween and Thanksgiving) but it’s a safe bet you won’t feel great afterward. Additionally, staying smart about exercise habits, keeping up with doc appointments, and making time for self-care all ensure you stay healthy throughout the autumn season.

The basics of handwashing, sleeping enough, eating well, and getting your flu shot are just the cornerstone of staying well this fall. You know your body best, so do what works to stay healthy to finish out 2022 strong!

 What are your fall health tips? Share in the comments below!