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12 Lessons From 'Atomic Habits' to Boost Employee Well-Being

Written by Lisa Stovall | Tue, May 28, 2024

If you’re looking to make your workplace a healthier, happier place, you've got to check out Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book isn’t just a guide; it's a game-changer for anyone interested in personal and professional growth.

Atomic Habits is not your ordinary self-help book that you read once and forget. It's a book that's not just read but lived. Its practical advice is so valuable that you'll find yourself revisiting it every few months or every year. Each time you read it, you'll uncover new insights that will help you refine your daily routines.

This book provides evidence-based self-improvement techniques that can help you transform your habits. Whether you're part of a team aiming to launch a new product, an organization hoping to revolutionize an industry, or simply an individual seeking to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, or accomplish any other goal, this book equips you with the necessary tools and strategies to achieve success.

Below, I’ll share some insights from this book that can transform how we think about habits at work. So, let’s dive into the small yet powerful strategies that can lead to remarkable changes!

12 Tips Inspired by Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits goes beyond mere motivation; it serves as a complete toolbox for those looking to enhance their lives by transforming their habits and striving to improve by 1% each day.

Here are some tips from the book:

1. Start Small to Achieve Big

One of the coolest things James Clear talks about is how tiny changes can lead to big results. It's like if you save just one dollar a day, by the end of the year, you'll have enough to treat yourself to something really nice! In the workplace, this could be as simple as starting meetings with a positive shoutout, boosting morale, and making everyone feel valued. Recognizing and celebrating small achievements reinforces the impact of cumulative progress.

2. Build Systems, Not Just Goals

Goals are great, but systems are what keep us going after we hit those goals. For instance, if your team wants to improve customer service, don’t just set a goal — create a system where every call starts with a warm greeting and ends with asking if there’s anything else you can do to help. This system ensures that good service becomes a habit, not just a one-time goal.

3. Make Good Habits Obvious and Bad Habits Hard

Clear teaches us to set up our environment to support our good habits and discourage the bad ones. For example, if we want to encourage health, why not place fruit baskets around the office and move the junk food out of easy reach? Make it easy to grab an apple and harder to find those tempting cookies!

4. Embrace Your New Identity

Think about who you want to become, not just what you want to achieve. If you see yourself as a leader who values health, act like one. Maybe you start a lunchtime walking club or lead by example by choosing healthy snacks. Your actions can inspire your whole team to embrace healthier habits.

5. Track Your Progress

What gets measured gets managed. When we track our progress, sticking with our new habits is easier because we can see how far we've come. Set up a fun, visual tracker in the office for goals like "Days Without an Accident" or "Customer Compliments Received." Watching these numbers grow can be super motivating!

6. Pair Habits with Existing Routines (Habit Stacking)

Habit stacking is like sneaking veggies into your spaghetti sauce — it's so easy that you don’t even notice it. If you already have a morning meeting, start it with three minutes of deep breathing to reduce stress. It’s a simple addition that can make a big difference in how everyone feels and performs.

7. Start New Habits in Small Ways (The Two-Minute Rule)

If you want to start a new habit, make the first step something you can do in two minutes or less. Want to read more industry news? Start with one paragraph every morning. These small starts make new habits feel doable rather than daunting.

8. Don’t Let Setbacks Derail You

We all slip up sometimes; what matters is how we respond. If you miss a day of your new habit, don’t stress — just make sure it doesn’t happen two days in a row. Keep the momentum going! Consider developing programs that build resilience and improve your employees' ability to handle setbacks. 

9. The Goldilocks Rule: Not Too Easy, Not Too Hard

Keep tasks challenging enough to stay interesting but not so hard that they’re frustrating. This balance keeps us engaged and improves our skills over time, which is super satisfying.

10. Combine Fun with Necessity (Temptation Bundling)

If you have something to do but aren’t looking forward to it, pair it with something you love. For example, you could listen to your favorite podcast while updating spreadsheets. It would make the task more enjoyable and help the time fly by!

11. Shape Your Environment to Shape Your Habits

Your surroundings have a huge impact on your behavior. Want to encourage creativity? Set up your meeting rooms with inspiring art and lots of natural light. Small environmental tweaks can lead to large behavioral changes.

12. Organize Habit-Building Competitions

Encourage friendly competition by organizing challenges where employees can participate in habit-building activities, such as a 30-day challenge to take regular breaks, hydrate properly, or practice gratitude.

Why Atomic Habits is a Must-Read

Implementing the lessons from Atomic Habits can turn well-being from a goal into a way of life at work. It's about making little changes that add to big improvements in how we feel and perform daily. Let’s take these insights and turn them into action. Here's to building habits that stick and creating a workplace that brings out the best in us all!

Remember, it’s the small steps that lead to big changes. So, what’s one small habit you could start today?