Employee Wellness Blog | TotalWellness

7 Ways to Measure Wellness Program Success

Written by Lisa Stovall | Thu, Dec 27, 2012

The end of the year is upon us, and now is the perfect time to reflect on what went well with your employee wellness program in 2012, what didn’t go so well, and what the goals will be for next year. Even if you aren't preparing for a formal evaluation of your employee wellness program, it can help to assess your success at the end of each year as a way to pause and look back at where you've come from and where you'd like to go.

A lot of us have a bad habit of focusing on what went wrong. We often lose sight of the great things that went right, especially when it comes to doing a year-end review. As you reflect on your wellness program, stop and appreciate how far you’ve come. Looking back helps you set goals and can encourage you to pat yourself on the back for a job well done. This simple process can inspire you and motivate you to dive into your next set of goals.

Measuring the overall success of any wellness program can be complicated business. Luckily, these seven key metrics can help get you started:

  1. Utilization by employees
  2. Positive feedback from employees
  3. Reduction of overall health insurance costs
  4. Overall improvement in employee satisfaction
  5. Requests for additional programs
  6. Reduction in sick days and absentees
  7. Employee's likelihood to recommend the program

There is not a one-size-fits-all measurement strategy for all organizations, but these provide a good starting point for discussion. So review your goals, check off what you completed and reflect on just how far you've come in the last year. 

What are your highlights from this year as well as your goals for next year? Please share. This is your opportunity to brag!